Friday, December 26, 2008

Great Covers, Bengals In Need and Bubbles...

How is everyone this day after Christmas? I know Val is sick, poor dear, and many of us are DONE with chocolate. We are doing FOG tonight. Creepy, dark, spooky fog filled with Things...And it is 40 degrees. Let's get some perspective on that. It was -17 last week, so we are 57 degrees warmer.

That's like the difference between 50 and 107. Wacky place to live, I tell you. Who ever did hear of 40 in December here? No one, of course, is bothering with coats.

Nadine who found the scared Bengal at a rescue group adoption drive in a pet shop in AZ has hooked Janet and myself up with the rescue people who have him. All we know so far is he is very scared, was abandoned in a home foreclosure, not yet neutered (PEOPLE!!!) and may be an F3, we are waiting to hear back from them. At least he is safe now, and we will find him his home.

Oh yes. We will.

I got to hear the new cd by The Endless today, Somniloquy (a really cool word meaning "Talking in your sleep") and it's lovely, as their cd's always are, but what blew me away was the cover of After The Gold Rush.

One of my pet peeves with people covering songs, is when they re-do the original. Hello? It was already done, and done well, if you care enough to cover it, that way. Make it your own. DO something with the song that is your very own version of it, your interpretation. No one needs to hear the same version again, and it will not be as good. Just because the original went here, here and here, does not mean yours needs to.

Go play in a cover band. (and I am not dissing that, at all, work is work)

But if you want to make some art, make it your own song. Show the world your dream. And that's what they have done with After the Gold Rush. It's perfect. Wonderful. And it makes me happy. May cover it. (Wait. Belay that.) Adriana, way to go. Surely music to dream by. Listen to it Fiends, I am not wrong on this.

(Adriana is a Fiend here sometimes, not Adriandalen, or Adri, but Adriana)

And finally, kind of a fun picture, with a story with it.

When Boss re-modeled the bathroom, he put in the biggest tub-spa ever, complete with jets. When he took his first bath, he popped in some bubbles, and turned on the jets and buried himself, and later, told me the story and warned me.

Silly Boss, over reacts, exaggerates, these writers, I thought, as I went for my first bath, complete with bubbles and jets.

Ye Fods!

And it isn't all that easy to turn them OFF. I screamed for him and said something like "Help help!", and he, at the door, said, "You are in the bath, I am not coming in" and I replied, "No Worries, I am buried and decent!"

When AFP and the Danger Ensemble came for a couple days, Amanda and Tora decided to try out the spa.

(as anyone who has ever shared a dressing room, van or tour bus with a band or theatrical group knows, you get close to your people, and ooh-la-la is the farthest thing from your mind, it simply ceases to matter. I know my Fiends understand this. 'Nuff said.)

Well, Neil warned Amanda, and she warned Tora about exactly WHAT could happen bubble-wise, but Tora, (being a girl after my own heart) decided to heck with it, let's just see what will happen.....

(Photo by Kat Cornwell, another of the merry band)

Love and Bubbles,


At 7:44 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Who can resist that many bubbles in one place?

At 7:44 PM , Blogger Siri said...

(Tee Hee - scored 1st - a perfect end for a perfect week!)

At 7:47 PM , Blogger Siri said...

And, also, the best thread killer in the land, evidently.....

At 7:47 PM , Blogger Beez said...


I love the Jet Tub stories.

At 7:53 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I dunno, Beez - must just be you and me tonight....

At 7:54 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I love that photo. They look like little kids in a normal size tub. Little kids that poured a whole bottle of mom or dad's favorite bubbles!

At 7:56 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh and yeah. The fog is creepy cool. I was out earlier and had that feeling I sometimes get in the fog. It feels like the outside is actually a room... with walls... but not very solid walls.

At 7:57 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

cool new music to bead by. much thanks. is lost bengal in arizona?
laughed out loud at the bath story. i remember the pic Boss took when he put the bubbles in & returned after making tea or some such; bubbles were near the ceiling. so funny! el & I did that once in a hot tub in an arizona hotel when we took a road trip together (we do that often; it's a blast! just her & me) we took a pic of just our faces outlined in the bubbles; it was our christmas card that year. so fun! love to all the fiends!

At 7:58 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I've got a photo akin to that, but the bubbles were created without jets - I'd just overdone the bubble bath. Always fun.
You are right Aleta - they look like guilty little girls hehe

At 8:02 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It is good to be little girls! And I am here, just wandering for a bit, chatty ones..

The lost Bengal is in AZ, Phoenix area...

At 8:03 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I recall a group of us from the Comedy Gallery getting banned from one of the downtown hotels for similar with the whirlpool tub.

....possibly the underwear in the trees outside had something to do with that too.

At 8:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And oh, Stacy and Siri, good to see you again! Been missing you guys we have...

At 8:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Beez! Just snorted tea....Might have indeed!

At 8:06 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Just stepped outside for a moment - it's 57 degrees. 10:04PM, on December 26 in Iowa - and it's almost 60 degrees. Cripes.

I said "Happy Boxing Day" to a man a work today and he had no clue what that was. It amazes me what I know that other people don't know.

And now they are talking about flooding in Chicagoland because of the warm temps.

At 8:08 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Thanks, Quiche - I reverted to lurking, because I didn't have anything of consequence to say. Sometimes I can keep my mouth shut...

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Silly Siri. "Of consequence" :P

It's spooky foggy out. The drive around the lake to work should be cool tomorrow. Last big foggy I saw a deer and a fox on my way around.

At 8:15 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Beez -you rascals ;)

At 8:17 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Well, we were younger and, we're still silly.

Just younger then.

Goodnight all. Work calls in the a.m.

At 8:20 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Night Beez -Silly is good, whenever it strikes! Have a lovely day at work...

At 8:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Uh, I agree, like we say things of consequence??? Fods, it's my blog and I have nothing to say most of the time, don't let THAT stop you.

Just say hi from time to time, that includes you lurkers, we know you are there, and we know you are secretly fiends...

It's really easy once you start, this is the safest, most loving place going, and we love you all, if your heart is kind, we don't care what you say.

Like minds to like minds.

At 8:27 PM , Blogger Siri said...

What, you can't hear me when I say hi? Just 'cause I use my mouth instead of my fingers?

Sorry - had to leave for a bit, and now I have to go figure out how to post a link here - they just showed a wonderful bit on the news of birds feeding in the snow. As soon as I figure it out, I'll post the link - it would do Birdchick proud.

At 8:30 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We know you are there, not to worry.

Posting link is tricky, I still have to go into blogger and do it that way, sometimes I just say who cares and post the URL...Cut and paste works just fine.

Did anyone read the Birdchicks post on her Xmas Tree Bird count, I laughed so hard, delightful it was!

At 8:38 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Val--oh!! Sucky. Feel better soon (teleporting comfrey, goldenseal, echinacea).......Seriously, maybe burn some wood betony if you have any...pref with coltsfoot. It is my favourite "feel like C%^p" remedy.

Beez--as a former Mpls downtown hotel employee, I'm betting it was the underwear. Unless you managed to overflow the tub so much that water poured into the room below!

Nat--I know this is from the thread before, but I HAD to say something. Re your words....OOooohhhhh! Shiver. And not just because it's cold outside!!!

Although it is. Woke up today to a white Boxing Day!! Hey, it isn't supposed to snow down on the flatlands!! And they looked like tiny 3 mm snowballs, maybe 7 or 8 actual flakes clumped together and falling. wow. So all your cold came down here, methinks. THanks. jk

Angus disapproved, however. Highly :)

At 8:39 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Here's the link to the birds in the snow:

birds in snow

There's a 30-second commercial first, but it's worth a look, if you are a birder.

At 8:54 PM , Blogger vampi said...

good evening fiends.

i'm so glad that the bengal rescue in AZ is underway. is that same paypal for kitty rescue still working? i wouldn't mind donating a few bucks to help the poor guy.

i have not od'd on chocolate yet and i crave some like you can't imagine.

tonight was something. we were driving around going to some different stores looking at lcd tv's. we were stopped at a red light and the girl behind us rolls into us. it was a tap, and we are fine and so is the car. it's the sound the cars make when they hit, even at slow speed, it's loud and disconcerting.

i am insanely jealous of the bubbly bubble bath. one day i will own a ridiculously big spa tub and do that just once for the hell of it.

if anyone has and suggestions on big fancy tv's throw them my way. i didn't have my own tv until 3 years ago, when my parents gave me their old 19 inch when i moved. i think i'm ready for a big girl tv. and i mean BIG.

At 9:06 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Vampi, here's what I know about TV's . Size DOES matter, get the biggest flatscreen you can. I thought mine was fine and I didn't need anything bigger until Boss got his huge one. THAT is tv...

And yes, the link at does work, and please, there are always more in need.

I am going to offer to pay for this guys vet bills, and neuter.

Someone needs to do something, and it is as simple as that.

Siri, my computer here is convinced I have no flash player despite downloading it...Will watch tomorrow on the smarter version.

Ah Lys, good to hear Angus is still disapproving! I saw him being born, from yet another from the woods baby...

At 9:09 PM , Blogger Na said...

Very glad to hear help is on the way for the Phoenix bengal kitty!

So, hot tub + bubbles = big pile o' bubbles. Check.

Beez, you made me giggle.

Nat, oof. I got especially spooked when I reread your story title, after having read the story a couple times.

Vampi - the Sharp Aquos tvs have come highly recommended to me, 'though we went for a less expensive Sharp one. I don't know if it's to do with LCDs or the model we got, but in movies with a lot of dark (and most of our movies seem to have a lot of dark) the image doesn't show as well as on our old analog tv. :(

At 9:09 PM , Blogger Na said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:25 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Other than Q and Na, no one left here seems to know anything about TVs. I believe bigger is better too, but I think I'm needing a new refrigerator before a new TV. Mine runs a lot, and has that hot engine smell about it. I really need to do something sometime.

Now, I think I'll deal with it by going to bed. As an old friend used to say - 4AM comes awfully early...

No, I'm not getting up then, but it does come awfully early.....

Night fiends...

At 9:25 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Siri, that video was gorgeous - also loved the one on the same page about the shoplifting dog.

At 9:27 PM , Blogger Siri said...

The woods where he took the film is about 5 miles from my house - I often drive by it on the way home from work - sometimes snow here is lovely. Other times, not so much.

Sally - I never heard the end of the story - how's your mom?

At 9:33 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I don't think I've told the appears that her inner ear has some major problem, a defect/damage. She saw her neurologist the week before Christmas. Probably some sort of operation needed to fix it.

At 9:37 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Quiche--thanks for the Bird Chick reminder!! That was hilarious! Plus she's just added an image, put down your beverages before viewing (and if you were trying to keep that a surprise, Q, sorry...but you made ME spill my hot cocoa. :) )

So...having not read her blog for a little while (yes, shame)scanned down. And found a video that came from these people (warning, you can't view it at the link, though you can at Bird Chick's blog and on YouTube) which is charming and wonderful and should be viewed by all major corporation CEOs.

(And if someone had already mentioned it earlier, I'm only sorry to have missed it. But think it deserves being brought to Fiend attention as much as possible!)

Have always been jealous of certain bathrooms, by the way. Now with even more slimey green envy!

At 9:39 PM , Blogger Na said...

Hey Sally - hope knowing that much does a lot to help your mom, that some news is good news in this case.

At 9:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, Sally, that's too bad. I mean, it's good that they figured it out, but a bummer that there might be an operation.

I love the picture, too, Q. My baby brother did the same thing years and years ago. Hilarity all around.

At 9:46 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Well, I'll keep her on my list to send healing thoughts....gentle healing thoughts, so I don't hurt anything. Now. Really. Bed.

Night, fiendom...

At 9:49 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Beez, you tease us. These are the details of which stories (long and hilarious stories) are made. Spill.... Please?

Sally - I'm glad the figured out what was wrong with your mom. I'm sorry she might need an operation, but what a relief, to know.. :-)

Vampi -Philips makes an awesome LCD, even with very dark movies seen in bright daylight. Just look for the highest resolution (pixel per inch) you can afford. It's just like photography, and you're a pro at that!

At 10:03 PM , Blogger Na said...

The Birdchick post is mahvelous. Am on a giggling streak this eve, I am.

At 10:12 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks Fiends, it means a lot, and mum will be really touched to know so many people are sending her good wishes. It could be ages before anything is done, as she lives in a regional centre, and most of the specialist only visit monthly. In all likely hood she'll end up down here in Melbourne at one of the big hospitals for whatever procedure they decide on.

At 10:13 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Sally; best wishes for your mother's improved health in 2009.

Vampi--I'm with Ticia. Phillips has some amazing resolution...I will never be able to afford them, but I've gotten to work with them sometimes.

na--yah, I KEEP cracking myself up, going over to look at it. Though the tiny mouths on the singing bee grub/larvae/whatever they are called (you'd think I'd know THAT much about bees by now...sigh) in the video are even funnier.

At 10:42 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lorraine, in the photo I loved that there were as many bubbles on the floor as there were in the tub! What fun!

And Lys (and Vampi) Costco is where to go for good TV deals... IN the stores seems to be best, but each store stocks different ones, go figure.

The downside of getting your own fabulous Philip TV in your bedroom is that it is now the TV that EVERYONE in the family wants to watch! ;-D

At 10:51 PM , Blogger Na said...

And hugs Sally! Healing thoughts and virtual hugs for your mom and all.

Back to bees (video!? what video?), then I best be sleeping.

Night-morning, fiends. I am up too late. Again.

At 10:55 PM , Blogger vampi said...

we'll brave the horror that is costco tomorrow. otherwise i found one on newegg i like.

At 10:56 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

na--scroll down on that same page, back a few days, and you will see something cool on BirdChick's's the Do One Thing, posted on the 21st.

At 11:02 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Vampi - Really try to see the TV in person. I think some of the TV's show greens that are too much "nuclear waste" and too little "nature in all it's diversity". Good luck... Oh, and lay down to look up at them... (I lay on the floor at home alot!)... Check all the angles. :-)

At 11:11 PM , Blogger Na said...

Thanks, Lys! Verra good. I like all the critters in Santa hats bobbing in time. I love Birdchick's blog and have been forgetting to check it. And her tree ornaments reminded me of a birder friend in Texas, whom I really should call soon. Good reminders.

At 11:15 PM , Blogger Na said...

Dang, I sound so serious all the time. Honestly, I do have a sense of humor. I think it's around somewhere, unless flown south for the winter...
Sleep well, sleepy fiends, and happy morning, waking ones!

At 11:19 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

NA....thank Lorraine, I forgot too until her reminder :)

At 11:29 PM , Blogger Na said...


At 11:45 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

My jet powered bathtub came with the instruction to never use suds with the jets. Or any other type of products actually as they can get stuck in the tubes (in case of petals or leaves) or just chemical or oils damaging the installation.
Mind you the picture of the girls is beyond funny: I love the look on Amanda's face.

So nice to read that the poor distressed Bengal has been recovered and is now in good care. Let's hope it will settle down and a good family be found for it.

And good to hear about you mom, Sally. A shame about the operation but you must feel a little better now that they have found what was wrong with her.

Love somniloquy. Might use that as a Word of the Day, someday.

At 11:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Nathalie, I keep meaning to tell you that every time Sookie Stackhouse mentions her Word Of The Day calender I think of you (I'm rereading the books too)

At 11:53 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Sally - I'm reading the 7th one right now! Which one are you up to?

At 12:03 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Birds in the snow was bliss! Cardinals are certainly little monsters aren't they now?
Birdchick's Christmas day count had me in stitches too. But then; just about everything she writes cracks me up, especially when it involves the beloved lagomorph.
I see Lys got all blue finally, whoot! Lys you had asked me if I etsy; I hit 'reply' and didn't realize it went nowhere. Sorry; wasn't ignoring you. I haven't figured it out yet.

It's midnight here in the temperate garden of good & evil; must get some sleep. Time & commissioned work wait for no woman... Will be glad when I can get back to something I want to make!

more later; I am around; and read; but I can't keep up with some of these long comment streams; :) by the time I write something in response; the subject has changed 500 times and I become redundant. *sigh*

(hugs to Val; read Q saying she was sick; hope it's not horrid!)

At 12:07 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ticia - Definately Dead

Basically one a day :)

At 12:31 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Aaahhh! Sally, the one that broke my heart...

At 1:20 AM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Oh, hey... I have read some of those Sookie Stackhouse books. Or at least Club Dead, and maybe more (it was a while ago.) had forgotten the word a day calendar.... Entertaining, one every year or so is probably a good rate for me.

Didn't realize the True Blood series on tv had ANYTHING to do with the books....somehow the tv trailers didn't convey that at ALL!! What do you serious readers think of the show?

Stacy--do you mean you couldn't figure out Etsy, or the blog entry that disappeared? :) Talk to you soon, after you zoom in and out.

I'd go to bed now, but they just started a NCIS marathon on USA. sigh. The things one does for love....but Michael Weatherly AND Mark Harmon, in one show? what can one do?

At 2:55 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Love the bubble pics.. I achieved something similar when I first went to Manchester (soft water) from Somerset (very hard water), and ended up with 2" of water and 2' of bubbles...

Vampi, glad you and car are OK.

Sally - sorry to hear about your mum, but so much better than if it had been a stroke as you feared to start with.
, yes? Hope she doesn't have to wait too long for her op.

I am going to go and watch everyone's links, now. .

At 3:57 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Marjorie, definately better than a stroke if it can be fixed.

re True Blood v the books. I love both for different reasons.

We've just watched Dark Knight (Pete got it for me for Christmas). Wow.

At 7:43 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Great picture! Looks like fun.

Also glad to hear the Bengal rescue is underway and that you are going to pay for his neuter. I'm sure it is a great relief to the group who has him. And of course he will feel safe and at home soon. Which is the most important.

I love the fog! It reminds me of home. I now live near a park called "Mounds" because there are 6 burial mounds along the bluffs. They are, sadly, the only ones left of many more used by Native Americans. Some may be as old as 2,000 years. The fog brings something out in this area. This is a magical place for sure. Probably more appropriate to say "someone" comes out in the fog, not "something". I stood out side last night for sometime and just listened. Love the fog!

At 7:51 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Burial mounds in the fog? Girl, you know how to party!

Sally, glad to hear about yr Mum!

Haven't read the True Blood books, and only managed one episode of the tv show, might try the books, if there is good reason too..

HA! Only one cup of tea, and I have already shopped an bought my futon! The secret to this success is that the internet companies are ALSO having sales! And they will bring it to me with free shipping at

Now I need more tea!

At 7:51 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Sally, I am glad to hear that your Mom didn't have a stroke. I hope she is gets some relief soon!

Beez, I wanna party with you!

I know nothing of large T.V.'s. I hope you find a good one, Vampi.

At 7:53 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, no word yet from this group. Not good. If I had a Bengal in a rescue and people were offering to help, I would be writing them back.

At 7:53 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I have to say that free shipping is one of my favorite things in the modern world! :)

At 7:55 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Grrr---- Ice storm. Bang go my plans of hitting the gym, grocery store and hair cutting place. I hate ice more than any other form of precipitation. At least my internet connection came back, and I have power.

Stoopid weather.....

Morning, Fiendom!

At 8:02 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, I'd hear that Siri, it is coming our way and turning into snow, with an advisory starting just when I go off to the stable, but I am SO not missing my ride!!!!!!!

How bad can it be?


Free shipping rocks. Boss bought me a cat tree for Mas that I wanted, and the thing was SO cheap, and had free shipping, couldn't believe it. Stores are over rated, unless you are going for an outing.

At 8:06 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Snow I'll do, unless it's so deep the car can't clear it, but ice? Yuck. I have a morbid fear of falling - I've had both knees replaced, and if I go down, I'm not sure 1) they'd survive it, and 2) that I'd ever get back up.


I'd love to ride today - I'll ride in abstentia!

At 8:07 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Mmm... Burial mounds in the fog... Anything could happen. Drums are playing. Or maybe it's just the blood stream against your inner ear...

Yeah for futon and cat trees!

At 8:10 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I am so glad you mentioned the cat trees on Ebay. I am amazed at the prices! It will have to wait a bit but I am SO getting one.

Have a great ride!

At 8:18 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Good point, Siri!

Nathilie, you re a very spooky girl. Which is good.

Gayle, it was amazing, I don't trust the ones that are starting at ".99" got to be something going on, but the ones $50-$150 are selling for $200-500 online and in stores...

I got this one for Lear and Mab:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50

At 8:18 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ok, so that was a really lame way of linking...

At 8:25 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Now we have flood warnings for the county - it was 59 here yesterday, and now is 26 and the rivers don't know what to do with themselves, so they are flooding. Sheesh.

There's something to be said about buying locally, but there's more to be said for things delivered right to your door, after a few clicks of a mouse......

At 8:26 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

The drums, the drums...

Now THAT is a cat tree! The ones I was looking at are selling on Ebay for $50 and sell in the stores for $150 or so! My kitties will have a new tree thanks to Ms Fab. :)

I can't wait for spring when the ice is gone and I can go out to the mounds and watch the sky. I would settle in this neighborhood if I were not so sick all winter. I do really like it here.

At 8:43 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I would have bought one locally, actually, but the one furniture store in town had them on "Sale" for $250, and simply don't need the best one going, just a mat for lounging with my Magic.

Hurrah for Kitty Trees! I'd been looking and decided, after Janet mentioned getting one there, and discovered the Secret....

I need to go and work on Tubes for a couple hours before Horsing. Maybe one more cup of tea...

At 8:52 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And the fog is breathing...

At 8:55 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It's a great tree. Are the ceilings in your house high enough to accomodate it? It looks gigantic.

At 9:04 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Nathilie is VERY spooky today!

I think they are high enough. Not for Janet's 8 foot tree, but this one is only 72, which is 6 feet. They love to be high up on their current cat tree, which isn't all that big, so I think it will make them happy.

I may have to put it together myself tho, as no men can go near them. Lear hates men and will pee.

Wait. Merry Housekeeper has assembling skills. We will ask her for help.

At 9:45 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Very spooky, Nathalie. Love it!

I'm sure you will have plenty of help with the tree assembly, Q, but let me know if you need an extra pair of hands.

OK, more coffee and then to dishes and laundry, I think. It is almost noon. I suppose I should get something done. TTFN. Happy Saturday/Sunday/Whenever to all.

At 10:26 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lys - the books are chicklit by a wonderful author. The HBO series is in no way chicklit revisited. They are VERY different. The HBO series follows ALL of the characters adventures while the books only follow Sookie....

The books are entertaining because the writer has a wonderful imagination and she really gets into Sookies head. They're optimistically dark.

The HBO series is darker. Maybe because it follows so many more storylines.... Oh and there is more sex.... It IS HBO after all.

At 10:36 AM , Blogger vampi said...

well the cool thing about subscribing to the comments in email, is that gmail turns all links clickable no matter how you post them. crikey that isn't a cat tree, that's a cat metropolis.

it sucks that they aren't calling you back about the bengal rescue. i sent a little something to the bengal rescue, if it can't help that cat, then another will benefit. i wish i could have animals here. when we move i'm making sure animals are an option.

At 10:40 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well, someone has used all the hot water in the building. I guess I can't do dishes. Oh well. :)

Sounds like the True Blood books need to be added to my list of books to read when I am done with school. Thanks for the info Ticia!

At 10:42 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

DUDE! that cat tree is the bomb! & only 130 if you want it now??? I think I'm going to get two. With 4 cats; they will each have one they can share with a friend. What a STEAL!!! There is a petco withing walking distance (literally less than a block) from my house; they have one that is 3 feet tall and is the same price and not nearly so fancy!!! OMF! When these get put up I'm totally posting pictures somewhere. My cats will be lovin this! Yes, the trees are large our house is a cathouse anyway so we accomidate them; pathetic isn't it? If my Stella is in MY chair... I sit elsewhere. That'd be fun poem.


snickers & doodles to you all

At 10:48 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Gayle - The first book is "Dead Until Dark" and the author is Charlaine Harris...

I can't jump to links on my IPHONE, so I'll have to wait until I turn on my laptop to see " kitty nirvana"...

My husband just showed me clips from The Simpsons relating to Apple products.. It was especially funny because he did it on his IPHONE.. Hahaha!

At 10:50 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ok, sold me on the books...

Isn't that the best, that store with the cat trees? I looked at Petco too, and that was exactly the same thing. These Neptune people got it going ON.

I am going to get another for Magic, and perhaps Venus and Mim as well, they have their big one in the sun room, but really, are there ever enough?

At 10:51 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

They have a 94" one too that's only 109!!! It would so match coco's eyes. i'm a dork.

At 10:53 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

These people know how to do a house RIGHT!

At 11:02 AM , Blogger vampi said...

ok, did anyone go the the ebay seller's store? it's a might bit eclectic.

firehoses, camping bags, cat houses, hanging hammock chairs...toilet seat covers?

and one called sandy beach...i don't know about you, but i'm not to overjoyed about the thoughts of a sandy beach while doing bathroom things. maybe it's just me, but some places don't like grit.

At 11:30 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Heaps upon heaps of bubbles.

Sounds like a jolly good time!

At 11:31 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Vampi -


At 11:43 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Good afternoon! we have been having our christmas here and you can see what i received:

Very cool, and all enjoyed their gifts. now cooking (or i should be) to the riffs of rockband 2.

I quickly scanned the comments, and for all things electronic, my daughter begins by going to www. - they have reviews on everything and it really helps boil down decisions, then you can look in the stores or order online. Sally, best wishes to your mom - hope all goes well sooner rather than later for that. Nat, great story! Val, hope you feel better soon, and great to have you back Siri and Stacy. Lorraine, hope your ride goes well!

it is RAINIng like heck, foggy and 50 here too - what a mess outside. (i had just taken the dogs out when we opened gifts which accounts for the oh so stunning hairdo ;)

We are going on a brief getaway, and i hope everyone has a wonderful week, and a Happy New Year!!! i look forward to reading all the comments when we return.

At 11:48 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Tomorrow is going to be a really amazing sixty-two degrees here. Can hardly believe it. New England winters are so wild.

At 12:00 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Yes; I've seen that house before somewhere; it is sooooooo cool. Cat heaven. Vampi; that is hilarous. Makes me wonder; I've visted bathrooms all over our state from families of various backgrounds & means; and the one 'bathroom theme' that seems to win hands down is the beach one. Why is that? I get the water thing; but as you so adroitly pointed out; the sand thing is not so nice. I practically live at the beach and I can tell you; that sand gets everywhere. When I see movies that glorify the all mighty love ritual taking place on the shore; I laugh. And NO, even on the surfboard; it finds it's evil, gritty, rashy way to all your tender parts.

At 12:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I had much the same thoughts, Vampi, they do kind of sell everything, don't they? Very funny...Well, as long as the cat tree is as promised, and they do have a high approval rating...

Have yrself some fun, Sue!!!!!

I am off for a ride on my nice horsie! Which makes me happy! I'll come home tired, dirty and sore.


At 12:37 PM , Blogger vampi said...

oh i didn't mean to detract from cat house joy. i was just amused by the varied products. their stuff looks decent and some crazy cat houses. i'm just easily amused in the morning.

have fun riding:) will this be on the new outside horsey?

At 1:38 PM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

BUBBLES! That is awesome! What is it about bubbles that is to magical and mysterious? I want bubbles now!

I'm so glad to hear the F3 kitty is safe. There is an explosion of unwanted/abandoned animals because of the housing crisis.

Sally, best wishes to your mom.

At 1:39 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I went out in it anyway - the ice, that is. My driveway and sidestreet made it an adventure, but city streets are OK. Exercised, grocery shopped and got my hair trimmed. Now they say it's going to snow on top of this. Sheesh - and there's the Masked Fiend with 62 degrees tomorrow. Ah well. I've got my fiends to keep me warm.

At 1:47 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

i thought birdchick was joking when she said it had 'warmed up' to 20 degrees and so they went for a walk. If it's below 70 degrees here I have to wear gloves! y'all must have some thick blood there!

At 1:52 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

If that's any comfort, the forecast for tomorrow is 0 (celcius = 32 F) and snow. Italy it may be but it is still the end of December...
Stay warm and safe, fiends.
Get better.
Cuddle with warm drinks and animals.

At 1:55 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Nat; I had no idea it snowed in Italy. I really must get out more :)

At 2:02 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I hope you have a great time riding! And that there will be pictures. :)

I just made pizza for M and hid some veg in the sauce. Sneaky, I am. I make the dough with whole wheat flour. Feels better for you. Poor M. Pizza with whole wheat crust and broccoli in the sauce. Oh well. Gotta have something to tell the therapist, right?

You know, I'm sure, that you should always have at least one more litter box than cats. I think we should have the same rule for cat trees.

OK, more pizza.

At 2:06 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

My fodness, that cat tree/apartment block is enormous. Tysie would love it, but we'd have to move out to fit it in *grin*
I hope all Fiends who drive today are safe - they had US icy roads havoc on our news last night.
I hate driving, walking or skiing on ice (and yes, I've done all three)I'm an in control kind of gal, and ice negates that totally.

Just to send you some warmth, its meant to be 29C (85F) here today, though right now it doesnt feel like it. It was already 27 degrees this time yesterday

At 2:18 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hey Fiends, The Graveyard Book has been named as one of the 3 best underage books for 2008 in my local newspaper. We have good taste here in Melbourne.

At 2:23 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Ohhhh the *bubbles*!! I haz bubble envy. Are jets the secret to monster bubbles? I have a tub now (wheee!!) but no jets. It's a deep clawfoot and holds around 50 gallons so I was guessing it was too big to get good bubbles out of the average Lush bath bar. I just get "eh" bubbles. Any Fiends recommend a super-bubbly brand of bubbles?

So, does the local swim team do laps in that tub? That thing looks huge!

I cannot contribute anything useful to TV suggestions. I watch stuff on a 17 inch iMac. If you google some home theatre sites they're probably full of useful info.

gaypet - Mounds? Are you near Anderson?

Yowsa, that's one big cat tree! I'm glad the dogs are happy with dog beds that require no assembly nor extra room... just replacing after they eat them.

The fog last night was amazing! It was 65 here today so I cut some tile outside (messy job). It's supposed to be thunderstormy here later - not your typical December day.

At 2:24 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh, nice, Sally! "Underage book" is funny. :) Poor book can't buy drinks or anything.

At 2:32 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Sorry, Maureen, I'm a little slow on the up-take. Anderson? What has my befuddled brain missed?

You all make take my Fiend card away but I hate baths. I mean, I hate them! I shower, of course. But would rather swallow hot glass than take a bath. A nice big hot tub is OK. If there is champagne. Just felt the need to confess, with all of the bubble bath talk.

At 2:38 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Nat--you're SCARING me!!! Weeee!!!

Siri-"the rivers don't know what to do with themselves" BRILLIANT!! I have a hydrogeologist friend who will love that, I am SO stealing it (with proper credit!) for his next t shirt.

Ticia--I did rather enjoy the two (think it was two) which I read; one of them was where some very powerful vamp guy has lost his memory or something. Tripped over them in an MWR (Morale Welfare Recreation) book room in Baghdad, actually! And didn't remember the True Blood tag at all....something about Southern Vampires was what sticks to mind...

But I will search out some more. How important is it that they be read in order, if that is problematic?

Q--Didn't know you were right there when my beautiful baby boy was born!! Awww.... Don't suppose you remember what month it was? And THANK YOU for the cat tree info; even an unemployed Joe like me can now afford to give a GREAT late nifty gifty to the very deserving felines of the house (belatedly making up for dragging them halfway across the country in a Volvo station wagon :))

LOTS of great links today. Can spend the day watching NCIS (still on the marathon) and clicking links. Cleaning house can wait. Thanks, Fiends!!

At 3:11 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hmmm, you made me go back and check Gayle...Underage...that's all it says.
I did think how odd it sounded when I was drafting my email to Boss -but that's what the paper calls it *grin*

At 3:12 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

More; technically, as the book was only born (printed) this year it is underage.

*evil grin*

At 3:19 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lys - I am a bit of a control freak, so I read books in order. I do the same thing with TV series wherever possible.

That being said, as in any series, there are ample recaps throughout each book. And each book has a story that stands on it's own.

I think your experiece proves the point.

At 3:30 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Back from the in-laws. Lovely time, ate too much, but not enough chocolate (unlike apparently everyone else around here!), but still looking interestedly at the tub of cookies...

I took notes reading, and they say:
Tom Baker
Alan Rickman
Olevia TVs

By which I mean Tom Baker as Puddleglum the marshwiggle was brilliant!
I <3 Alan Rickman
and if you are looking for a less-expensive large TV, we have an Olevia LCD and have been really happy. It came from, my favorite place to buy electronics, on a really good sale.


BUBBLES!!! *grin*

At 3:40 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I love the bubbles! A tub with jets... Oh man I want to crawl into one right now. Thank you all for the healing wishes; I'm convinced that's what's given me the strength to make it to my couch. That, and Vicodin. I think I might see how toast goes over... And then, more sleep. This sure is one hell of a way to lose weight. I can't recommend it, though.

At 4:26 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Jess, I've been loving your pictures. It's been many a year since I've been to England, but I can still see the places in my head - your pictures help, even though I was never where your are. There's something in the light there that is no where else.

Lys - use away - once I'm published, though, I'll be collecting royalties. Don't hold your breath.

At 4:39 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Half of our lot are sick and it is unseasonable warm here all of a sudden. Blegh.

At 5:34 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

gaypet - when you mentioned Mounds park and Indians I thought of Mounds State Park in Anderson, IN

Jess - that *is* lovely!

Dan - here's hoping the Wellness Fairy sprinkles a cure upon your household and you all have a speedy recovery.

At 5:41 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Great photos Jess, I'd love to walk that trail looking at them. What's the story behind the heritage tree?

Poor Dan - sending good health wishes to your place and more to Val. Not fair to get sick in the holidys

At 5:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It's the best bathtub ever, hands down. Nearly stayed for a bath tonight (went back there after my lovely ride for a bit to help Boss with something you will no doubt hear about from him at the proper moment)

And I am sore and tired. WAS dirty. Shower fixed that.

I do have some pics to post and stories, we will get to them shortly.

I did see both your kitties born, Lys, Furball was their mom, Dad unknown. We called them Brandy and Marmelade. Boss had heard a weak kitten who wasn't doing as it ought, might have a couple drops of Brandy. The other just fit.

Glad you all are getting cat trees, I should get a commission! It just blew me away how cheap they were. Go to that company, the .99 seems kind of too good to be true..

At 6:01 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I wonder if they'd ship a cat tree here for free? I can dream!

At 6:29 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dream away, Sal, dream away, for what are we without dreams?

Speaking of which, I have a few myself, and the new post is up...

Who's first tonight?


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