Monday, December 22, 2008

Mostly Starring Selena Kylie!

Cat has taken some time away from her 100's of mailing tubes and prints to send us some pictures of Selena Kylie in her new home, with her new friend Batman, but first, I thought you might like some Merry Holiday wishes from Hera and Brjann....

THAT is my kind of Holiday Kitty!

When I accidentally adopted the Kitty known now as Selena Kylie, I knew she had to go home with me. She knew she had to go home with me. For the life of me tho, I had no idea why. Sure didn't NEED another kitty, not with all these Bengals running around, but there was something really special about Kylie.

When Cat came a few weeks later I found out what it was. She fell in love. Totally and completely. We went back and forth for a few weeks, her not wanting to take my Kitty, and me not sure I wanted her to go, but knowing she would be. In the end, of course, she did.

It was funny, as I think Kylie knew too. When Cat came back a few weeks later, she stayed at the Spooky House, and from that moment, Kylie sure wasn't about me. She knew she was going to LA to live in the Treehouse and help with the merch. She was ready.

We worried a bit about how Crusty Old Batman, the Kitty who came from an LA shelter and hid for months before coming out, and even at that point had contact only on his terms. Worried needlessly. Batman was besotted. Totally and instantly. As Cat put it "He walks around with little cartoon hearts popping in and out all around him" He is like a kitten again, playing for hours with her, following her around, letting her eat from his bowl, and sleeping with her n the bed at night.

Sometimes, you can get so happy knowing you have done something so right and perfect. I feel pretty much like I just played a part in something that needed to happen, was meant to happen. Had to happen. Batman has the life Cat always wanted for him. Kylie is loving the Treehouse and sunshine. And my friend Cat now has two friends who talk to her constantly while helping as much as they can.

On another note, Dr Score has been helping me with Magic (if you missed that, Le Leopard finally got his name on the Solstice) We have been looking into his past, trying to figure out what went wrong, that he is so hurt today, and hopefully, how we can help him.

This photo of him as a kitten, sadly, does a long way to explaining a lot of things...

Love and Happy Cats,


At 6:02 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

That would be the look on Tysie's face if I dressed her as a bunny...except I wouldn't get a photo, I'd be tending to my scratches.

The Kylie and Batman romance is so perfect. They look so right together.

At 6:05 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Fods, that poor cat!

Kylie looks so happy - you all did the perfect thing. After all, she looks almost as happy as Morgan does right now as he sits on my arms and purrs while I try to type. :)

I packed Nick and the houseguest off to have dinner, and have the house to myself for a bit (highly unusual). Morgan is taking full advantage!

At 6:10 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well, the tree house kitties of Cat look VERY happy. Good show!

And the pink bunny suit is surely the cause of the majority of Magic's troubles. Good to know the foundation.

At 6:11 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK. Gotta wash something. Too cold for naked. Hopefully be back in a bit. You Fiends give me strength!!

At 6:19 PM , Blogger Dean said...

He is like a kitten again, playing for hours with her, following her around, letting her eat from his bowl, and sleeping with her in the bed at night.

So, just like the DC Comics Batman and Selina Kyle! :)

At 6:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what great pictures of Kylie helping Miss Kitty with her work! :-) And the one of Batman and Kylie together is so incredibly sweet. I am smiling with joy.

And then feeling so sad for Magic's past life. What a blessing he found you, Fablo. Or you found him. He needs your love, even if he hasn't figured out how to receive it yet. In my mind, I see the imagine of trying to pour tea without a cup to hold it -- evenutally you will build the cup. I've NO doubt.

At 6:48 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Wonderful cat tales!

Wow. Dr. Score is quite the detective. Who knew. ;-)

I turned in a paper today that I have been agonizing over for longer than you could imagine. It may come back to me with "your joking right, rewrite this" scrawled across it but honestly I feel so happy to have actually sent it off. Wee!

This means that tomorrow during my daily writing I can be allowed to work on fiction. Fun Frolicie Fiction! wOOt!

At 6:48 PM , Blogger Beez said...

*slowly recovers from gales of laughter*

no, really...tee hee....*chortle*....

Poor Magic. And Paul thought -he- was Scored For Life.

Kylie and Batman. Love, twoo love.

At 6:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That's the thing isn't it? She looks SO happy, and so does he. Perfect.

Mistress, I know that ALONE feeling, and it is perfect. A friend of mine told me once when ever she got Alone Time in the house she would jump up and down on the beds singing "I'm alone, I'm alone!"

Good luck on the Laundry, Gayle, naked is good for a lot of things, but not perhaps outside...

Dean, you got it in one! Too true...

Grace, that's really a lovely image, I am going to keep that one in my head. I will reach Magic, I know I can. How anyone could have done this to such a Cat is far beyond me, all he needed was love and a safe place....

Aleta, way to go! AT any rate, it is done. Boss says "Write something, finish it, and then write something else"

Beez, you make me laugh, Scored for life indeed! Twwwooo love!

(uh, you do all know the kitten in the last picture is NOT Magic, but photoshop, she says worriedly....)

At 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Yes, it is hilarious. But my comments on Magic are from what you've posted in the past, not from the very funny goofball picture. Seriously, you would have to drug a regular basic housecat to the gills to even GET them into a bunny suit! An F1? Never!!)

At 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


If it had been anyone but you, my dear, the first accusatory words out of my mouth would have been "Adobe Abuse!!"

But I've learned to wait .....

well, that's a relief!

Just call me gullible :)

At 7:11 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

What a great post, Quiche, thanks buddy!
I went to the post office again this evening
and am seeing the light. With Drew helping, it is moving faster.
Magic! is his last name Castle? or Trick?
i love him and read somewhere that you should beam love and good thoughts into your cat's head. That sounds so goofy, but so fun to do. I have been doing that with Batty for years, but he still has that worried look, like something really bad might happen at any time. I always tell him he won the Kitty Lottery when he got me for a mom.

Kylie, she just chased, trapped, killed and ATE a big spider while we were all dancing around her, saying oh no, please don't, that could be someone important you are snacking on. Did she listen? nope.

At 7:12 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Waiting for jeans to dry and then going to bed. I work tomorrow but then have 5 days off. I am really looking forward to spending quality time with M and unpacking the rest of the boxes. I can't wait to walk in here and feel settled. Plus, then I can have a party! :)

Good night all. Let's hope for an easy commute in the AM!

At 7:17 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

That advice from your Boss. (So simple and so difficult!) It's one of the things that kept me coming back to his blog. Which has in turn lead to many amazing encounters which have included good music, great photography, more good music, lovely fiends and a number of poppets. I really like this particular rabbit hole!

At 7:19 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Good Night Gayle! That is way too early in the morning and I do send you good wishes for an easy commute.

Kitty I love the idea of beaming the thoughts of love into the cats head. Both of those kitties have won the Kitty Lottery I think!

At 7:24 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

well no; now that you mention it, I shouldn't be here. BUT; having seen the smiling, adorable Kylie I couldn't stay away if the keyboard were on fire! I've never seen a more happy couple, happy lounging in sun; happy face kitty ever! my goodness what a great thing you did. I'm ferklempt. Congrats! Now if you could just fine ME a Batman (not that short welsh guy either); I'd be all set. I promise I'd smile pretty for the camera too.

At 7:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Grace, I had thought so..

Kitty, that is too funny about the Spider, that girl!!!!! She is so happy tho with you , I know it! I will do some Beaming, with all of them. Funny, I just wrote Janet a long letter about Lear, that Kitty is the most worried kitty I have ever had, he worries constantly, about Little Queen, about change, about the future...Breaks my little heart it does.

FIVE days off, Gayle???? I am taking Xmas off, just going to be me and the Bengals and the Spooky Haus. Perfect? Oh, yeah...

Aleta, we are glad you fell down this rabbit hole too! The right people do tend to find their way here....

At 7:25 PM , Blogger Beez said...

she says worriedly....

I knew dat. Really. :D

Drive safely tomorrow Gayle, and yes Aleta, this has been the best rabbit hole. I have Fiends and books and music and poppets.

Now that I have been doing my annual Holiday Reminiscing though- Ms. Quichie I believe you and I have had "peripheral orbits" for a number of years, centering I think around music, West Bank and Ren. Fest. I -know- I've seen some of your pictures and gone "Hey! I know those people!"

At 7:29 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Stacy, I beg to differ! You most certainly DO belong here! Hmmph! As far as a Batman goes, if you are talking about a kitty that needs a home, I'd be happy to help you find the just exactly perfect Bengal....Can find one near you too, I vow.

At 7:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Really Beez? How cool! I have been to and played at a lot of music on the West Bank. Emma and I used to do the 400 Bar often, or the Cedar.

Ren Fest I have mixed feeling on. Very fun in the early years, then it was a nice weekend off that I got paid for, then it was a learning to play huge crowds and work long hours and be an entertainer, all of which were good things, but as a whole, Fods, I don't know. I went beyond it.

At 7:38 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Our Lojo has a new post up on her blog, that is really lovely with loving wishes, her heart is so good...

Drop by and say hello to her, yes? I love playing music with that women! We need to get her back up here!

At 7:44 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Yep, the Cedar and the 400, Palmers (the Palm Club) was the neighborhood living room and the Viking with Joel and his bunch.

Good times.

G'night my Fiendish Delights. I may have to shovel the car out again in the morning- I need my sleep.

At 8:18 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

last photo = failed audition for Disapproving Rabbits? That could be traumatic. ;-)

Kylie likely realized that Big Winter was on the way and decided the land of palm trees and beaches was where it's at. Smart kitty. Smarter than me...

Pets eat the craziest things, don't they? I had a dog eat a bee once, causing an emergency vet visit. I wish he'd eaten a spider; it would've saved me $100 and an hour of heart-pounding panic. Wee Tiny Dog wants to eat a squirrel. I don't know what to do if he ever catches one - they're bigger than he is.

At 8:44 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Q; Yes; I meant that I belong here; it's just with my deadlines I shouldn't BE here. Believe me; If ever I need another kitty I know who to call! But with 4 here; it may be awhile. Still; I wish I had a playful one for Coco; the two fat ones just hiss at her and Stella doesn't really play well with others. I mean; she plays but in her way which is quite brutal if you're not up for it and our poor 'blonde' Coco is just not; shall we say; intense enough...

I'm so loving 'Magic' for Mister Leopard. His last name could be 'spell' tho Kitty's comments made me laugh!

At 9:05 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Check this site out! I am SO getting one of these! It is NEEDED , badly for King Lear and the Little Queen! (What I DO for Kitties...)

At 9:08 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And where is the love for Lojo, my Fiends? You might not have heard of her, but she was the voice on the I'll Tell Me MA on the LaM cd, and that is her arrangement and we do love her....I know she would love the shout outs from you....

At 9:08 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Kitty, Surely Kylie would not eat anyone important...she'd know, wouldn't she?
Lorraine, how are those pipes of yours going? Watching the Melbourne (Bag)Pipe Band on tv last night made me think of them.

At 9:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hmmph. It seems I have NO talent for the pipes. Well, one tries...And before you ask, French is not going so well either, class was time I did not have, tho I did buy Rosetta Stone and hope that will help.

I love hearing the pipes, but playing them does not speak to me like the violin does, strange but true...

At 9:44 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Pipes aren't exactly an easy instrument to play, are they.

I heard someone playing a Japanese flute the other day and thought how I'd love to play it, until he started talking about the totally different system involved and decided maybe I was better just listening.

At 9:57 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Mr. Brjann always looks pissed off to me. He's a beautiful cat, he just never seems to be happy to be in front of the camera.

What else can you say about Kylie and Batman than, "Awwww." :)

Ms. Fabulous, those cat trees are just too darn cool! Those would be neat to have in your house even if you didn't have a cat. At least with these you can see why they cost what they do; that's a lot more work than a standard cat tree of the same size.

I'm off to bed so that I don't get sick.

At 11:25 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Poor Magic. And lucky Cat & Selena!

At 11:40 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hey Q, telling Boss that enquiring Fiends want to know why he hasn't blogged Maddy on the trampoline in the dark & snow. Its brilliant and Maddy is just so awesome.
Maddy rules

At 11:52 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I just finished reading the comments on the last post, too - I had no idea you got to see the Northern Lights in your part of the world. Like Sally, I may have to visit in winter, too!

Is that a big box of mailing tubes/suacer poems in the 2nd photo of Selina?

At 11:57 PM , Blogger vampi said...

that cat tree is so freaking awesome. i'm not a cat and i want one.

i'm so slow, it was only as batman returns came on tv yesterday i realized what kitty did there with the names. selina kyle...hahahaha i'm glad i was alone, because i exclaimed out loud "i get it!"

they look quite lovely and happy.

At 12:00 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hah, that is BRILLIANT

At 12:05 AM , Blogger vampi said...

ok i am really slacking in my stalking, how did i not know about the youtube channel. hilarious. nightbouncing..bat training. BAT TRAINING was brilliant. (i might be slightly biased towards bats)


At 12:39 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Poor Magic! I would get mighty pissed off if anybody would spring such a costume on me too. Talk about disapproving rabbit!
But the pictures of Batman and Kali-minou are just great. Love the one of the one happy kitty by the Christmas tree. I am so happy that they are happy all together.

At 12:40 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good to know it is photoshop.
Much relieved there.

At 12:46 AM , Blogger vampi said...

cake wrecks i have laughed so much at this just now.

this is my favorite

At 12:58 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

*grins* I love those sort of 'errors'

At 1:08 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I have a question, actually its more of a request. Is anyone able to make a static map out of the map Mistress created? All the flickering and movement really does my head in.
Actually, I'd be able to make one, and could post it somewhere if everyone wanted to email me their location.
This has all come about because of watching the news and seeing the snow storms in the States, and trying in my head to place everyone on a map!
You can reach me at dragonsally2atgmaildotcom

At 1:46 AM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Okay, in order to leave a comment on Lojo's page I had to register. Ich. But guess it is about time.

So now I, too, can show up BLUE
when I post :)

Serious jealous reaction to the Hidden Hollow trees, Lorraine. Oh, and the cats liked them as well :)

Vampi, your links nearly killed me. Can one die from pulled ribs? I especially enjoyed a comment someone left stating that she now felt an obligation to become a decorator and save people, that
"the Air Force has enough medics; evidently there is a critical shortage of [competent]cake decorators in the US!!"

Kitties...Angus has always tended to curl up next to me when I'm watching tv or on the laptop. He has recently begun sitting with his paws over my arm so that he can see the photos and such when I'm reading this blog, have another Fiend!
Tried to tell him a crush on Selena Kyle would be a waste of time, as she is OBVIOUSLY taken :)

At 2:42 AM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

ah....did anyone else watch Conan tonight?

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, what a lovely Christmas treat!

At 3:22 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

This entry warms my tiny, hermetically-sealed mad scientist heart so much. You are a blessing, Quiche!

At 3:51 AM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

morning, DanGuy Guy....

How is the morning commute?

At 5:23 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

The morning commute is COLD.

At 5:58 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Fiends! Guess what! It's snowing! How unique and different! Let's add 5 more inches to the 30 and watch sue lose her mind.. haha, and it's cold tho not as bitter as midwest fiends west of lake michigan.

good morning all, as i am typing my left eye has decided to go red on me, tearing and feeling quite miserable - i may have to go the dr., as it does not feel good at all, tho i look quite evil and scary. Cat's kitty pics are heartwarming, how wonderful they found each other, thanks to you Lorraine. Love the name Magic too, perhaps the naming will help him find himself.

Lys, and anyone else who may be interested and doesn't have a facebook- I updated my flickr page with some pics -
my flickr page

And Lys I looked at the DesertGlass website - her work is beautiful, I particularly like the jewelry, and wish she had some of her plates, etc. you talked about online. Bartering is all good! I do it as much as I can too, great way to exchange goods and services. Oh, goodness, my eye hurts - need to find my drops and get on with my day. have a wonderful, warm and safe one!

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bela Fleck! Okay, for years I lived in Nashvile, aka Music City. And it is. Let's just say that I first met Ben Folds long before he was wellknown -- I think at least 15 years ago (he is really good friends with the parents of my godson Schaeff). At the small Italian restaurant I worked at, I waited on John Prine and his wife and sons pretty regularly. And Bela Fleck just played around town from time to time, you know? In fact, just last week, the salsa band that my nephew plays percussion for opened from The Wooten Brothers (who are part of the Flecktones from time to time). No big deal. Nashville is just like that. Everyone thinks "country" but no -- it has everything your little musical heart could desire and more. :-)

The bat training video remains one of my all-time favourites. I played it for my for-real-animal-trainer sister, and she howled with laughter.

*hugs to everybody*

At 7:52 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wished I had seen that, I adore Bela Fleck, as you well know. He is really really good.

Not had enough tea to get past that, and must go and dig out the car. This blog is getting boring, every day, same old same old, go out in the frozen tundra and dig out the car.


Freckles, Cabal's play date, is coming over today. HOURS of entertainment!

Sadly, the Tree Cat Tree is not going to work out, with freight it is simply too expensive. Janet has offered me one tho that she has and it is perfect, if I can figure out how to get it up from where she lives, and ebay is INFESTED with cat trees, so all is well.

At 7:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a sweet kitty story! My grandfather was a great taker-inner of sad dogs with sad lives, and there is nothing sweeter than to see one turn trusting and loving in a good home. One dog was a sorry suspect, with burrs and knots in his spaniel-mix ears, hungry and learning to climb fences (the metal ones) to get out of his Detroit yard - and a few years later in my grandparents' home was just a big old bag of love, albeit with a few missing teeth. But a loving boy.

At 7:56 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Ivenotime - sorry to hear about your eye - hope it clears up quickly and doesn't spoil the holiday.
I love the pictures of your wok - esp. 'Luck' & 'Community', but they are all so beautiful.

Bulfinch & Vampi, thank you for the reminder about Boss's bat training video - I'd forgotten about it and just had to go & watch it again. (And Maddy trampolining, of course.Maddy Rocks!)

Right. Back to pretending to work. Trying to get the figures on a bill for the court to add up and can't do it. Grrrr.

At 8:02 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hans is in the ditch on the side of the highway! I am going to rescue him!

Damm winter.

At 8:30 AM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Eek! I hope Hans is OK. You are a brave Quiche to go rescue him in miserable weather.

Continually digging cars out of snow would be a drag. Here's the cure for what ails the carmakers right now: invent a car that will dig itself out of snow, de-ice its windshield, unfreeze its own doors, and be ready to go when the driver wants to leave for work. If someone can invent Scoobas and Roombas, surely a robot snow-digger can't be too far-fetched?

At 8:50 AM , Blogger vampi said...

ayone else have mental pictures of "super quiche?" mild mannered assistant by day, corset wearing purple cloaked super hero by night, riding in on her horse with bag pipes wailing...

no? just me then, ok.

At 9:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's it -- it's now official. All Midwest Fiends must, I say MUST, now move to Chattanhooga. It's beautiful, it's very artistic and musical and fun, and NO CRAZY EVIL SNOW. And we see Rock City all the time, so we got plenty of crazy too. :-) (And tell Q's Boss that there are beautiful Addams Family houses to be had...)

In my dreams...

At 9:40 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Ms. Fabulous, hope you and Hans make it safely to work.

Cake Wrecks is just too funny, and yet, so sad at the same time.

Beautiful work, Sue!

At 9:50 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Vampi, - no, not just you.

SuperQuiche, let us know when you're both safely back home/at work. It sounds as though soup would be in order at that point.

At 10:08 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Oh crumbs! Poor Hans. I hope you guys can make it safely back home.

At 10:24 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hans is rescued and we are home safe. Pretty scary tho, cars ditched everywhere, the Hwy is pure Black Ice. Went slowly. Very slowly.

The State Patrol rescued him and took him to a station and he called me and told me they said Do Not Stop!

There is a tow ban on , on the Hwy's severe emergency only. AAA says call back tomorrow.

Wonder where poor Hans will stay tonight....

(KIDDING! Spooky Haus of course.)

At 10:32 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I can imagine that if it is difficult to drive your own car, towing another must be extra dangerous.
Glad that you can give poor Hans a shelter.

At 10:48 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

At least you're both back in a warm building, especially Spooky Haus!

I guess you'll be working from home today, Ms. Fabulous. As much as the Bengals will allow you to work. ;)

Now, as to refrigerators and their magnets...
here's mine

At 10:50 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Let me try that link, again.

At 10:51 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Heh. First matching desks, now matching fridges. Ariandalen, I have the same fridge with the same cabinet/counter layout. Same clutter of papers too (only much, much worse). The hallway is on the left of the fridge, though.

They are now predicting a quarter-inch of ice here overnight. That's enough to mess up Christmas eve travel. I'm traveling either tomorrow or Thursday morning - looks like it might be Thursday...

Nothing like what Q has, at least. (Glad everyone is okay!!!)

At 10:53 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Third times the charm?

If that doesn't work for you to see it right, I give up. :P

At 10:55 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

??? the first link worked fine for me.

At 11:00 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That's not a fridge, that's a jungle!
(Actually it looks a bit like my Mom's fridge)

At 11:01 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

The links should all work, just the first two have the picture sideways. This does not make me happy as I had Photobucket rotate the picture and save it that way. The third link is to the whole album. Most of the other pictures everyone has seen already.

In other words, I'm being picky.

At 11:02 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Ariandalen, it opened right-way up for me. I think maybe you needed to reload the page?

At 11:03 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

There's only one plant on top, honest! I didn't take a picture of the sink area.

At 11:08 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

::throwing hands in air::
Beats the hell out of me! When I tried each of the first two links, they came out sideways. ::grumble, grumble, grumble:: Sh..tuff happens when I'm tired. :P It came out right when I tried the first link just now.

At 11:10 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Well ariandalen, I'd rather think it was wrong but have it come out right than the reverse! I hate discovering that something I thought I'd done correctly is wrong!!

At 11:27 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vampi, thank you for the cake wrecks link. I'm laughing so hard I actually snorted and my stomach hurts. To quote some of those cupcakes, "Oh oh oh". :-)

At 11:32 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Ditto with the cake wrecks....I spent practically all morning there trying not to laugh too loud (scares the coworkers). Excellent link!

At 11:33 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Glad you and Hans are both safe and sheltered.

At 11:38 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Meanwhile, to cheer the heart of every Fiend, I give you Satan’s Grotto

At 11:42 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I guess I'll have to wait for DH to get home to convert a couple of photos I took of myself for Other portraits. I got a lovely error message from the website when I tried to upload them. ::sigh::

Off for lunch and ::shudder:: grocery store.

At 12:55 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Really glad you made it home from the rescue, Q! My morning commute was OK. I also drove VERY slowly! What I need now is a nap. Let's see, M is 4 so I will get a nap it, what, 5 years? :)

I love, love, love those cat trees! Surely Hans can build you something like that. Particularly if he is stuck in your house with no car.

At 1:04 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Some of the ebay cat trees have great prices AND free shipping! Hurray!

At 1:45 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I want chocolate!!

At 1:47 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

If my teleport were only working, Gaypet..


At 2:03 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well, thanks for the thought, Lys! I suppose I could eat the gelt. It's not GOOD chocolate tho.

I think I'm just tired. Coffee maybe is in order.

At 2:28 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK, time for dreidel. Have a nice evening. Hopefully I will be back later. ttfn.

At 3:35 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Its Christmas Eve where I am Fiends, and I am not in the mood. Maybe I just need a strong coffee? No, its probably because Pete was chucking up all night, and I kept getting woken by bangs and assorted odd noises as he ran to the bathroom. *sigh*

Someone...fill me with Holiday cheer

At 3:52 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Well, look, something made me splutter elephant fail

At 3:56 PM , Blogger Na said...

Happy happy Batty and Kylie! Theirs is a heart-warming story. It's as though they were expecting each other. :)

Hey Sally! The first bit o' holiday cheer that came to my mind was "Oh the weather outside is frightful..." Oops.

Fiends, you make me miss having kittehs around. But someday. Someday we will again have our own place and can give space to furry friends. And maybe some feathered friends.

At 3:58 PM , Blogger Na said...

Oh. Elephant fail. That is so wrong! How many people let that happen!? But you know little kids probably think it's hilarious.

At 4:07 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

This big kid thought it was hilarious!

At 4:12 PM , Blogger Na said...

Hee hee!

At 4:18 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hello, Fiends!

The Batman & Selina photos are awesome; well done! Rescuing Hans on the mission of mercy, also good, right, and proper.

I have only this photo of my house at the moment -- it's of my kitchen floor, which met jackhammers, yesterday. Massive leak under the slab, which hopefully is fixed by now. At least this happened *after* the Yule party, which is good!

My days off start in T-minus 40 minutes. I am SO READY.

At 4:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

State Patrol called Hans and said the towing ban was lifted and they had called the tow. OF COURSE, Boss had borrowed my car and gone out, as he had children borrowing all of his. SO we called Merry Housekeeper back in and they made it to the place it got towed barely before it closed.

Hans drove off , back onto the highway.

Where his transmission went. Totally and completely.

He is hoping Big Johnny will come for his as he has all the band gear in the back of his truck....

At 4:50 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Oh man, my sympathies to Hans!

At 4:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Poor Hans - that's crappy.
Val, how did you survive the day with all the noise?

At 4:52 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Oh Fod- poor Hans! He may just go home and crawl back under the covers.

I want those cat trees! Well, I want one big enough for me.

At 4:53 PM , Blogger vampi said...

oh no!!!! poor hans.

Val, i was just thinking that "oh she just had her party!" glad it didn't dampen your festivities

At 5:02 PM , Blogger Na said...

I'm feeling for you Val. May you get to enjoy your days off, jackhammers and holes notwithstanding.

And poor Hans. What a roller coaster of non-fun. :P

At 5:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Captain Johnny has picked up our poor Hans and they are now, as Johnny says, back safe aboard the Enterprise....

At 5:42 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Evening Fiends!

Poor Hans! So glad it worked out in the end. Driving in the city was actually pretty good today.

It is not Christmas Eve here yet. It is, however, Lille Jule Aften. That is Little Christmas Eve for those of you not of Danish decent. I would guess that would be all of you. Hee.

To celebrate I started my holiday shopping. There were lots of people celebrating in the same way, apparently.

It was 20 degrees above zero with very little wind. Felt like a heat wave!

At 5:46 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, you make me laugh! Apparently a lot of other are doing the same...Happy Danish-ness!

I am celebrating by cooking chicken for the Bengals.

I celebrate this way several times a week.

At 5:49 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

:-) You make me laugh back!

I am also celebrating with tomato soup from Panera Bread. So Very Yummy!

At 6:07 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Ah, man! Poor Hans. Cars can be a pain.

I am having carrot-ginger soup and watching a thing about absolute zero. And looking forward to getting up 7:30 instead of 5! Funny how 7:30 can seem like sleeping in.

Sorry that you are not feeling in the spirit Sally. Fa la la la. La la la la. Did that do it?

Hurray for up coming time off, Val. Hope you have lots of fun and then sleep!

At 6:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It must be Xmas now for Sally! I have some spirit but not a lot.I am looking forward to my day off tho! Movies only I would want to see! Bengals! House Things that I never seem to have time for! Tea in BED!!!!!!

I think I will bring the kettle and tea and a soymilk up to my bedroom, and set it up on the table by the bed so I do not even have t get UP to have tea!!!!!!

Do I know how to party of what??????

At 6:24 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Carrot Ginger Soup!!!

and Much Kudos to Big wishes for better Kar Karma to poor benighted Hans!!!

much love to All fiends living in the Weather Incident Zones--please stay snug and safe.

At 6:26 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

That sounds nice, Q!

At 6:39 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Does, doesn't it? Is M all excited Gayle, about Holidays and such?

Have some fun yrself Lys in the desert. I THINK our weather is all done for a while, one HOPES, tho we didn't get it as bad as Arwen and poor Sue...

At 6:41 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Still Christmas Eve here...I'm feeling a little more Christmasy. Just popped up to the Supermarket to get some things(why else would I go there today of all days) and the members of our local Rotary Club were there directing traffic, pointing people to parking spots and so on. That put me in the spirit, because it was such a good idea.

At 6:52 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

M is really loving this time of year. Presents to give and get. Plus I let him play with fire. :) He gets to light the candles. He really wanted a fish so we now have a Betta named Kiki. :)

My upstairs neighbour just brought me chocolate. Nice to have a Cancer living upstairs who knows what I need as soon as, or before, I do.

At 6:55 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm having some much craved chocolate right now!

At 7:01 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK. Going to finish watching about quantum computers and then go to bed. A Q bit (SP?) can be a 0 and a 1 at the same time? Cool!

Night all. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, peace on earth and all that good stuff!

I hope the chocolate does the trick for you Sally. And that you have a peaceful sleep tonight.

At 7:08 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Goodness me.

At 7:12 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We just had First Night Chicken, which, according to Bengals is the BEST chicken. I cook a whole one and it lasts a couple days for us, but it is the best on First Night.

Lear just ate a HUGE plate, I fed him on the bed, and kind of knelt beside it and talked to him. Hard to look so worried eating First Night Chicken.

Magic likes it too, I am sure of it, he just has a funny way of expressing his feelings.

Mim went gonzo nuts, as she does for ANY food, and Venus didn't trust it Not One Bit.

At 8:00 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

glad first night chicken went well for all except venus - what does she like anyway? and poor Hans - but glad he got rescued.

Sally, is it Christmas for you yet? may the blessings of the season be yours now and thru-out the coming new year! try listening to trans-siberian orchestra, one of my favorites for lifting my spirt!

At 8:00 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i've never had soymilk, but doesn't it need to be refirdgerated? or do you have a small boudoir fridge? (eft the typo, how did i mispell refrigeration and sell boudoir correctly?
fod knows)

much holiday well wishes to fiends everywhere. being new to la, we decided we will cook in the next 2 nights. i didn't want to find nothing open and starve. we are aking fake meat chili and mushroom lasagna. (not together, one on each night) it's been so long since boy and i have the night off together, it's nice to cook. i don't end up cooking much because i get home late and boy gets home even later and i'm too tired to bother. its starting to wear thin, eating out really does suck your soul dry, but it's hard to start cooking at 8-9pm each night.

oh and very late, but chanterelle i love your site, i read it all the other day when Q posted it. quite amusing and awesome. such talented and amusing fiends.

At 8:29 PM , Blogger vampi said...

speaking of holidays...any clues on holiday light displays in the la area? last year in orlando i took these 2 videos way too much time wasted

i'm going to go and look for some more this year. here is a link if you want to go look for tacky christmas displays and aren't snowbound tacky light tour

At 8:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Soymilk can be bought in sort of a box thing, and if not opened, is fine out of fridge...I could always put it on the roof outside the window tho...

I should go out tomorrow night and take some pictures, we have some BEYOND over the top un-believable bad lights going on here....

At 9:16 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Well...glad Hans finally got home. Sucks about his car; been there.

Gayle, you must have been watching Nova on PBS. I watched the part about the Bose-Einstein Condensate. :)

Sally, I showed the elephant fail to my DH. He wanted to know why it was ever allowed to exist. It is so wrong.

Val, I hope you are enjoying time away from Saltmine U. :) I really hope that the plumbers, and whoever else was necessary, fixed the leak in your foundation. That was no fun, but at least you caught it quickly. You might put up some mistletoe above your front door as protection against fire; don't know what to do about plumbing leaks in the foundation.

Ms. Fabulous, glad to know that King Lear allows you near while he's eating. Of course First Night Chicken is the best! You smell it cooking long before you get to taste it on the first night. ;)

At 9:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, fiends, you are chatty and today has been long. I'm not even close to caught up yet but here is what I'll say:

Hooray for vacations, holidays, chicken and chocolate!

Boo to bad weather!

I hope that will get me through for a while. Today has been filled with going eight different directions for different people, my boss leaving our company, and dealing with a terminally ill relative. I think I will have some quality time on the couch with tea, now. *slouches off*

At 9:36 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Enjoy slouching on the couch El. We're getting ready to go out to my best friend's place for our Christmas Eve shindig.

At 9:50 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Night Fiends.

Lille Jule Aften is almost over. Alas.

Happy Days off for those that have them. I may have to do a bit of work in the morning but otherwise I am in holiday mode -- which means some time with some very wonderful bits of my family. Good food. Fun games that make us laugh so hard we can't talk and cry tears of silliness. Æbleskiver breakfast! Yay.

At 10:05 PM , Blogger vampi said...

Æbleskiver YUM!!! i had some in solvang. tasty crepe batter balls

enjoy the couch EL. i made the mistake of checking my work email and DRAMARAMA has occurred.

At 10:58 PM , Blogger Na said...

Oooh Danish Jule things. I am of Danish descent on one side - my mom usually makes ham and red cabbage and pickled beets or pickled cucumbers for the family jule feast. According to my grandmother, these were traditional Danish Christmas things. And also, we used to go to Solvang at least once a year when I was growing up. Did you like it vampi? It's gotten much kitchier over time, but still I love the place. Hmm. Would love some aebelskiver, but we're visiting my guy's family, which means there may be lefse. Yum.

At 11:00 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Hans! i forgot to lay the circle of magic protection over you when i left! my deepest apologies.

At 11:24 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am not feeling very Christmasy either (haven't been for the past 20 years or so) but I have posted my favourite poster on LJ. I hope it cheers you fiends up (if not quite put you into the spirit).

Glad that poor Hans finally made it home, despite his car's best effort to keep him away. Hurray for Johnny rescuing him!

At 11:37 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...'re kinda a sicko. I think I adore you :)

Desert Christmas. Snow on the mountains, crystal clear skies with an amazing amount of visible stars (that's why they put so many observatories around here....)

And we happen to live on a street which is BIG on decorating....lights....inflatables.
Truly non-environmental, but kids are brought here every night by their parents to walk the three blocks or so. Sweet.

I've rigged fake candles in the tree--battery operated and on timers.

Solvang!! Now that I no longer live so close, of course, your comments make me miss it :) Never acquired a taste for pea soup, but it was a great place at Christmas none the less.

aebleskiver....chicken...too much talk of food! Must eat really late dinner now...(insomnia-NOT your friend)

At 11:48 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I have had that poster for some years already but it never seases to make me smile.

At 1:03 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

nat- Law, love that poster ;-)

On a similar note, I offer y'all Tom Lehrer

It's Christmas Eve her enow, but I'm working this morning (Well, I'm in work - not sure that really comes to the same thing...)
best Wishes to Hans - hiope he can get his car fixed without too much trouble and expense!

At 3:02 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

And for those fiends with children,This

At 3:36 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Shiraz and Lulu (my best friend's dog) wish all fiends a happy and laugh filled Christmas


At 4:13 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Word of the week: Crepuscular

At 4:13 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Word of the week: Crepuscular

At 4:18 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Nice word.

At 4:21 AM , Blogger louisa said...

I love it! Plus I get to use it 'cause I'm going on a crepuscular owl hunt on St Stephens Day (with a camera, not a gun!)

At 4:24 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Excellent word.

At 4:25 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

We want to see pictures, of course.

At 4:29 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Just so long as you don't expect Birdchick-standard photos, did you see her pics of the owl at the airport? Amazing! Mine will likely be more "arty" i.e. dark & blurry

At 6:50 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Merry christmas eve day, and merry christmas to all fiends, depending on your time zone! It is snowing out, and we received the precious gift of 7 more inches last night.

aebleskivers! i made those a few days ago, i always burn the first batch, but get better as time goes on - my kids love them (well, not the burned ones :) - this batch was filled with pecan pumpkin butter. Today and tomorrow will not include any holidaying for us - my one daughter is a nurse's assistant and is working today, tomorrow, and friday near the univ. where she goes to school - so we are doing our xmas eve tradition on friday night, and xmas on sunday. feels weird! so tomorrow i am having a Lorraine day: exactly what I feel like doing, no work for this girl! have fun all!

At 7:30 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Nathilie! I love how naughty you are! You should be spanked!

Ok, so that's a lovely good morning thought for you, tea, tea tea!!!!!

MORE sow Sue??? Excuse me, but enough is enough! What are you down there? Some kind of snow over achievers???? Glad you are having a Lorraine Day tomorrow, hope everyone does!

Owling is the BEST. I spoke to the Birdchick just as she was going looking for that one, glad to hear she found it, must go look...

At 7:32 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am not that naughty. My brain was just drawn like that...

At 7:34 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

There goes the tea, snorted everywhere...

At 8:06 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Hey Jess - Nick and I just looked at your pics, and he wants to know if that's THE Stamford Bridge.

At 8:36 AM , Blogger Na said...

Nathalie - wicked good poster. I laughed and laughed.

And then laughed some more at Tom Lehrer - I adore him. Thanks Marjorie - and would you kindly repost the link to your Turkey pics? I wanted to see them, but haven't yet.

Sue, I can't believe you got more snow. :( Seems the snow fods have dumped the usual snow from everywhere else and concentrated it near the lakes, but can't make up their minds about the east coast - snow? rain? let's throw both at 'em!

Love the word "crespuscular". It's also one that always sounds to me ought to mean something other than what it does. Like "pulchritude" does.

Jess' pictures make me so want to go to the UK. Those _are_ spooky heads.

Also love "Holly-Day". And that reminds me (tangentially) of something I found humorous (and I intend no disrespect for those who think otherwise)- "Axial tilt is the reason for the season"

At 8:40 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Love it!! I will be talking about axial tilt now :)

I am also very fond of crepuscular, that and pelagic (both of which can be applied to birds....hmmmmm)

Very jealous of owling, it is STILL snowing here too so that's not a very pleasant option. However, fingers crossed that O'Hare sorts itself out by Friday and then I'm off to North Carolina :)

Happy Axial Tilt to All!!!

At 8:44 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Oh boy! I love the tacky overdone Christmas lights. I'm not all that fond of the big inflatables though.

Speaking of tacky holiday stuff...I'm going to see if there are any of those pink tinsel trees on clearance next week. I need to have one of those. And pink means its good year round!

Q-your plans for tomorrow sound lovely.

At 9:03 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Yes, Ariandalen, that was it! My favorite kind of show!

Nathalie, what a great poster!

Ha! Solvang. We used to go there too. But it was in the dragged-there-by-family-instead-of-being-left-alone-to-read kind of way. I'm sure I would like it better now.

I am not going to be around today because I really MUST get some cleaning done. I want to cook and can't see my sink. :) It is too much fun here and I will surely get nothing done if I don't just walk away. Merry, Happy everything today! I hope everyone gets to enjoy some time off.

At 9:21 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

yes, more snow - 7 inches last night, about 4 since this morning - and its really wet and heavy - temp is going up and down the next few days, so freezing rain is now predicted. Even many churches are canceling xmas eve service. sigh, i just pray my daughter can get home safely on friday, fods, i worry when the kids are on the road.

forecasters are besides themselves with glee as we are breaking all records. if i didn't like my tv, i'd throw my shoe at them.

love the word crepuscular (sp?) too, and the poster nat!

At 9:42 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Lorraine-I need HELP! Not for me, but for a bengal. I was out shopping on Saturday, and the pet store that is there was doing pet adoptions and they had what I swear was a bengal. This is a group of well-intentioned ladies who began rescuing abandoned pets from foreclosed houses-the Phoenix area has been hit hard. Anyway, they had this guy who was visibly shaking in the cage and not happy in the presence of the dogs or so many curious people. They had the cage covered and were really sorry he was so distressed-they said he was fine with them-but that once he saw the cage he became very withdrawn. At no time did he attack anyone. These women are really nice, but I don't think they're equipped to find him an appropriate home. I can't seem to find a way to get in touch with any local bengal groups-I'd have paid them their fee and taken him myself until i could get in touch with them, but this is not a great enviroment for a frightened cat-nowhere in the house not used by humans really. Can you suggest something?

At 10:19 AM , Blogger vampi said...

aww nadine, good luck in your kitty rescue. that breaks my heart. i wish i could have animals here, but a messy 1 bedroom is also no place for a scared cat.

did anyone go see that Crepuscular movie about vampires?

jess i loved your pictures :) i've only been to London, and Manchester, i really wan to go back and see some of the other towns and cities.

At 10:22 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Please e-mail asap at

I can help.

At 11:55 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Real-time Bengal Rescue! How wonderful!

I am iced in today - travel should be fine tomorrow, but today is now for baking cookies.

My house smells of gingersnaps.

At 12:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I wish she would write me back...Should see if I can find her e-mail...

If this is a Bengal, this is truly a horrible situation for it to be in, they are SO way beyond sensitive....

At 12:27 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, and I forgot this on my last comment: long dog rescue tale, with a much, much happier ending than I would have expected originally. It's about the pit bulls that Michael Vick was breeding and fighting.

At 1:12 PM , Blogger vampi said...

just read the boss blog. i might go ride the subway again and try to get a video of the coraline ad in the subway tunnel. i was too giddy with fangirl joy the first time to have the presence of mind to take a video.

At 1:59 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I've been buried in Xmas prep but wanted to pop in and say I've been thinking about all of you and Merry/Happy-whatever-holiday-you-celebrate!

I'm starting the prep for christmas dinner. There are only 7 adults, 2 kids, so i'm making a fancy-pants French Laundry fish dish. Have to make the cod cakes today, they have to freeze overnight. I love cooking fancy stuff :)

Hope everyone has a lovely wonderful holiday and eats really well!!!

Hugs to you all!

At 2:07 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Time for a break.

Wow, Nadine! I hope you and our Ms Fab can get this solved for the poor kitty!

Good luck!

At 2:43 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I hope you and Nadine get something worked out for the poor guy Lorraine.

I am sitting here feeling sad. Usually when Son+ goes to the ex's family for Christmas I just relax and enjoy the evening to myself.

This year the ex's new GF flew in for holidays...first time meeting the kid and most of the family.

The in-laws were my whole family for almost 20 years, and now someone else is there.

Ouch. :(

At 2:46 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh Fod, Beez. That stinks! Any good movies to watch? Or chocolate to eat. My answer for everything I'm afraid.

At 2:50 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I'm going to go fetch ice cream right now. I have a pile of books and choir concerts on PBS.

I think I may take the longest hot bath on record too.

Thanks Gayle.

I can turn this around. Surely.

At 2:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Perhaps Nadine is out saving this guy....We will , you know.

I am home now! Until Friday Morning!

I got Magic a dishpan filled with water and some floating ping pong balls, and a new water dispenser for Lear and Mad, which freaked Lear out so badly, apparently, he did his levitating trick up to the top of the closet where he hissed and growled at me..I said "Dude. it's just a water dish. Mellow...."

Venus and Mim got a bag of feathers, in hopes that they would not destroy my Tree World. Heh.

Pics coming...

Beez, I think many of us know that feeling. If you need to feel sad, feel some sad. Then go and get hot chocolate (with Baily's?) and movies only you would ever want to see, light some candles, and make it all about YOU.

I don't know what your animal situation is but a Bengal or two might help. Nothing like living with Leopards to keep things interesting.

I'll be hanging out here tonight, let me know how it goes for you, yes?

At 2:54 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

You can. With the help of the right ice cream we can turn just about anything around. Wish I could have you over! I hope you have a peaceful night!

At 2:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, we sure are on the same page with Beez, lol! Chocolate, icecream, tv, hot chocolate!

WE know how to cheer up!

At 2:58 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Guess what today is.......

It's the Day the Saucers Came!

Thanks for the coolest Axial Tilt day present, Kitty!

At 2:59 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Oh, and we had another 3" of snow last night, and temps are now 11. 7th snowiest December on record, not counting today, nor the next 6 days.

Sick of it all, I am.

At 3:01 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I have a ridiculously large quantity of cookies, and some of them are chocolate. Unfortunately I don't think there are any Fiends within range. I will post pics later, though, and a recipe. :)

Beez, ice cream and book and hot bath, all at once - my favorite cure. I'd light candles, but Morgan is a dimwit, and would ignite his tail, and then the rest of the house, and possibly never even notice.

At 3:01 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

The animals have helped me through the lonely many times. It's funny (maybe not in the ha, ha way) how things like this go. I get no peace and quiet and sometimes wish for time for me. But when time for me comes and M is with some "Other" that feels worse.

Was your boy looking forward to going?

ANYway, I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful day tomorrow, Q. Tea in bed and movies all day? Hurray!

At 3:02 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, and has good Christmas music. I only like it about three days a year, but on those three days I want to listen to a lot of Christmas music.

At 3:14 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

A friend of mine on Facebook just posted that her daughter has brought the class pet home and it's a snake. Named Gryffindor. Why would a snake be named Gryffindor? Is it just me?

I should clean more...

At 3:22 PM , Blogger vampi said...

oh fod:( poster went to work, and not sure if it is in my office or still in the mail room locked up.

beez, many *snugs* to you.

we have our tacky christmas lights spots in the gps, and tonight we go in search of light shows galore.

oh by the way, we've names out gps vincent, after vincent price because i downloaded this spooky voice that is hilarious.

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Note to self: Going to get food whilst hungry and sad may not be the best move....

I have three kinds of Ben and Jerrys and HEAP of take-out Chinese. :P

Lo, I already have a teen-age boy, a dog, a cat and a chinchilla in a 2 bedroom apartment. Bengals must wait for a bigger domicile.

Thanks for thoughts and snugs all.

Son+ loves seeing his aunts and uncles and cousins, so Christmas Eve is a Good Thing for him.

He didn't think Family Christmas was the best idea of first meeting with GF, but there ya go.

At 4:00 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Beez, that is tough. I hope you feel better as the hours go by. This is such a hard time of year for those of us from fractured families.
I hope something is worked out for that poor kitty.
Oh -it is Christmas here...bah humbug.

At 4:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

What fun! Snakes (Gryffindor? Not Slithern? Odd. What do they teach kids these days?) Vincent Price! Way too much Chinese and ice cream! and Posters!!!!!!!!!!

(Boss's go out to his closest friends this coming week. Pray for me. He has a lot of closest friends. And an address book that would make your eyeballs pop out.)

At 4:08 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Did I mention the new post is up???

Might have slipped my little mind....


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