Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Day The Magic Came!

I can't think of any compelling and storytelling way to say this, the words are so simple, and sometimes, the simple words are all you need.

Magic came out tonight. He came out and played with me.

Not just poking a nose out, like I thought the first steps might be, but full on all the way out and interacting. He is surely the most beautiful Kitty ever born. I hadn't really got to look at him before, he was so scared when I brought him home, I kept him covered and he has been hiding ever since.

Until tonight.

I was going to show you a letter I got from my Jungle Loves new Friend, which made my heart so happy, and indeed, we may end with that, but first...

I un-tangled the feather sticks, and was having a game with Venus and Mim, which is sort of full on chaos, lots of fun, and I thought I might take the sticks up to the New Bengals, King Lear and Little Queen Mab, and Mab of course came out and was gently batting the feather about.

Lear, an over 20 pound F2, thinks about things a little more. Until he decides what needs to happen. 20 pounds of POUNCE onto the feather, ripped from the stick and destroyed. I laughed so hard, and got something a bit stronger.

No one, I thought, can resist the Feather Stick.

No one.

I took the Sticks down to Magics room. Magic, as most of you know, is my sadly abused F1, who hasn't, from the day I brought him home some months ago, come out of his cave when I am in the room. I was thinking about him, and how to reach him, and very, very sure I would not for anything give up on him, and sat on the floor, and started Feathering.

A head came out. A body came out. He left the cave, went to the cat tree, chased, and pounced. Until every so often he would recall that he was OUT and I was there, and hissing would happen, but I just kept playing and he would forget again.

Magic. Pure and simple. We named him right.

I can reach him. I have reached him.

Tho it makes this post kind of long, I want to share some pictures and a letter I got. The Jungle Loves were badly off when I got them, and it too, took months of work, and longer until I found the right home. But if you want to know why I foster, here it is...

They are doing better than great.. Better than I had even hope for at this time.

Spirit ( the spotted one) sleeps on my lap every time I sit in my chair. She sits on the back of my head rest if my feet are not up, and follows me from room to room to be were every I am.

I have also taught her to "give me five" when she gets her treats. One day I will have to send you a video of that. She is so good! We rub her fur and she purrs, and rolls in every direction like she is in heaven. Especially when you rub her tummy or brush her. She really likes to be pet.

Angel ( the marble one) is VERY active. Gary calls her Fallen Angel when she gets into things.It has taken her longer to settle
down and like being touched and petted. But she has started laying on my lap like Spirit ( I think she get jealous) and slowly she has allowed us to pet her.

They do the funnest things, and are so much fun to have around. They have made us laugh till we cry and entertained us for hours. When Angel wants your attention she goes behind the entertainment center and steps on the power outlet strip for the TV and turns it OFF! Trust me they are smart and know how to get your attention and let you know what “they” want.

Spirit paws my chair when she wants something. If she wants to play she paws at my hand. If she wants a treat she jumps on my lap and looks at the jar sitting next to me. They run around and around the house and chase each other. You never know which way they will be coming from. They have made a "runway" so they know just where they can go.

Thank you! K.J.

Never say never. And go for it.

Love and Magic,


At 5:48 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

And the Magic came out to play...

oh how wondrous!

At 5:50 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

A post is never too long when it involves leopards and happiness!

At 5:52 PM , Blogger Stacey said...

Congratulations to you and Magic. What wonderful news!

At 5:55 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

meant to add two thoughts:

Thank you as always for sharing, Lorraine, the JL updates and photos. That last one really got me, such peaceful pussycat happiness so that you'd never know life was ever otherwise for that feline.

And that your posts (this being a PRIME example) are truly the best way to slowly say goodby to the old year and welcome in the New..with all its possibilities...potentials...LIFE!!


At 5:57 PM , Blogger bengalgirl said...

The way to a bengal's heart and soul is PLAY, just finding the right toy.

I am so happy about Magic and a bit jealous too as I've only had the "breakthrough" with one cat I've had.

I am so glad personally and for our rescue that you made your New Year's resolution. Not every foster home can have the special cats.


At 5:58 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

This is a post full of happiness.

Lorraine, I really cannot put into words how this makes me feel - 3 beautiful animals growing because of your patience and hard work.

At 5:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It was my New Years Resolution last year to make A Difference, somehow. This I would say, qualifies.

Thank you, we are over the moon here at the Spooky House tonight!

At 6:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sally, don't forget Lear and Mab up in the forest room, and Kylie, the little shelter rescue now out in LA! All needed help.

I can't save them all, but I will save as many as I can. This I promise you.

At 6:06 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, you are so right Lorraine, I had 'forgotten' them.

I think you should be redubbed cat saviour.

At 6:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I want to save the lost causes, but there are many more Kitties out there, Bengal and otherwise, that will love you and be greatful from day one...

Just saying, if anyone is on the cusp here, for fostering or getting a new friend...

At 6:11 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Congratulations, Lorraine!

Magic, indeed.

Back from the land of snow and no internet. Hope everyone is well.

At 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! I knew with persistence and love you would have a break through. I am so excited about this. Good work Lorraine.

At 6:37 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

This is so wonderful. Oh those Jungle Loves look so happy and loved. I love the idea that Magic would forget that he was showing.

It is amazing to think about what can happen when a person decides to intentionally do good -- make a difference. Well done Lorraine!

Tonight I was to have gone to an open house as part of my friend getting her new business up and going. I am unable to go, sadly. I thought that I could do my part for her kick-off by letting the fiends know about her web site! Check it out.

At 6:38 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lexo, welcome back! Lots of excitement happening here!

Marilyn, and many thanks to you for the hours on the phone giving me advice on what the heck I am doing! If anyone knows cats, EG Bengals in particular, it's you!

(your cats don't have problems she can't solve. )

At 6:38 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

This must feel so truly wonderful.

Magic indeed.

At 6:39 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks for the link, Aleta, we must check this out...

It is amazing what you can do if you decide to do it.

No limits!!!!!!!

At 6:39 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

THAT was fast -- eleven comments when I went to post, fifteen after I'd finished.

At 6:40 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It does feel wonderful, Emily. I had some tears, I do admit...

At 6:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

When Fiends go they GO! LOL..

At 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Lorraine. You're doing the work. I'm just the coach!

At 6:44 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Lorraine, you not only make a difference with our furry friends, you have made it with as 2-legged types. You lure the lurkers out, and lead us by example. Good on you, mate, good on you.

At 6:44 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, but it's really GREAT advice, I might have botched it many times if not for you. Besides, you are fun to talk to and I love the vids on your website!

At 6:45 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Oh, and yes - that's the picture from the St. Paul Graveyard book reading, etc. Thanks, Aleta!

At 6:46 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Siri!

More lurkers! Come out come out where ever you are!

Where's our new recently de-lurked Dabbler????

At 6:46 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

So much hope and love here it is a bit overwhelming! Q, you have turned lives around and will continue to do so and it warms the heart, it does.

I think those who have already said, "Magic indeed" have it right. We all want our lives to have meaning. This is how we do it. Yes? :)

Good show!

At 6:47 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I thought that was new! That was a really fun evening, I am so glad you drove up for it!

At 6:48 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am so lucky. Not sure why. But I want to do what I can.

At 6:50 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Sorry, but it's not luck. You make the goodness happen. All sorts of animals are drawn to you, Lorraine. No matter how many feet.

At 6:51 PM , Blogger Siri said...

One of these days, I'm going to drive up for a gig. Perhaps not till the weather turns, however, so don't look for me Wednesday night. Eek!! New Year's Eve is 2 days away!!!

All things happen for a reason, Quiche - your past led you here to save all of us, as my past led me here to be saved and save in return. Having found this place (come out come out Dabbler!!!) I'm bound and determined to make my corner of the world better.

At 6:55 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Yes, Dabbler and others, this is the safest place on earth. Virtual or otherwise. Come out, come out, where ever you are!

At 6:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You guys are the best!

Not a fluke. Just went in to feed magic, and took the feather, and out he came. Won't of course, be touching for some time, but I think there is no limit to what he can do...

At 7:03 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes "You must be the change you want to see in the world." mahatma ghandi. both Q and BA are making some wonderful changes i the world. i am heart warmed by both of you making a difference.

At 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am BEYOND thrilled about all of this, Fablo, and all the beautiful cats, and people, you are saving and helping and you're spreading the word and the encouragement and the example . . . You are right, and making a postive choice, deciding to do what's right and make a difference, is something we can all do. And it's time for making re-solutions, determining to re-solve problems and issues. Wow, did I need this encouragement. And now I'm all fired up to see what *I* can do this coming year!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou...

(And welcome Dabbler -- don't stay away!)

At 7:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Right back at you, Grace!

Wonderful and oh so true quote Vampi!

At 7:30 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Congratulations!!! You have concrete evidence of MAKING a often all one has is the hope that one has done something good. Magic is a story and is an analogy and is an example and is a warm flesh-and-blood beastie...all things to all people as it were. The message is so simple...try, persist, DO something...

Resolutions....I haz them :)

Seriously though, thanks for sharing this story, all of it!!

At 7:39 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

Oh...not scared of you folks, at all! Mostly of my own inner critic...and of feeling like I have to keep having things to say. But that's never been much of a problem for me! thanks for the welcome. I'll try to show up regularly.

Have no clue how to post links, but I was amused to see that Amazon had a "crazy cat lady" action figure.

Warm blessings to all. I'm off to bed in a very quiet house since all the teen beasts are away.

And put me on the list for heated floors, if anyone is sending them out...warm feet rule.

At 7:40 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Fiendish input needed.
My 22 year old Janome sewing machine has been very naughty recently, and needs to be serviced to be usable.
Should I bite the bullet and get a new one, with one step button holes and needle threader, donating my old one to charity (Janome do that, and give you a gift) or should I get it serviced.

Automatic threading sounds brilliant - I have such trouble seeing the needle these days.

At 7:43 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

What happens when i check the email box....guess I'll find out.

At 7:52 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Lorraine, tears in my eyes. I am so happy for you... I am so happy for the bengals. Lucky cats, they are, to come into your life... and you, I know, feel the same luck in having them be a part of your life.

I have been having a wonderful time with Lamia.. she is extra cuddly. She came home with me for xmas and was much more relaxed there this time than she has been in the past. It is a 4+ hour cage ride. She goes with me on (very crowded) public transit all the way downtown, then we transfer to another bus in downtown traffic, transfer to a ferry, 2 hour ferry ride, transfer to a car for a 1/2 hour ride in the car, and finally transfer to a house in the woods. Fortunately we came back by car (this time). For an apartment kitty she does very well.

She is currently enjoying the altered architecture of my room while I am packing to move.

Send me warm melty wishes for my move on the 30th and 31st please!!! We got hit with a few feet of snow... while we have had practically none for the last several years it just HAD to dump this year. Huge brown slush piles are EVERYWHERE.

Warm wish to the fiends. My internet access will be spotty for a while here, but I will try to check in.

At 7:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I like sharing my stories, I'm just glad you all seem t like them, and want to come with me on these things...

Dabbler, welcome again. As to what happens when you check the box, hee-hee, you wake to a LOT of e-mails, these fiends get CHATTY at night!

And oh yes, I have that Crazy Cat Lady action figure!

(people say that like it's a bad thing...)

No help here for you Sally. I can only make pillow cases with regular seams on my Wal mart special and it takes both Maddy and I to do it...

At 7:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Best of luck Rubious! And of course Lamie is cool, she just wants to be with you and loves you dearly. Remember, you rescued her...

At 8:03 PM , Blogger vampi said...

for those not in la, article about boss here

At 8:04 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Ah Lorraine


You, Magic and the Jungle Loves.

Mab, Lear and the girls.

Kylie and her Batman

On this I shall sleep. Thank you.

At 8:08 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...


having gone and google-cated myself on the subject of Janome sewing machines, I have some thoughts for you. And in the interest of NOT hijacking this Bengal Love thread, I'm email them to you. Okay?

Just in case you haven't seen this link, they have some great end of year prices right now.

At 8:09 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I remember that interview. One forgets they are actually things that come out....

Sweet dreams, Beez.

I am more determined than ever to help these kitties, Magic, Lear and Mab. And don't much mind how long it takes.

Not sure if Lear and Mab can go to a new home. Maybe the right person, but EG's get into your heart and when they bond, they bond. It would have to be the VERY right home, and not soon.

Magic, of course is going no where. His home is with me.

At 8:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hey, Lys, we can always come back to Bengal love and often do..As ever, anything anyone has to say is just fine...

At 8:13 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Thanks, Q! I split the difference--it was going to be a VERY long post. :) I did include the great sewing machine prices link. Of course, before I plan on having a machine shipped from Australia I should probably check the exchange rate. hehehe

At 8:18 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Curse you, Fiends - I have to be at work at 7, and here I am still playing with you!!! Please release me let me go.......

Off to bed now.

Night, Fiendom.

At 8:22 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Night Siri.

Night/Morning Fiends!

Night Bengals.

At 8:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bengals never sleep.

But night to those who do...

At 8:46 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I'm right there with you, Siri. But I couldn't stay away on such a momentous night. I rushed through my chores so that I could be come back here before I went to bed. I was so excited, I was doing the happy dance while I worked. Congratulations!

At 8:47 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

That's about the price the people I was talking to offered. I don't want an electronic machine.
Just discussing the options now with Pete

At 9:06 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It is truly a wonderful night! I still can't believe it myself, and I was there. He is so lovely...

Not sure there is anything to compare this to, when a wild creature comes to trust you. And you know you are the only one who can give this being love and a life that is not filled with fear.

Makes up for a lot of things. I think I once knew how he felt. Not being able to trust and all...

At 9:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Q. I am so, so, enormously happy for your. I think there was some serious solstice magic going on, because so many Good Things are happening in my line of sight.

So good to have a shot of joy in our day. Even makes me feel good enough to tackle two poems tonight, instead of just one.

At 9:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Go for your poems El, there is magic in the air...

At 9:52 PM , Blogger Na said...

Hurray! Hurray! The stars are likely singing tonight, for Magic and all Spooky Haus denizens.

Yes yes yes, I believe there is magic afoot. I've had a week of intense lows, but unexpected goodness is coming of it. And driving today we saw several herds of pronghorn, and four bald eagles, one of them on wing, along roads I've not seen these critters before.

More power to you Grace! Good wishes to you, for safety and wisdom, for new depths of knowledge, for planting of seeds for your student and you.

At 10:04 PM , Blogger Bridget said...

Wow. Ceiling Cat is working overtime today. All hail the Feather Stick, tempter of lurking Fiends!

I remember the night before I went to pick up our second cat, Tiger. I was so frightened that it would completely change our first cat, our dear baby Ford, the cat who's so smart I hesitate to call him a cat. I was afraid that perhaps I didn't have enough love for them both, that Ford would feel neglected and hate me forever.

Thirteen years later, here we all are, Tiger curled up beside my head in blissful comfort, Ford on the coffee table battling for a drink of my latte (um, not a chance, diabetic dude), then climbing onto me for his daily five minute full-on body snuggle, and then settling into his own couch cushion dent for the night. Whatever was I afraid of? My love for them is not a finite resource.

What you do is magic, Lorraine, and tonight you were repaid by a Magic of another kind.

At 10:21 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Spent the weekend with my parents in town, which was nice but stressful.

What a WONDERFUL post to get back to the internet with! Thank you, Lorraine, I'll always say it, for the work you do with these cats.

And now, victory arms emoticon:


At 11:19 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...


Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is playing loudly in my head! The year has definitely turned! :) And I was just thinking that you had come full circle with Magic's name. Here comes the sun, in deed!

Sally, I'll look around for "Seachange." It was really weird because I recognized David Wenham in "300" as the same actor who played the friar in "Van Helsing," but I couldn't place him in "Australia."

I just remembered another movie that Alan Rickman is in: "Dogma."

At 11:31 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Dogma is brilliant.
I'm a, well, a bit of a Rickman fanatic. I have most of his films.

Looks like I'm getting a new sewing machine tomorrow...woot woot woot.

At 2:15 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Wonderful News! and what agreat and hopeful way to approach the end of the year. And I agree, Q, it's not luck, it's love and patience and hard work.

(I Will come back after breakfast and read all the comments and links properly)

At 4:20 AM , Blogger Phiala said...


No time for more, back later!

At 6:34 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Feather sticks! A stroke of well timed genius.

You know, even feather sticks wouldn't compell Magic out of his cave if he wasn't comfortable with you. You earned that play date Miss L.

You are the Cat Whisperer!

By the way, my little barn cat Oliver wishes you all a happy holiday season.

At 6:34 AM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

Yay Magic!! Maybe that should be your name, Q, because you perform magic with these lovlies!!

I'm trying to be a fiend and not a lurker, but stress is my middle name right now. Husbeast's mom, my dad, and my own health are all conspiring against us!

I need someone to come wave a feather at me and play :-)

Oh, and I did talk to husbeaast about fostering, but I'd forgotten we have a no-pet clause in our current lease. Maybe once he graduates and we move. I keep pointing out that something furry to pet would help me relax...

At 6:54 AM , Blogger louisa said...

So much I want to say from post/comments yesterday and today (Magic!) but as I'm allegedly working this afternoon, for now I'll just point those interested to a bit of an interview with Boss a friend just posted(it's towards the end).

At 6:58 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Fiends!

Aww...Erin, lovley Xmas vid from Oliver!

Data, So sorry for the stress, yes, take a feather break! And then plan for some new furry friends once you move, they do one much good.

This is a great way to end the year! And plan for next...

Woke up with the nightmare of I was playing a funeral in AZ and I brought Magic in his cage and someone let him out and he was scared and ran and coyotes chased him and I chased them away....

And on and on and on...

At 6:59 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

More Boss interviews! Thanks Louisa! The man is all over the place, he will be glad to read them.

At 7:39 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Morning all! Off to a mind-numbing day of work. Me and 7 to 10 school age kids. Just boring, not hard. :) At least I didn't have to open.

Sorry about the nightmare, Q. Not restful!

I will be out and about in Stillwater for New Years! Very happy about that, I am.

Coffee, M needs a bath, then off and running.

Have a great day!

At 7:43 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

How can 7-10 kids be boring???? Unless you just watch them taking a test or something....DO tell...

That's great about New Years! Aleta and some people are coming too! That's enough for a party in my book!

Magic crawled out from under his covers, a little head poking out to see me. His eyes look more full of wonder than scared now, and he ventured out to the bottom of his cat tree, before going back in the cave to growl at me.

At 7:46 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That's a great post. I am so happy for you. And the kitties.

At 7:49 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lots of work ahead, that's for sure!

Speaking of which, I am off to work. TUBES! Lots and lots of TUBES!

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

L, you probably know this, but Flogging Molly is playing in St. Paul in 2009. Tickets are already on sale. I was looking for Boston tickets, but they've put those on hold until January. Not fair!

At 8:06 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well, that many kids is just not really work. :) I will get out the art supplies and do some fun stuff with them but the time just moves at a very slow pace. We are working on an undersea mural for one of the walls so we will make glittery fish and what not. We will go to the gym and kick balls around. I shouldn't complain. Really! It's just not challenging and 10 kids and one adult in an all but empty school is not that exciting. I will make it exciting.

I just got a txt that there are actually only 5 kids today. Sounds like a playdough may be in order. Lot's of teachers (at this school anyway) just put on movies when the day is like this but I don't like to do that. Making messy art is better.

Good news about exploring the cat tree.

I wonder if I have any clean clothes...

At 8:50 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh, no! Our Queen Empress has gone to the TUBES!!! Will we ever see her again? Will they have radically changed her? going to the tubes anything like going to the dogs?

Enquiring Fiends want to know.


At 9:16 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Morning, Fiends!

I'm excited to hear about Magic coming out -- that ROCKS, dude! And to see the Jungle Loves happy in their new home is really cool, too.

I'm back in the land of the living now, after 86 hours with no food (the toast experiment didn't work out well). I'm also in the office at Saltmine U. on my vacation, so that I don't walk into the office next week and get completely blindsided with stuff. (I love being salaried. I love being salaried. I'm going to keep telling myself this until I believe it.)

Gayle, good luck at work today. Sally, congratulations on the sewing machine -- may your bobbin never vomit thread.

Quiche, about your dream… Coyote is a trickster, don't forget. ;) If he wants to come chase Magic in your dreams, that might not be a bad thing…

At 9:21 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Val! You're alive! Whew! :)

Glad you are improved, sorry you are at work. The joys of salaried positions...

At 9:36 AM , Blogger dabbler said...

I see what that email checkmark does...

Hmm. Val,those of us self employed (I speak for myself (always!)) sometimes have salary envy. Paid vacation? what's work. no pay. Hope that helps a bit.

And what's the matter with Flogging Molly that they aren't playing Philly! mutter, mutter...

Actually, life here is good: the sun is shining!
No tubes, either. Good luck with that, Fablo.

At 9:39 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Dabbler (makes me think of ducks!), yes, Pennsylvania sunshine, making me very happy. (central PA, with you near Philly we now span the state, thru to Pbgh)

I am hungry, and wish to go out for lunch, but cannot decide what to eat. But going out in the sun would be very therapeutic, even without food.

At 9:53 AM , Blogger dabbler said...

No ducks! Chickens in the past...well fed local foxes thereafter. Dabbler comes from my breadth of interests and lack of depth in many of them, actually. Have relatives in Pittsburgh, and son goes to Allegheny in Meadville. How middle of PA are you? I'm in Phoenixville, near Valley Forge. (We, the town,)have taken to burning a 20 ft high wooden phoenix in early December. Makes me happy!

At 10:01 AM , Blogger vampi said...

phalia, it's funny you think of ducks with dabbler, i went a different direction,... cut-me-own-throat-dabbler.

i must finish reading pratchett

At 10:05 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

ROFL. Hopefully we will not finsih reading him for a while still.

At 10:08 AM , Blogger dabbler said...

Duck onna stick!

At 10:08 AM , Blogger vampi said...

yes quite true. i mean i've only read about 5 books, and non in order. so far carpe jugulum is me are shocked, aren't you?
although, i need to re-read moving pictures. i think it will be a lot more funny now that i live in holy wood.

At 10:15 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Moving Picture is one of my favourites.

At 10:22 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Anyone who has not yet seen it should check out Kyle Cassidy's LJ post from the morning. Very Very Cool.

At 10:59 AM , Blogger Adri said...

I just finished my annual reading of Hogfather (seasonal, you know). I think overall the Guards books are my favorite, though!

Work is still very stressy, but spent the morning in a great brainstorming session with my team, so feeling positive!

At 12:08 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

*grin* Yes, I thought of Dibbler too, but he was rather unsavoury, and no Fiends are like that!

I like dabbling ducks much better. :)

I'm dead square central Pennsylvania, at Penn State. When they decided to create a school in PA (originally the Farmer's High School even though it was a four-year college), they divided the state in half both ways, and plopped it down at the center point. There was no town there, which is why Penn State is in the brilliantly-named town of State College.

At 12:21 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Adri, what did you think of the Hogfather film? I loved it.
I'm going to buy Nation with a gift voucher I got. I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite Pratchett they are all so good, but I really love those little wee free men...

Val, so glad to hear you are feeling better

At 12:27 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Love the Hogfather movie! Susan is spot on, and Mr Teatime so very creepy.

I wonder if I can get Nation on my Kindle. So much in my 'to read' pile.

(also, eeee, I got Absolute Sandman vol 1 for winter holiday!)

At 12:28 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i quite like dibbler. i meant no offense by it at all. he was quite a interesting little side character inthe last book i read, night watch. of course this was pre cut-me-own-throat...

At 12:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Very jealous Adri - that was one of my unfullfilled Christmas wishes. Wasn't Teatimer just SO creepy, and yes, Susan was spot on.
Hmmm, I might just watch it again today.
Vampi - yup!

At 1:30 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Welcome Dabbler -

Vampi, is that you getting all name checked on Boss-blog?

Love the Jungle loves pictures.

Dread Val, welcome back to the land of the living, but sorry to hear you have had to go in to work. I amnaged to wanle time off until 5th Jan so am really catching up with months of slleep..

At 1:44 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Has to be our Vampi - can't be that many Donielle's from LA, surely.

At 1:58 PM , Blogger vampi said...

EEK! it is me. i didn't figure he'd post my email, i might have made it less dorky :)

i've never met another donielle, but there are quite a few on facebook, it's so strange.

At 1:59 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

it's not dorky. and I liked the interview

At 2:06 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

not dorky at all - my email about the underage books thing in Melbourne was, so glad THAT didn't hit the blog.

At 2:15 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Vampi, congrats on being namechecked on the Bossblog!

Dabbler, I can see how the grass might indeed seem greener.

Adri, congrats on your Absolute Sandman! I've been coveting the books for ages and throwing hints around broadly every time a Gift Occasion arises, but alas. Perhaps my hinting has been too subtle. I should start saying that I want a set signed by Boss only slightly less than I want my own harem.

Phiala, Sally, Majorie -- thanks for the well-wishes. In retrospect, perhaps ladling the usual amount of chili oil into my tom gha kai soup was… unwise.

At 2:46 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Mmmm, chilly. Yup, might have been unwise with a dodgy tummy.

At 3:27 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Today I'm reading that "Prince of Stories" thingie. It's pretty good. It's got this awesome essay by someone Fabulous...

At 3:33 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Sally, I almost made chili! WEnt to the grocery to get ingredients and lo and behold they had fresh tamales out (it is tamales season in San Antonio). So now I'm eating 3 different types of tamales instead. Early dinner, but they're still warm from steaming!

At 3:52 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

my heart is squeezed with happiness & love at your Magic boy braving his fears & coming out to try again. you are truly the Bengal mistress of love & new beginnings!

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

wait; there's photos I'm missing on LJ? How; pray tell; does one get on LJ & get 'linked' to fabulous Bengal photos??? Because I need yet one more distraction to watch other peoples lives; I mean really, who needs a life of one's own??? LOL.

At 4:06 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Stacy, there's always the LJ Bengalcats community-- I have to admit, though, that the top post right now is of my boys. :D

At 4:16 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, tamales! Yum! Pretty much the only thing I miss about living in New Mexico is the food, and this time of year I so miss the tamaales!

Dan, I have that same volume on my to-read pile right now; what a strange coincidence!

At 5:25 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Awe, I knew you could do it, you have a heart of gold, animals sense the good and love in people & your own magic.
Lorraine even helped me adopt our cat "boots", he actually picked my husband, he is the "snoopy" of cats, LOL. Beautiful photos of the happy family, congratulations & Happy New Year to you all!

At 5:27 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I'd heard about the Flogging Molly show. Still not sure about them, I got a couple cd's and it just seemed to me that the Pouges already did it better...

It's a guy and his wife, and then hired band? I don't know, might go, Betsy and I were talking about getting one of the private boxes at the club, which would make it a fun night out. Paul and I cover a couple of their songs, and I like them.

Isn't there a saying about life going down the Tubes? I think mine did today. All about the tubes, we didn't give Kitty enough sympathy when it was her tube time....Addresses, lists, confirm, send out. Tubes.

At 5:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Val, glad you are better! When you Hint for your AS's tell your people to get them from Dreamhaven and we can probably get them signed,(tho no promises on time) I'd say just send 'em but that is some serious postage!

Hey, it's Merry Housekeeper who agreed, uh, with not a LOT of enthusiasm, to set up my cat tree for me. Hans can't. Lear will pee on him.

What exactly IS a tamale? In this part of the world it's sort of a corn thing, with stuff in it...

At 5:36 PM , Blogger Adri said...

A tamal (singular, though most people just use the spanglish 'tamale') is filling wrapped in masa (hominy cornmeal) dough, wrapped in a corn husk, then steamed. Tonight I had chicken, beef, and bean and cheese tamales, since it's the season. Most of the year, it's more common just to have pork available.

They are excruciatingly tedious to make and it's usually an entire family affair. Or, around here, you can buy them on street corners, the grocery, tamales stands, etc, at least around the winter holidays, when they are a traditional family buffet food.

Delicious Tamales is a local tamales stand that ships nationally during the holiday season. :)

At 5:43 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

I am excited to set up the cat tree! Poor Hans, *snicker*, I hope lear will like me. Never had a "real" tamale. never had a "real" taco either, but I can make guacamole'. (??spell check??)

At 5:45 PM , Blogger vampi said...

the internet is tubes!


At 5:45 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Buy them in stores? I live in the wrong place. We can buy lutefisk (you don't want to know) and that's about it for this time of year specials...

I am going to try and get a pic of Magic tonight, tho I can't use flash, so I don't know if it will work...

At 5:52 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Vampi, that was naughty. You must be punished! No more TUBES!!!!!!!!!

Lear will like you Merry. We will give you chicken. Actually, I may start the vacuum , then he will HISSSSS and do his levetating thing in the closet, and we can close the door, he will never know you have been there.

I am contemplating getting rid of the settee that's in there, it's late 1800's , horsehair, and lovely, but there would be more room for the cat tree if I did.

I am truly going down a dangerous path. Ditching antiques for cat trees????

If anyone's interested, I do think it is for sale.

At 5:55 PM , Blogger Beez said...

pssshhht...Quichie, when you come to town we can get fresh tamales on Lake Street or in St. Paul my source- (José)- gets his from a little old lady who sells them from a cart. He says they're the best.

At 6:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Beez! Yr on! I vote for the little old lady and the cart!

I WAS coming to town tomorrow for new hair, but it is looking bleak weather wise. I'll do a lot for new hair, but not drive hours in a storm.

At 6:04 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Very wise. Really, great hair is wasted on hospital wards.....

At 6:10 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Beez, I was about to make almost the same comment! I am waiting to hear back from my friend with the knowledge of the best tamales place. There are actually a lot of great places in the Twin Cities for tamales. I say there needs to be a Twin Cities Fiends Mexican Feast sometime soon!

At 6:15 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Stop talking about delicious food you wretches.

Lorraine, Magic has magicked you into getting rid of an antique? My, he's good.

I have a new sewing machine. I am too scared to open the box

At 6:27 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Now I'm drooling all over the laptop, and I just had dinner.

But... tamales.... oh... yum! If you can't get a friend's grandmother to make them for you, I'm certain a little old lady with a cart is the second-best source.

Maybe I should learn to make them.

At 6:29 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

If you can't open the box, Sally, then I say "So what???"

(ducks and runs)

At 6:31 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lorraine, Your dream may actually be a good omen. We usually dream about our anxieties and you confronted something scary and saved something you loved in your dream.... :-D

Sally - congrats on the sewing machine!

Dabbler - Pictures of the Fire Phoenix...please?

At 6:35 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

Sally, I gotta say thanks for the link to the Petey and Jaydee christmas video, made my monday much more enjoyable. Lorraine I'm sure you and Merry Housekeeper are more than a match for the new cat tree..... but if you have any more plastic from the waterproofing of Magic's room and a little duct tape, I bet you could waterproof Hans :P Just kidding

At 6:47 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I have opened the box (after throwing something at Lorraine)
I have the bits and bobs in front of me with the manual, which I shall read. yeah. Good plan.

At 6:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am sure we could waterproof Hans, but Lear might well take it out on something ELSE.....

I have been typing a new post, hampered by Venus, who keeps playing Fetch with the Feather stick....Bengals let you KNOW what they want.

Ok, enough chat, it's up.

At 8:01 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

my new machine

I've done some mending and altering already, and I love it. So easy to use.

At 3:48 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Sally, nice! I periodically get the urge to upgrade my old, simple, and cheap sewing machine, but right now I'm not doing much sewing so it isn't worth it.

Still tempting!

At 11:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

HI LORRAINE!! Sorry this took so long, we only just got back from Christmas in New Mexico.

THANK YOU for your AMAZING comment on our new album and After The Gold Rush. We really, really, REALLY appreciate it that you GET it, and that's why we love you. You rock.

We can't wait for our album to come out!!

PS - I love and covet the kitties.

At 2:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Lorraine!
I've had a ginormous project at work and am now getting caught up on my reading.

I'm tardy but had to say *GOOSEBUMPS* and not from the cold!!!

This is amazing and I'm so glad we could share the moments with you! marym-d


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