Thursday, March 24, 2005

Photo magic

Some weeks take forever, and some weeks fly by faster than possible. This is one of the fliers. Being with Malena is about a million times better than talking with her on the phone and sending e-mails back and forth. And doing music with her , singing , playing , working out the songs and the cd together is pure joy and magic.

We've learned three new Neil songs this week and got some new ideas about what it is we are going to record and how we are going to go about it. We had our first pre-production meeting yesterday with Adam Stemple, our producer ( ) and we have worked out dates, times, booked the studio, confirmed the other players, worked out some of the bugs and ate a lot of pastries. ( never underestimeate the power of Pastry in the making of an album )

Today is all about photos, we did our first photo shoot on Tuesday night and got some wonderful shots, we WILL be posting pics on the website, hopefully tonight. Today Lisa Mutch, a photographer from Minneapolis is coming out to shoot us in multiple costumes and make-up. ( I am learning a LOT about make-up this week. The " just a little subtle for day wear " make-up is more than I wear on STAGE and for photos shoots, yea gads! Malena is RIGHT of course and it looks otherworldly beautiful , but it is all new to me. She knows some cool traick, she does )

She is setting up the sets for the shoot today, and I am hoping that she can teach me how to move and sit and smile just like she does. In one easy hour. Keep your fingers crossed for me....

Love and light, Lorraine