Monday, November 05, 2007

First Snow!

First snow of the year today! Which entranced me, filled me with delight and brought gladness to my soul.

For about ten minutes. Ugh. Winter is SERIOUS in this part of the world, no messing around. It's going to be me, my couch and my fire until spring! ( I mean, if I wasn't in the Bahama's...)

Here's a picture of my porch:

And another of the sculpture that I did with Merry Housekeeper in the yard before leaving work:

We were trying to do the Unicorn Stardust, but it looks more like an Army Dude with a machine arm. Ah well, I have other skills.

( and for you Weather Geeks out there, I know they said we only got a few " flurries " but this IS what it looked like in my mind...)

I am off for a few days in LA tomorrow, after work, which in my mind is a Good Thing. Malena is there, and it is unlikely to snow. Both assets to the place, I am thinking. What more does a girl need? I am bringing both Kitties and the Dog, for some added enjoyment.

Love and snow,



At 6:12 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

I am soooo glad I missed the flurries. The Car doesn't do snow. At all. It's kind of like an excited puppy on a highly waxed wood floor.

BTW, surely you jest at bringing both kitties and Dog to LA? I'm trying to imagine those combined with pig /dog /bat /frog dogs and it seems like you're courting chaos and it would seriously cut into your sweats and couch time.

I have a serious case of earworm from that 7 days of drinking song. Arrrgh!!

At 6:40 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That is a truly dreadful song and I am truly sorry....

Of course I am bringing them all. Also Merry Housekeeper, she will take care of everything. AND I have been watching Dog Whisperer non stop. My dog traning skills are becomming legend.

I have been applying it to the Cats and Whispering them. I Whisper and they Whisper back.

( I say " You will do as I say, you will not eat from my plate or jump on the stove or pee on my lovsac nor am I your prey " They Whisper back " we remember the days when we were worshiped like gods. @#$%^& you...")

At 7:11 PM , Blogger kali_licious said...

Holy cow that's a lot of snow for just "flurries."
(But y'know, I live in Indiana, where we get Much Less Snow).
Which makes it great timing to head to LA and Malena.

At 7:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I may have, uh, borrowed the images from google...

At 8:06 PM , Blogger Beez said...

You goon, and here I was getting all sulky because we only had a couple of flakes....I guess the flakes were all at -your- house (if you get my drift) :P

At 10:26 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Saw the first picture and thought "that's a lot of snow for 10 minutes" and then saw the thing being sculpted and knew that Reality had gone on strike too and headed for the Virgin Islands...

I was wondering about what you would do with the kitties and now you say that you will bring them AND Dog with you?
Surely it must be Reality blowing us a raspberry from over a mojito...

At 11:38 PM , Blogger kali_licious said...

Well, just call me Ms Gullible;)
I won't hold it against you;)

I'm just wondering how Cabal is gonna take meeting the pigdogbatfrogs. I'm betting it'll be entertaining.

At 4:57 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

heehee, you are having WAYY too much fun with google photos, I was almost taken in by the first, but the second made me realize. have a good trip, and have fun, it will be warmer there (70's today I just heard, while we will be in the 40's all week) brrrrr

At 6:47 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Perhaps i was feeling a little too whimsical last night, noy to mention silly! Sorry about that!!! I thought the " tounge in cheek" was there.....

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

YEAH for snow, I love snow. You get snow outside your house, I get shootings outside my apartment (hmmm, that doesn't balance very well). Have fun in LaLaLand.

At 12:18 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

You may need to take a shower after that roll.


At 8:20 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

btw, Lorraine I love this bit 'They Whisper back " we remember the days when we were worshiped like gods. @#$%^& you..."'
Just perfect. Love it.

Sorry for the brief random post earlier, it's still a little wierd, two people were gunned down in their car right in the middle of the intersection of two major roads outside my apartment building on Tuesday night(the papers say it was a gang thing)... and then someone drove past last night and fired off random shots. Tuesday I was woken by a concerned friend calling to see if I was okay and I looked out the window and wondered why that car was just sitting there, now I understand. Last night I heard the shooting, but I thought it was at a different time than what the newspapers reported, and definitely more shots. It was really close to my place, I mean, a couple hundred feet from my door and clearly visible from my room (but not in detail at 6 in the morning when it is still dark, for which I am VERY grateful). It is all extremely unusual, at least for me, and rather alarming, in general.

At 6:12 PM , Blogger Beez said...

*hugs* for Rubius

That stinks in a major way. Be safe.

At 6:12 PM , Blogger Beez said...

*hugs* for Rubius

That stinks in a major way. Be safe.

At 6:43 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

You are on such a roll wit-wise lately, Lorraine! (And I'm practicing my illiteration.)

At 8:51 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

thanx Mary


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