Sunday, December 21, 2008

Spooky Haus, Part 2....

And now for Part 2. I believe we were going upstairs tonight, yes? Follow Freaky Venus...

Up to the top...That's a Kelli Bickman painting she did for me. She calls it "Quiche-cat" I love her work.

To the right, at the top, we have the Bathe. I didn't choose the wallpaper, it was here, but I was pretty tired of re-modeling by the time we got to it, and it wasn't all that bad, so it stayed. At some point tho....

Isn't this the Strangest chair ever? I got it because there surely aren't two in the world. The bath tub is lovely, but useless for bathing. The drain is about halfway up, so it is very shallow, and I do have a hot tub. I may take the plants out and make a pool for Mim, as she loves the water, perhaps with little fishies even.

Here's Venus on the vanity, which is somehow fitting....

There are two bedrooms here in the Spooky Haus, the first, the Forest Room. And we have the added bonus of King Lear and Queen Mab on the bed!

You can see the room has become a little more Bengal oriented lately. They love to climb and sit ont he tree, I may get them another. I'd love one of the TREE cat trees, it would go nicely in the Forest Room, I think...

I call the second Bedroom the Cuddly Bedroom....

It's a cozy place, and makes me happy. It's very much a refuge. Mim sleeps by the heating grate, and Venus with me. The cuddly books are up there too, with the non-fiction in the Romance Room. Nice balance.

No cat tree, but seems like they make do, yes?

And now back downstairs. That's the cover of Maurice and I under the window, a Michael Zulli, always loved that picture, she is so haunted, her and her alligator. And an Underworld poster, signed even. Those two movies have to be two of the best movies EVER.

And now, perhaps we will go outside, so you can see the big picture.

Ooookkkk....Or not. Really, it is much nicer in the spring, truly!!!!!!!

I hope you have enjoyed the Spooky Haus Tour, thank you for coming, and please, come back again soon!

Love and Cozy,


At 3:23 PM , Blogger vampi said...

in that last one, is that the stair case of death or a tobbogan run?

i really do love how even thought the rooms are themed and different, they all flow and really showcas your personality. also catbutt!

At 3:31 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I see tonight's installment continues with yesterday's theme of "cats scattered everywhere".

At 3:32 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I like it. Also admire how you managed to get pics of cats on bookshelves, rather than 'end of car tail as catr disappears from shot' which is what I usually get..

At 3:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Vampi! I wanted a nest that was all about ME. Work is about Boss, performing about the people who come to the show, and I wanted a ME place.

And since House on the Rock was too far away and not for sale...

I know about those stairs! Wide and Steep!

We didn't go to the basement, it's just a Basement, laundry, storage, an oubliette, nothing very interesting, but the stairs are DEADLY, very steep, built way before code. I want a circle stair down there, at some point.

At 3:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, yes, they follow me everywhere. Can't keep them out of the shots. There really are only the five tho, not so many.


Marjorie, you just need to take a LOT of pics to get one right. I have LOTS of butt and tail shots...

At 3:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Not only your house- but all your furniture is beautiful Q. I now have a serious case of furniture lust.

And would you look at all that snow!

At 3:50 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I have to admit, the Stairs of Death make me want to take a toboggan to them.

You have a wonderful house Lorraine.

It's you. All you.

(The Bengals let me say that. Wasn't that nice of them?)

At 3:57 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Have to share this, by a friend of a friend... The Christmas Pig

At 3:58 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Beez, you're right - those stairs would make a brilliant little toboggan run!

At 3:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I buy small pieces in a small town and get great deals, those of you in the Cities would weep.

Jess, it's magnets on the fridge, not the insides, hee-hee.....They were teasing me as mine are all arranged, and in order...

The Bengals let me think it is all me, but really they know that I set it up for THEM. I want Hans to build me a cat run around the sun room. Maybe the Forest room too, way high up by the ceiling so they can do serious prowling.....

At 4:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

ACK! Sally, I hate pigs!!!!!

But it was cute.

The stairs, would make a good toboggan run, tho if it was warmer one could say the same about the front steps. Or is that what you were talking about???

At 4:03 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hmmm, I meant the front steps. All that snow you see, with the steepness.

At 4:09 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Sorry to leave for so long... My BFF showed up unexpectedly. :-D

Love your house Lorraine, and I love Mim ( at least I think it's Mim - on the bookshelf - right?) Her little face is so expressive.

Vampi - you are so good at the Flickr stuff! I'm happy to just get pictures to stick there! (Love the Mind the Gap magnets.)

I just cleaned off my fridge because family was here. Now it's too boring to post. :-D

At 4:37 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

You have an awesome, awesome selection of books.

At 5:08 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I'd be interested in seeing everyone's creative workspaces!

At 5:16 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Although, now that I think about it, maybe that's too personal.

I just laugh at my space because there was NO room in my house. I ended up using a doorway... You'd be surprised at what I have managed to squeeze in here!

At 5:19 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i have not creative work space due to the car in my dining/living room. (boy mucked his car up and needs to go to a repair shop but found bumpers on the interweb)

also the whole kitchen not in kitchen thing is killing me. my stuff is all in big plastic bins.

i used to scrapbook, but i can't really. i paint wooden ornaments, but i've been doing that from my bed for lack of a table.

if i wasn't so embarrassed of the clutter i'd totally take a picture to share. i am curious about working in a doorway, is the doorway still functional?

At 5:28 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

No. I can move my stuff if there's a fire though. :-D

When I started, it was just a simple table. Then I needed music, and books, and art....

I'll see if I can back up enough to take a picture. :-D

At 5:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Spooky Haus is absolutely charming. And the cuddly room looks exactly that! An excellent place to curl up.

Ticia- I hope you can get a picture. I'm curious!

At 5:46 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Workspace here, with latest Fiendish additions.

Right now, though, I have to do some stuff in that workspace, but hopefully only 15-20 minutes of work...

At 5:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That was Mim on the bookshelf, indeed. Books are important, as fiends know, I don't feel like I have many, but compared to Boss, most libraries don't....

Just hd a long talk with The Cat Coach about Le Leopard, she gave me some good ideas for him. He's going to get a BIG water his with floatie things to play with, since he loves water so...Also some cleaned off shelves for climbing, and a very gradual raising of his blanket...

I still believe in this guy. He needs a name , Hera sent me some cool ones, but they weren't quite right...

At 5:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mistress! Very cool. I like the Grendal pic best tho....

At 5:54 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Argh! So... last time I cleaned my studio, where do you suppose I put the drill? I found not one but two drill cases... empty. No drill in sight.

At 5:58 PM , Blogger vampi said...

in the freezer? i always find something odd in the freezer.

At 6:14 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oddly, the drill was somewhere that is a reasonable approximation of where it belongs. I looked in all the odd places I'm likely to leave it first, instead of where it ought to be.

That's what I get for putting stuff away!

At 6:16 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I LOVE the Quiche Cat.

I mean, I loved the rest of it too, but I REALLY love the Quiche Cat.

At 6:17 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Phiala - I envy your space! And I am SO with you on the lack of drills in the case....

Here is a link to my flickr pics... and there is a bonus Bengal Bee picture too! (my two girls)

At 6:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your house, Q. It is beautiful and fun and cozy and relaxed. Very much a reflection of you!! Thank you so much for sharing...

At 6:27 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Ticia, I'm very lucky to have an entire room to work in! But it still isn't big enough for everything I want to do there, as I also run a small business out of that room, and need to store inventory and supplies, and still have enough room to work. I know, whine whine whine. :)

At 6:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

i'm glad you all like it, and many thanks!

I've been thinking all night about ways to make le leopards room better, Slowly of course....

At 6:37 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

No, you're not really whining... Your little room is wearing a lot a hats!

And thank you for sharing.

Lorraine, thank you for sharing your wonderful little nest too... You are lucky, every room is stamped with creativity.

At 6:38 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

a lot a hats??? Who AM I? hahaha

I meant to say "a lot OF hats".

At 6:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phiala, Ticia, your spaces look like a lot of fun to work in. I especially like the art you have up, Ticia. Very cool.

I don't have a set space, just a little table in the living room for my computer and an armchair in my bedroom for writing. Jewelry-making and collaging are done in the middle of the living room floor.

My poor roommates...

Lorraine, I think you should put up some of those long shelves, way up by the ceiling for the cats to run on. I forget what those are called. Can you imagine? Then they'd really be everywhere.

At 7:10 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Thanks El - I needed a space away from my family... I'm basically in my bathroom! There's a door on my left to keep them out. But my "office" is my bathroom!

I love the art by Kerri Judd (the mermaids) and I wish I knew who the artist was for the Mad Hatter on roller skates was....

At 7:16 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

aahhh.. found him....

At 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool, Ticia! I'm torn between pleased and upset because now I'm going to spend too much money. Hah!

I know what you mean about getting away from family. Sometimes it doesn't matter how big the space is as long as it's all YOURS and no one can bother you there.

At 7:28 PM , Blogger Ticia said...


At 7:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I so had the idea tonight for Hans to make me some of those! All around up near the ceiling, little Bengal runs!!!!!!

At 7:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Great minds(fiends?) think alike! I see them lurking, lurking up in the rafters, waiting to pounce...

At 7:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Me too! Just another Adventure waiting to happen!

At 7:58 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Only you Lorraine, another adventure indeed! I can't even imagine the havoc if they could reach everything (and everyone)in the house...! ;-)

At 8:01 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Thanks for the house tour! It is a great house and is very much "you".

Fiends doing interesting things with doorways and rooms and magnets. Love it.

I was only outside for a short time today. It was cold but as we like to say here "it could have been worse". There was not much wind and the sun was out. Yay!

But now it is night and dark. I think of the ancestors -- dealing with this time of year before electric lights and modern furnaces. It is no surprise that marking the return to light was a Big Deal!

I have to write boring writing before bed. I'd rather not, but such is life.

At 8:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think I want to call my Leopard, Magic.

Seems fitting, this being sort of a magic night and me being with him today, and talking about him, and fixing his room and all...

Maybe now he has a name he will feel better...

At 8:35 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Magic sounds good. Short and to the point.

Magic Leopard Cat for long.

At 8:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very much looking forward to the returning light myself, Aleta.

Magic is an excellent name, Lorraine. It's a close and holy sort of night tonight.

Say, fiends, speaking of rooms. Do you all have a favorite room? Not necessarily in your own house. I've been considering this since the first Spooky Haus post and I want to know what others think.

At 8:45 PM , Blogger vampi said...

magic is a spectacular name for your leopard. it's short, but has a nice ring, and can mean so many things.

At 8:53 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Magic sounds like an excellent name!

My favorite room is my bedroom...

At 9:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It is a special night. Magic.

And a new beginning for him. We shall see.

Hard to pick a favorite room..I love my Pub in Stillwater, such a cozy safe and magic place, I love being in my office at Boss's, make alot of things happen there, and I love being in the stable, with the horses.

In my own house, I when I first moved in, I lived in the sunroom, with a mattress on the floor. I loved that. May ditch the couches yet, been thinking about it, and get some sort of mattress or platform or futon or something for it.

At 9:03 PM , Blogger vampi said...

quilty brainz not sure how spicy they are...

At 9:09 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Marjorie! Is that your brain quilt on Boing Boing????

At 9:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad for you and Magic, Lorraine. :)

It is hard to pick just one room. My current living room is up at the top, and the porch at my parent's house.

I think anywhere with comfy chairs and a lot of sun might be my favorite room.

I would go with a day-bed for the sunroom. They tend to be more comfortable than futons, and you can get a cool wrought-iron one and pile on the pillows. And if there's a trundle underneath, that's extra sleeping space!

The brains are amazing! I would not be surprised at all if a fiend were responsible for them.

And now, I'm off to bed. Night all!

At 9:17 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Good idea, but it needs to be on the floor, for some odd reason. I am getting a floor thing for Magic's room, so I can work in there and sleep there sometimes...

Music too.

I am going to find him.

At 9:17 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Night El! I would also like to add that vacation hotel rooms are my favorite rooms... All the promise of relaxation and adventure....

At 9:29 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

So, call me clueless, but I am watching Top Chef and just learned Chantrelle is a MUSHROOM, and Chantrelle HERE hunts mushrooms and runs and call me kooky but I think there is a CONNECTION....

A little slow on the uptake...

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Hahaha! You are SO cute.

At 9:47 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Did you go riding today? I know you dug your car out, but not if you actually went anywhere.

At 9:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No riding, it was just too cold, even the heated area wasn't warm enough, sadly.

Tonight, as of now it is -15 with a windchill of -30.

In laymans terms COLD!

I did have a lovely day off here tho, lots of Bengal time, lots of things that needed doing around the house getting done...Just went into see Magic, for some reason his room is cold, may need to get a heater for it...

I think the furnace may shut down when I run the fire, so I will have to watch that, perhaps close the sunroom doors...

At 10:04 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I don't think I could survive there. I get frost here and the temps. drop to the 30's, but that's it.

I hear all the fiends talking about the extreme weather you have and it makes my jaw drop.

I never have to worry that making a fire will shut off the heating for the rest of the house.

Snow looks pretty, but I wouldn't want to live there!

At 10:18 PM , Blogger Na said...

Thanks for the house tour, Lorraine! It looks like Home.

I love that the cats follow you around. Some friends and family asked me to do a photo tour like this. I did it but haven't posted it for them yet. But my kids followed me around and show up in nearly every shot I took.

I would like to share my fridge magnets, but not sure how to link just a pic, so put it up on my facebook page, if anyone happens by there. My favorites are a twinned quartz crystal, and LotR characters. Frodo needs some help at the moment.

Have made an evening of catching up with reading posts and comments here. Always a great read. :)

At 10:21 PM , Blogger Na said...

Hey, people still up!

Just realized I shouldn't say "good read", perhaps, as that seems to conotate lurking.

Better to say...
Always a great conversation going on 'round here.

Ticia, these temps make my jaw drop, too, but then I have to shut it fast before my tongue freezes. ;)

Magic. How cool for a leopard name!

At 10:32 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I think I'm winning the most untidy fridge magnets non-competition!

At 10:34 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh, it's taken me a long time to catch up. More lovely photos of Spooky Haus. :)

Interesting refrigerator's, fellow Fiends. So...pristine. ;) Maybe I'll take a picture of mine.

Made whole wheat hazelnut shortbread today. Tomorrow it's sugarplums and fruitcake cookies.

At 10:40 PM , Blogger Na said...

Sally, I thought your magnets were very tidy! And mine are so sparse because we recently moved, and a large number of ours I gave away, just kept my favorites.

ariandalen, you sound ambitious with the baking. Enjoy! Baking things always feels so life-afirming, especially yeasty breads.

At 10:43 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Na- you tickle me.

We NEED your fridge pics Ariandalen! Your obvious glee intrigues me.

And Sally - the only reason my fridge is too boring to show is I had family coming so I ditched the clutter!

Alright! I MUST go to bed. I drive this week, so I must be rested.


At 10:50 PM , Blogger Na said...

'Night all. I am driving, too. And Jess, I think it was you, worried about rabble reading this... totally get that.

"Here comes the sun... du du du-du.. and I say, it's all right!"

At 10:52 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hihi, those front steps with snow feels familiar. You did not show us the little fairy shed.
(the picture I took should still be in your computer)

At 10:53 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And crumbs, zut, flute, forgot to tick the email box...
Need tead.

At 10:55 PM , Blogger vampi said...

na, to post pictures from facebook, go to the picture page and near the bottom should be "Show people this photo by sending them this public link:" and then the link address. then you can use the < a href="linkcom">link name< /a> removing the spaces after the < but keeping the space between a href

i quite like the lotr magnets.

At 11:01 PM , Blogger vampi said...

oi, livejournal says
that today is haiku day
don't you guys haiku?

(i suck)

At 11:03 PM , Blogger Na said...

hey vampi - many thanks! i'll work on that tomorrow. i'm too tired even for correct punctuation... mrfle mrfle... must sle.....zzzzzzzzz

At 11:07 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Picture will have to wait until tomorrow. I need to go to bed, as evidenced by typing "refrigerator's" instead of "refrigerators." ::rolling eyes::

Na, fruitcake cookies don't use yeast. The recipe I use was originally in the Kerens Presbyterian Church Women's Sunday School Class cookbook published in the 1940s or 1950s. I grew up with it, never made it myself until after Mom died and I started poking around in her cookbooks. I was very happy to find it, even if it does make seven to nine dozen cookies.

The sugarplums aren't baked at all.

At 11:10 PM , Blogger Na said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:15 PM , Blogger Na said...

hey ariandalen - i guess the yeasty bread thing was random association on my part. :) happy food-making! sounds like a neat cookbook, too. My grandmother left me her recipe box, which, her being a midwesterner, largely comprises recipes for "salads" that all contain either jello or mayonnaise.

At 11:20 PM , Blogger Na said...

Just realized I'd put up a pic with possibly info not good for public perusal, so trying this again...

my fridge

thanks again, vampi, and other tech-savvy fiends.

oof. to sleep! to sleep...

At 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fixed my computer, yay! Lots of catching up too.

Love seeing the pictures of the Spooky Haus (with assorted cats, of course;) The romance room is especially pretty. And WHOA you weren't kidding about the porch steps being the Steps of Doom. An oubliette in the basement?? LOL

I should try to get a picture of my multitudinous magnets..not sure if I can get far enough away for the camera to focus though (TINY kitchen). I'll give it a go though.

Jess I love that picture of the morris dancers "menacing" a child..her expression is priceless.

A very belated Happy Firbday to Ariandalen.

And a Happy Solstice to all.:)

At 11:40 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Ticia, no, it's not me who made the
brain quilt on Boing Boing, but isn't it fantastic? I think my namesake must be a secret fiend!

I'm not a quilter. My mum does patchwork & quilting (although not artquilts) and I have pointed her at Stacy's blog as I think she'll be interested, but I've never done any myself

At 12:59 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Well, I killed that thread, didn't I?

Meant to say, Q, love the cddly bedroom, esp. that couch you have in the window..

All in all it's a lovely house, and so you;-)

At 2:44 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I love these guys

At 6:06 AM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Thanks for the Spooky Haus tour - I'm quite grateful not to have Steps of Doom, though I still have Victorian architecture envy.

Magic is a perfect name! You don't always see him, but you know he's there.

Phiala has a cousin of my desk! Inspired by her pic, I took one of my own which is here . Anyone else want to play? Open that pic and take a photo of your desk showing the photo of my photo showing Phiala's photo (and so on). We could get a chain of Fiend Desks going.

Alas, I can't join in with refrigerator magnet fun since ours has wood doors.

At 6:19 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Wow, Maureen! Love the desk! :)

It was so cold this morning that I couldn't drive to work, and had to walk instead.

No really: my car door was frozen and wouldn't shut.

At 6:22 AM , Blogger louisa said...

You have an Underworld poster????? Excuse me while I go sit in a corner and be very very very jealous.

At 6:57 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

I felt like I was there! Fun~!

I especially loved the plants in the tub. Those old tubs are beautiful, but not terribly convenient sometimes. However, you've put it to good use.

The jungle room was great. Very interesting and cozy at the same time. Well done!

As for the snow, ugh. No more snow. Please. .... At least for a few weeks.

We had 18 inches in Boston this weekend. It started as light fluffy snow midday on Friday. Then it sleeted. Then it rained. Then it snowed again. Then the temp dropped like a hammer from 32 to 21 and froze everything within what seemed like half an hour. Then it snowed again. All of this without stopping until Sunday night.

This mornig my town (Marblehead) is encased in ice. So, I asked Santa for a pickaxe for Christmas this year.

Heck, even coal would be welcomed. At least I could burn it to keep warm. ;-)

Happy Winter Holiday, L. Thanks again for the photo tour. It was great.

At 7:16 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I do have an Underworld poster. Three actually. Only the one is all signed, the other two are in the basement, I can them my Laundry Vampires, I have to go do laundry to see them...

Such horrid weather going on this winter. Looks like the east got the worst of it, ugh.

We are meant to be getting more, and the advisories are going up, but there has been a whole lot of "Cry Wolf " this week and I am not buying it.

It is pretty freaking cold tho.

At 7:17 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Do you have any heat Erin, I am sorry, I didn't even extend my sympathies!

Mistress, I am hoping you didn't live FAR from work, door won't shut????

At 7:21 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


-14 and a -32 windchill. NOT nice. Not at all.

At 7:29 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

It's a 2-mile walk; long enough to freeze if it were as cold here as there!

Happily it was only 2F with wind chills of -5 or so, easily manageable with proper clothing.

It's supposed to thaw out tomorrow, so I can get the ice out of my car latch.

At 7:32 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, doable, Mistress, if dressed right but perhaps not fun.

Not sure one could dress enough here for it, the my Narnia Wardrobe coat helps.

At 8:17 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Awesome! I'm digging the Spookyhaüs Tour! ;) And the comments, too.

Threw my 7th annual Yule party yesterday, and it rocked. We lit stuff on fire (duh), drank a lot of cider and beer, and I have pine branches everywhere. Even on my stairs. I'll take photos when I get home. ;)

At 8:18 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

We do have heat, but it's an old 17th century house that loses heat fairly easily. So, we were burning wood in the fireplace as well as using the oil heat.

I really shouldn't complain though. There are still thousands of people without power in western Mass and New Hampshire.

Oh, and I love the Underworld poster. Very nice!

I heard that they're coming out with prequel for the series. :-)

I love me my vampyr movies!

At 10:07 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

wow erin, hope you're able to stay warm -we are up to 36 inches of snow, but we haven't had the ice in between - very dangerous. we are predicted to get another big storm tomorrow, and unfortunately, they have so far been right on target. Phiala, that's a long walk in the cold, how frustrating - don't they have little pics that run on batteries for frozen locks? seems like i saw that once..and val your party sounds like way too much fun - can't wait to see the pics! Lorraine your house is lovely - the stairwell is great - my daughter used to sleep over at a house with a steep stair like that - her and her friend would slide down the steps in their sleeping bags - bang up their bums a bit, but great fun! i took a few pics of my house studio space, i am lucky to have two adjoining rooms, and will put them up on facebook as soon as i am done typing!

At 11:30 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Q your house is wonderful! I have to admit...I'm even a little jealous of it. Which is saying a lot, I have lovely big apartment, full of fun things that are all Mine! =)

And from Friday-I felt very special at Charlie's it really was like my own private Paul and Lorraine concert. I was sad that I was waaaay too tired to stay until you guys left. I really enjoyed the different feel to it, and the trying of new things. (Not like I don't enjoy your normal shows.)

At 11:33 AM , Blogger EmilyOliveP said...

I do so hope to attend a concert someday soon. If only there were an easier way for me to get to MN. I WILL, of course; I just don't know when!

At 1:19 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Unmasked Fiend - I'd wait until summer to visit.
I am shivering reading how cold it is where the Fiends are. Your weather has even been a highlight of our TV news here, which says something. Brrrrrr.
Mistress - seriously - a frozen door. Wow.

At 1:29 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Sally, I have to laugh at you, but just a teeny bit, and only because I'm slightly jealous that you don't know this... frozen car doors aren't that unusual - the snow melts, and runs in, then refreezes. But usually the door won't open, but mine won't shut.

The wind isn't blowing as hard, but I'm not particularly looking forward to the walk home in the cold night.

Please note: I walk to work very nearly all the time, so the length isn't a problem, nor is the darkness, as this is a very safe town. I don't want any Fiends to worry. :)

At 1:33 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I didn't know doors could freeze, either. This whole 'freezing' thing, it's new.

So speaking of houses -- apparently jackhammers have been taken to my kitchen today, to try to find a leak under the slab. This is going to be fun. I'm trying to think positively, but I did not particularly want to spend my days off listening to jackhammering and construction (or without water). I really wanted peace and quiet, which might not happen. Awesome.

At 1:40 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Okay, I know none of you care, or possibly even understand, but Fods!!

If you spend THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS on satellite imagery, isn't it reasonable to expect that the pictures are closer than 400 METERS of where they are supposed to be???

Expected error is 15 meters, and I can deal with that. 400 meters means that the entire farm is somewhere else.

Sheeeeeesh. I am not supposed to be spending the afternoon fixing someone else's expensive mistakes.

At 1:54 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Yeah, 400 is a lot. That's not cool.

At 1:57 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

I still find it mind-boggling that satellite imagery exists AT ALL to be honest, but then I don't work with it every day :)

At 2:23 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Val - that is not a good way to have to spend a day. Jackhammers make an evil noise.

Mistress, once again you are making me glad I don't live in such a cold place

At 2:31 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Sally, you should take a look at my blog ...

At 2:31 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, don't get me wrong - the mere existence of satellite imagery (and all the other high-tech tools I use) is just amazing. I'm not complaining about the pretty pictures; I'm complaining about the large contract that wasn't filled as I expected.

Sally, what? Frozen cars don't sound appealing? And I don't even live in a cold enough climate to have to plug my car in...

At 2:36 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Y'know, all you two are doing is making me glad I am here and it is summer (although you wouldn't believe it looking outside right now...its still a hell of a lot warmer than where you are)

At 2:41 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Sally - just to join the fun, the high today was 7 Farenheit, there are about 18 inches of snow on the ground AND we won't even go into how much colder the wind makes it feel. Not as bad as the Minneapolis Fiends I know but still, DANG

At 2:43 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

It's good to appreciate where you are. :)

Even if that is 420 meters away from where you were supposed to be...

At 2:45 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

It is indeed good to appreciate your whereabouts. Unfortunately, I don't really like Rhode Island.

At 2:53 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

And yet... despite the frigid temps of the weekend through today, by Wednesday it is supposed to be 45F and raining.

I think I should give up and go home... I'm starting to reverse addition and subtraction...

At 3:08 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh... drat... apparently we have a houseguest tonight. Guess I will indeed be going home now.

At 3:45 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Dear mistress- speaking from practical experience, lock like that are what blow dryers and extension cords were invented for.

More snow tonight! Not as much as Sue's, but it doesn't stop.

I had to wait for someone to let me in at work this morning (new spot during U. break) and he ran late due to bad traffic. -8 and I'm locked out.

Must remember to wear (or at least bring) gloves. D'oh!

At 3:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My car windows were all frozen up this morning, and the gas door thingie was frozen shut. Fortunately Hans was working.

Hans, by the way is here now, putting up (Hopefully ) Bengal Proof Curtain Rods. Venus DOES NOT APPROVE and won't come out for some time.

He shoveled the walk and the steps of doom, too! I love that man. I mean, in, like a pure way.

We talked about the screen porch I am putting in too, in the spring, so the Bengals can have outside time...

At 3:51 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Love the pix!!! Seems like a very nice place to come home to.

Frozen doors suck. When one is pouring the last of the vodka on the lock and kicking the sh** out of door trying to "break the seal", well it's not so attractive.

I didn't get to the latkes last night as my wake up time was 5 AM today. It will be 5 AM tomorrow as well so I am thinking the latkes will be a Wednesday thing. Best thing about an 8 day holiday is that I can procrastinate for 7 days. :)

It's really funny to me that when I read the "favorite room" question my first thoughts were of pubs and hotels and I was not alone. I like my new apartment but I really like a place with room service. Or a place with friends, food and drink. Or friends, food, drink, room service and a hot tub...

At 3:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Gloves are your friend, Beez, I need some too! My hands hurt SO badly after the Car Adventure this morning.

Yes, snow tonight, but I will believe it when I see it, hasn't panned out to be so much so far....

At 3:52 PM , Blogger Beez said...

You haz a Merry Housekeeper -and- a Hans.

jealous sigh

At 3:52 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh, and I LOVE the brain quilt.

And I think "Magic" is perfect!

At 3:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Vodka??? Who knew. I had best stick to de-icer, lest people get the wrong idea about what I am doing with it, hee-hee.

"No, really, I am not drinking it, it's for my DOOR...."

I agree about room service. That is the BEST. The food is rarely all that great, but who cares when someone brings it to you and cleans up after?

At 3:56 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

A Merry Housekeeper, A Hans and a Spooky Daughter! (Spooky Daughter does my bi-weekly clean, she is NUTS over bathrooms, cleanest room in the house)

And I need them all badly.

At 3:56 PM , Blogger Beez said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 3:59 PM , Blogger Beez said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4:04 PM , Blogger Beez said...

kittehs of DOOM

At 4:21 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

beez, be careful outside - one needs one's hands one does... ha, the kitty link was funny - now it all becomes clear, and here i thought shmitty loved me....(yes we have a kitty too, she does pretty good with the dogs, and a cockatiel that despises me - these are inherited pets from college age daughters) since there is a massive storm watch for tomorrow, the grocery store was absolutely insane today, and is actually starting to look bare. one good thing about college age daughters is you send them out to the store for you! bwahahaha but we plowed and shoveled today so if more comes tomorrow it won't be so impossible to clear. did i mention i hate snow? when is it spring? can i come live with you sally?

At 4:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That is REALLY funny....

At 4:31 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I scanned as many comments as I could but when i'm gone for 2 days, i just can't catch up!

I see i was mentioned...yep, chanterelle is a yummy mushroom (i spelled it wrong when i set up the site and decided to just stick w/ the typo!). It was the most porn-sounding food name i could come up with :D Sounds like a stripper, yes?

Love the haus tour!

We spent the weekend inSan Francisco and got stuck in horrid traffic all the way home but still decided to take the detour of the holiday lights tour in this big park. It took AN HOUR just to get to the entrance. I decided to get some chocolate out of the back to eat as a reward once we hit the entrance and proceeded to drop a magnum of Vieux Telegraph wonderful wine out of the back of the car...ugh. That ended up being an expensive box of chocolates i fetched! We decided it was a sacrifice to the solstice gods/goddesses. That's how hubby made me feel better about it!

The smores bites we had upon entrance to the huge waste of power light display were good though.
(you can get them from Recchiuti Chocolates...the best chocolate on teh planet as far as i'm concerned.

This has become a novel, i have a christmas menu to write!

At 4:38 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

OMG, now I know the truth about Tysie's intentions

At 4:48 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

ivenotime - three FEET of snow? Oh. My. That made me claustrophobic just to read that.

Phiala - I used to have a Buick that would regularly have the door freeze open, even with the least little water and just a tad below freezing. I'd be very unhappy with the satellite people too. Perhaps when you send them a check you could move the decimal point over so it's 32.00 and not 32,000... margin of error and all that ;-)

Sign that I don't do cold well: I saw 58 as the high for later this week and had an attack of manic celebrating to the point of making the dogs bark. They'll be happy when it's above freezing so they can go out again. 4 pounds of short-haired dog = pupsicle when it's cold.

We're getting ice tomorrow, but rain right behind it so it shouldn't be too bad (knocking wood).

At 5:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pupsicle--please forgive me for laughing at your little sweeties. I'm sure it isn't NEARLY as funny to them.

Phiala--WHAT!!! 400 METERS!! When I request overhead imagery, I expect absolutely no more than five meters plus/minus. And we're cranky if we get that! Holy Chao. I vote w/the "margin of error" payment plan :) Or tell them it is "NOT good enough for government work" hehehehe

Ivenotime: 36 inches of snow? So that's how the Snow Gnomes get from yard to yard invisibly..... Hey, that link you asked for is in previous Lorraine post, I think.. Do you you have pics you can link to of some of your work? That aren't on Facebook? I am a Facebook holdout....I resent having to register, not to mention the ways my local internet service manages to squirrel up such things....

Lorraine: More Minnesota Memories!! Todd getting cranky at me for locking car doors, that first winter after I moved from California "because we don't need to do that here, Lys, and more importantly IT WILL FREEZE THAT WAY!!"
Plus that photo of your steps down, covered w/snow... flashback: I don't remember whose housewarming party, but leaving it on a snowy icy night...some of us well warmed w/something (perhaps Schnapps) and sliding down the stairs one right after another until there were three or four of us horizontal on the sidewalk. Benefit? The Northern Lights had come out to play, and since we were all looking up...well...
That was the only time I ever saw them.

Of course, I don't really drink Schnapps any more, though. :)

Solstice is a great occasion for naming.
Blessings on the Magic

At 5:28 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

For Facebook Fiends, you should go check out the shoes M got for Channukah. He picked them out. :)

At 5:33 PM , Blogger Beez said...


Maybe schnapps? Lys, that reminds me of one of my most-ever treasured Christmas/Solstice gifts I ever got.

My then-love lived in the Holzerman building on the West Bank, and the back was all deck and fairly steep wooden stairs (which I was prone to slipping on and then -down-, no schnapps required). He got me a pair of very very good boots with deep heavy treads, so I would stop falling on my a** coming and going from his place.

He was a honey. *waxes sentimental*

Not a bad way to see the Northern Lights though. I somehow picture you guys laying there giggling and going "oooh! aaah!"

At 5:34 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Lys, I held out on the Facebook thing for a while too. It is convenient to have so many friends in one place. So I gave in.

And I am not envious of the falling down the stairs but I have never seen the Northern Lights and really want to!

At 5:35 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Gayle, M has very good taste. Yahhr!

At 5:43 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

He likes things that are shiny, pink, glittery and skeletal. His favorite thing of mine is a rhinestone encrusted skull.

At 5:46 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Thanks so much for the link, Beez. That was a marvelous laugh.

At 5:51 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Recchiuti, mmm...

At 5:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Nice stories there! The Northern lights are well worth just about anything. I've seen them lots, just have to know when to look, and be out of the city, their magic never fails to awe me....Late is best, after midnight. Mid-summer and mid-winter.

Working on the new post, pics of Selena Kyle from Cat!!!!!!!

At 5:57 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Too many people must be on Facebook right now, I can't get to look at your photos more closely Gayle...but on the little pic the shows look awesome.
M is definately a mini Fiend

At 5:58 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Okay, now I might visit Minnesota in winter if I can see the Northern Lights.

Lys, that is such a classic story.

At 6:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Who wants to be first?

New post is up.....

At 6:06 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

There's already comments - Fiends are nothing if not efficient finders of new posts. :)

Lys, it's Landsat, so 30m resolution - 15 meters would be very good, 10-15 _pixels_ off is just ridiculous.

At 12:35 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

But Lys would get spoiled with defense resolutions...
For civilian matters 15 meters is good. 400 is just not acceptable.

At 3:36 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I've worked with defense imagery, actually - it arrived as a pile of CDs with 1-meter images and dates. No information on platform, original resolution, processing done... just pictures. :)

I could make a static map with skulls, but not easily one with people's names on it. I think; I'll check whether there's an export feature.

At 8:38 AM , Blogger vampi said...

for a static map, well at least one that doesn't flicker, you could use google maps. it has a my maps feature.


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