Saturday, December 27, 2008

And Yet Another New Beastie....

My friend Mel is the best. In a lot of ways, but what I am thinking of today is in connection with horses. She is really, really good with them. And with people.

She knows I have been kind of nervous, and she knows I want to learn to ride. Today she mentioned that Rommy was kind of sore as she had been jumping a lot this week. And she was grumpy. Great, I thought. Just what I want, which must have showed on my poor face, because Mel said, well, she thought maybe Rommy needed a day off, and did I want a nice ride on D'Exotica, aka Tess.

True love. I didn't get any really nice pictures of her, but here she is wondering what Mel is DOING with the clippers..

I like riding English best, as opposed to Western. (how can I be a haunted gothic lady, riding the moors endlessly thu the night, dressed in black and lace, with high black leather boots, and my dark hair steaming out behind me, in a Western saddle, I ask you??? Can't be done.)

Rommy isn't so good with an English Saddle, it slips around on her, and you kind of feel, at least I do, like you are about to fall off at any moment. And she has been kind of a brat lately.

D'Exotica was lovely to ride. She knows what she is meant to be doing, and does it, leaving me free to think about riding. I can't think "Thumbs up, elbows in, heels down, hands in line, shorten the reins, move your hips, back straight, use your knees, post, bring her head in, sit back, and oh, relax" when I am trying not to fall off and the horse is not at all interested in doing what I want.

So Mel is leasing me D'Exotica aka Tess for at least the next month or two. I can work on my riding, which certainly needs work, and learn to relax, and communicate with the horse. Then we will see. Lady May needs some work with a better rider than I, and I need the confidence.

I love being with horses, and the horse people I have met. I know enough about riding now, to know how good it can be, and what it might feel like to do it well. Like dance, or music, or spooky words.

I know it's a great workout, and I may get fit doing it. (if only people would stop bring Goodies to the stable!)

Love and New Horses,

PS...This just in, a picture of our friend Jen showing Tess last summer...Thanks Mel!


At 6:32 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

what was Mel doing with the clippers?
I've only ever ridden with an English saddle - I don't think I realized it was that different.
Tess looks like a lovely calm beastie.

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Siri said...

And here's me thinking I'd far rather be a cowboy in a western saddle - it's all what you are used to. I grew up playing Roy Rogers and Dale Evens, so I'm all about the cowboys.

And now, it's snowing. Again. Sal - soak up some sun for me...

At 6:44 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Oh, and Sally - did you ever finish doing what you were doing with the Skull map thing? Did I ever send you my location? Do you still want it?

At 6:46 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Aaahh- Horsies are so beautiful! I am so happy you got to ride today!

At 6:46 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Sounds like you had a great time! Hooray for you. I'm glad you had a chance to relax and enjoy.

Sally, I don't know how prevalent it really is in Australia but I am partial to an Australian saddle. They are sort of part Western part English.

At 6:49 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am happy too. Tess is calm, also half Arab, half Thoroughbred, and she moves really nicely. She is going to teach me a LOT.

I need to learn to trust, them and myself.

Mel told me she ordered a sidesaddle today! Oh yes, in time.

At 6:49 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, I like those too Gayle, haven't had a chance with one tho...

At 6:56 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I sure do love these horses' names ... D'Exotica (but I like Tess too) and English are particular favorites of mine ...

At 6:58 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

Hey Lorraine I had a good time today! I am glad you liked Tess, you looked great on her!

At 6:58 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Wow! Arab and Thoroughbred! Cool. I only was able to ride with an Aussie saddle a few times but I really liked it. I think I would need to start out with Western if I start riding again. It has been a while.

I am going to have some food and try for a second wind.

At 7:02 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

The Aussie Saddles are nice but a lot of them don't fit the horses backs real well. Especially the cheaper versions!

At 7:06 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Mel! Your picture changed! I like it better than the on of Rommy,, or maybe I am just grumpy with her, hee-hee.

I had a lot of fun too, tho I am already so sore. May sleep on the couch, going up seems a lot of work...

At 7:10 PM , Blogger Siri said...

It wouldn't be warm or dark enough for me on the couch - has anyone but me ever invested in a heated mattress pad?

At 7:11 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Have only ever ridden Western.

Tess looks lovely, but she's looking at Mel a bit askance.

At 7:12 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Oh, btw Siri- I have. Aren't they nice?

At 7:12 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Hot tub Lorraine! Then you won't be sore and stiff tomorrow!

At 7:13 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Heaven in the Midwest. Although, being a woman of a certain age, sometimes they are a little too toasty warm to be tolerated. That's when the covers go flying and the feet seek the cool air.

At 7:17 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

The picture is of Tess and Dell! I think it is cool. Sent you a picture of your fiend Jen showing Tess this summer!

At 7:19 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Siri - I had one for years, until I started getting paranoid about electrical fires.

The funny thing is I am very warm blooded ( almost as cold as a vampire) and my husband is cold blooded (werewolf), so my side was set to -1 (otherwise I'd get too hot). And his side was set to +10 (and he was still cold!)

At 7:20 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Heh- I got past the "flying covers" portion of the program almost unscathed. Hurrah! I just get to enjoy the snuggling-in (old bones y'know :P)

At 7:22 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Oh- and I'm not "of a certain age" yet!

At 7:23 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Okay, I might have to take something back. I think I've only ridden in Australian saddles, after doing a quick google and comparing photos.
Siri, I have your location, taa. I've got a fair proportion of us all, and will do something with google maps I think

At 7:23 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hot tub would be lovely, but it is the point from it too the house that is too much for me tonight.

I didn't realize that was Tess in the picture! Going to look at that picture. I so do want to be good enough to show this summer!

My bedrooms are SO warm. I keep the house at 65-68, but sometimes I think the furnace is it's own thing, and it feels like a saunna up there.

At 7:24 PM , Blogger Siri said...

When I grew up, we lived in an all electric house - each room had it's own heat unit, but Pa was (is) cheap, so the temps in all the rooms ranged between 65 and 68. We all had heated mattress pads, and I still love mine.

At 7:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

What are you up to Sal? I may have missed that...

At 7:27 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

I hope you do show this summer you will have sooo much fun with us! The kids are a lot of fun to watch and the adult riders really are great, so encouraging. The kids love sitting on their horses all day!

At 7:30 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Making a static map as a companion to the one Mistress has made...just because the flickering really hurts my eyes.
Also, I'd love to print it out. Pete and I already had the atlas out the other night plotting everyone's locations, just for fun.

At 7:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I just posted the photo of Jen and Tess! At the end of the post, great shot of my horsie!

I will show, who knew? It sounds like wonderful fun and I would love to spend the day watching people ride, and riding myself. Who knows what might happen?

I would never have thought I'd get a Blue Ribbon for honey my BEES made either...

At 7:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sal! Very cool. We will post it when it is done!

At 7:41 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

ouch siri, your weather is the precursor for the states east of you, it has been a brutal winter so far. i have put the family to bed, and just enjoying a brief moment of quiet before i go to sleep myself. It woud be great if you started showing Lorraine! I love english myself, but feel more comfortable on western. Tess looks beautiful!. Haha, beez, lucky you, i haven't slept a full night thru the last 2 years - covers on, covers off, freezing, gets old, and i have tried so many different things, which all help some but not completely. that will be my resolution for 2009: an uninterrupted nights sleep. with dreams of chocolate and alan rickman. (not ready to give up that thread yet)

At 7:42 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lorraine, have you or Janet heard anything yet about that poor kitty?

At 7:47 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

you, miss Lo, are a Beastie magnet.
we are home from San Diego, did another huge mailing this afternoon, and have the final push for Monday...
Little Selina Kyle is very sad about the death of Eartha Kitt, who played her namesake on the TV show Batman...she's so sad, she insists on ONLY drinking from the Christmas tree water. loony kitten. We got her a harness today, so she can stroll around the neighborhood. Picture 6'6" Drew taking her for walks..

As for the bubble bath photo, that tub killed one of my cell phones, it is an amazing bathroom, the best,
but hungry for technology, that is the truth.

Nat-a-law, what's this i hear, story accepted?
my best wishes to you on this! happy new year, all.

At 7:50 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I was thinking of you, today, Kitty. I got my package from Neverwear, complete with a motivation bracelet. I need motivation right now, in spades, and here it came, out of the blue. You are brilliant!

It's time for bed here - it's been a long, weathery day, and I'm weary from it. Going to turn on my bed and crawl in it.

Night, Fiendom.

At 7:52 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Beeware of Bees Bearing Gifts...

Dancing with Horses! That will be your Lakota Sioux name, Q!!

Other than that, my only thought of worth is this:
heated floors.

At 7:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty, better that what she drank out of when she was here....I want to see pics of Drew and Kylie! I know she must be sad about Eartha Kit, we all are...

(And my sister, I am SO with you on the Tubes...Did a couple hours there today myself, not made a DENT yet....)

No word yet on the Bengal in AZ, not sure what's up, I'll try again tomorrow, I want to help this guy!

Sue, you can never have enough Chocolate or Alan Rickman. Well, maybe enough chocolate....

At 7:56 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

If you bathe will cell phone LA Girl, they will die horrible deaths...Here we just get out of the tub and stand there naked talking when they ring.

I love that phrase Siri! "Turn on my bed"

Dancing with Horses AND Bees AND Bengals! Dance without sleeping!

Heated floors????

At 8:01 PM , Blogger Beez said...

[Homer Simpson voice]mmmm.....heated floors [/Homer Simpson voice]

Goodnight Fiends.

At 8:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


'Night Beez. Night Siri.

At 8:08 PM , Blogger bengalgirl said...

Beautiful horses. I rode once as a child, lol, but never again.

Sally, I have heard nothing from the rescue in AZ. Possibly they are closed for the holidays. I'll try calling on Monday. It is always a bit touchy contacting another rescue about on of their cats but I tried to be very diplomatic about it.

We had the strangest weather here, mid 60's, melting all the ice on the ground, trees, etc. Sounded like a logging company here with all the neighbors using chainsaws to cut all the broken branches in trees.

Sally, I couldn't figure out how to add me to the map, if you would add me to your I'd appreciate it. I am in Ft. Wayne, IN.

At 8:09 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Come the revolution we will all have heated floors.

Lovely photos! Lovely Beasties. Trust. Building of trust. I love how much we can all learn about all relationships from the birds and the bengals and the bees and the horses.

Just heard on the news that I guy shot another guy in a movie theatre because the second guy was talking during the movie. 0.0

At 8:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Fablo, I am so glad you had a good experience riding today. The confidence with the horse matters *so* much. And Tess is beautiful!

I don't sleep well, especially lately, but I don't think it's hormones ... yet. I think it's my too-spinny brain. In fact, I should be trying to go to bed soon but I'm not (am experiencing too much icckky dread about next week and stuff), and didn't go to bed last night either. Instead, I dozed on the couch for a few hours, which is short and doesn't let me stretch out, with my laptop *on* my lap for warmth since I didn't have a blanket and ended up with an actual burn on my thigh! As my mother used to say to me, "You make your life harder than it has to be." Ah welladay.

Still eating too much leftover Christmas food, and still enjoying it. It will be gone soon enough and then I will need new jeans, yup. :-)

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

You're on my little list now Janet.
Good luck with the calls, when the time comes.

At 8:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Aleta, well, seems a good solution to the problem. I hate those talking people in movies.

Grace, hang in there! This too shall pass.

They may well be closed or away, Janet, hadn't thought of that. Let us know what you find out.

At 8:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, got the funniest porn spam today...

(what a weird thing to write..)

Subject line: Now you don't have to spend your evenings reading alone!

(heck, sounds good to me, but I read on to the body, as it were..)

Body: Rebuild your man-hood in just minutes! Click here!

Declined to click.

But it made me laugh..

At 8:26 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Q--underfloow heating, via steam or just hot air from kitchen cooking fires/stoves. These days often accomplished by routing hot water piping; it was invented by either the Romans or the early asian population of what is now Korea. Depends on your hemispheric point of view, I guess.

In most modern Korean apartments, just the bathroom and bedroom floors are heated. When your sleeping arrangements are a rolled out futon on the floor, it becomes even more valuable!

Someday, when the dream house is built...I'm with Aleta May.


edited to add:
What's wrong with spending one's nights reading alone, anyway? And if I needed help with my manhood...I'd go get one :)*jk*
snicker snicker.....

At 8:43 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

If anyone wants heated floors, let me know. We sell the electric floor mats (installed under tile, stone, laminates) at my pay job.... I'll hook you up. You still need a good electrician and tile-layer, but....

To see the hype, visit

At 8:57 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...


Great link, that is really interesting. Haven't seen the electric underfloor system before. So they don't have issues with walking all over that wiring?

It sure looked simple to install (er, for a professional of course!)

At 9:03 PM , Blogger Na said...

I want heated floors. The very thought of it brings tears to my eyes.

Beautiful Tess! Hope you have a great time riding and getting fit with your new horsey friend.

I ridden just a few times, but one of those was one of the most magical experiences I've had, on horseback in Canyon De Chelley in Arizona.

At 9:16 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Last week in the WAY below zero I got to work and the door had come open in the night and the floor was so cold, feet hurt in minutes...

Just got a letter and pics of the Jungle Loves from their new friend which warmed my heart, and gave me more determination to keep going and to do more.

These guys had NO chance, they were completely afraid of people, messes of cats, and now...I'll post it and pics tomorrow.

Simply to say, it's why I do this.

At 9:16 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

The only issues they've had is sloppy tile workers who cut the wires while cleaning the grout between tiles.

No problems with walking or water. The wires are completely embedded in the mat.

At 9:19 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lorraine, YAY for Jungle Loves! Their story of love and transformation warms my heart. You rock!

At 9:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wait till you read the letter, I nearly cried I was so happy, those poor kitties, and now, they are SO happy.

We did good.

Going to do it again.

And again.

At 9:26 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Jungle Loves will be my inspiration for change in the new year, I think :)

At 9:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q, you are so right -- it will pass. I don't know exactly why I'm letting myself get all anxious, but I am. But you, and the other fiends, keep pulling me back into laughter, so yay for that. :-)

Jungle love success! You worked magic with them, you are working with Magic now, the future will be magic squared or maybe magic quadratic equations or something even more amazing!! Can't wait to see pictures.

Finally meeting up with my homebound tomorrow (as you can imagine, it took multiple phone calls and multiple left messages before I finally got an answer -- persistence can pay off). Should be interesting. I live in a somewhat poor section of town. Just googled the address of the student -- *seriously* poor section of town. Why am I not surprised...

At 9:37 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Aleta, I LOVE "Come the revolution we will all have heated floors." This is my new favorite phrase!

Tess is gorgeous!! It would be great for you to show.

"Rebuild your man-hood in just minutes! Click here!" Wow. There are several things I typed and then deleted. Mostly about batteries. Enough said perhaps. ;)

What good news about Jungle loves!

At 9:41 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh, and thanks, Q, for the Etheridge song reference. Nice ear worm to have. Particularly since the next line is "I'll dance without fear", which seems to be a theme for you lately. Or maybe dance to overcome fear. Not without fear. 'Cause it's not brave if you weren't afraid. Anyway, should stay out of Fiendom after drinking. :) Ramble...

At 9:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It is good news. And it was my inspiration last year at New Years to resolve to make a difference, somehow, to make something better for someone. Knowing I could not change the world but I could make a difference to a few, if that doesn't sound to corny...

Grace, you have cause to be anxious, life gets like that sometimes. Watch your mailbox the next week or so, for something that will make you happy.

At 9:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wow, good on you Gayle, didn't think anyone would catch that one!

I love that song....

At 9:43 PM , Blogger Na said...

Gayle you made me snort.

At 9:46 PM , Blogger Na said...

Oooh. Need to get out ME discs now.

At 9:52 PM , Blogger vampi said...

for some reason my comment from earlier did not post. electric mattress pads are AMAZING. when i shared a condo with my friend in charlotte, the heat in my room wasn't strong enough. the mattress pad warmed the room sufficiently and i never ever turned it above a 3 setting.

i never knew there so many saddle types.

a heated floor sounds divine. maybe one day i will be able to own my own home. i doubt that will be here in lala land though. it's so expensive here.

At 9:54 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Vampi--hence the parental unit's move to NM.

Gayle's a quick one, she is...:)

BA--good luck tomorrow! Not that you will need luck.....

At 9:55 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well, Lorraine, you are certainly making a difference for some kitties who need you.

I hope you don't underestimate what you do for the Fiends here. This place is magic. Your resolution has certainly been fulfilled in terms of feline lives saved. But you have also created a safe place for us to be as well. It means a lot to me and to many others. I think perhaps more than you know. :)

At 9:58 PM , Blogger Na said...

What Gayle said. :)

At 10:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thank you. That was another thing I set out to do. It means lot to me that it worked.

A lot.

At 10:05 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK, Na, we are in two places together at once. Is that a sign of the apocalypse or something. :)

At 10:12 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

a na-gayle ipso (facto)?

Or am I SO reaching here? :)

At 10:12 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

It did, Q. And you rock!

What am I doing up?!

Night all. Tomorrow is going to be a long and busy day but I will look forward to reading here when I get home.

At 10:15 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Well. It only took me two hours, but I've finally caught up on comments and posts. Still need to read Nathalie's story.

"Galaxy Quest" rocks, though if you haven't seen "Truly, Madly, Deeply," you really, really need to rent it.

Didn't see "CCo Benjamin Button" today because I went to the wrong theatre. :/ This means I watched "The Spirit," as that is what was about to start, and everything else had started at least 20 minutes earlier. It was okay; nothing great, though not bad. I saw "Australia" on my firbday. I'm not sure I can get too much Hugh Jackman, and I kept wondering what I had seen David Wenham in before. It was such a different character than what he has played in other movies that I only knew I had seen him before, just not which movies. Blew me away when I looked him up on and realized that not only was he in "300" and "Van Helsing," but he played Faramir in LoTR. Says something about Mr. Wenham's acting ability, and all good.

Night, fiends. :)

At 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Q. You help a lot more wee beasties than just Bengal kitties, you know!

And thanks to you too, Lys. I'm looking forward to finally starting with this student -- I'm winging some of it, but I've been doing that all semester at my job *and* in class. :-)

At 10:18 PM , Blogger Na said...

'Night Gayle.

I am wallowing some tonight. Don't want to go back to Canada. But it'll be fine. Ticia and Gayle, thanks for lifting me up some this evening.

At 10:21 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK, sorry, one last thing. I own "Truly, Madly, Deeply" and everyone should. And LOVE me some David Wenham!

OK. Night. Poor M keeps waking up and I am needed.

At 10:23 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Ari-ooooooo, also love Truly Madly Deeply. Thanks for the memory perkup.

BA-- Winging It=How to Fly
Just a thought....

At 10:27 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

"Truly, Madly, Deeply" - loved it!

And Lys, good insight. Thanks for making me look at something scary in a completely different light. (Winging it as the only way to fly)

At 12:35 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ariandalen, David Wenham is one totally fantastic Aussie spunk and brilliant actor. If you want to see him at his sexy best, see if you can find Seachange, an Aussie tv series. He was sizzling in it.
BA, good luck with the challenging lad.

At 12:35 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

LOL. That "Thumbs up, elbows in, heels down, hands in line, shorten the reins, move your hips, back straight, use your knees, post, bring her head in, sit back, and oh, relax" reminds me of what my friend tiffany ued to tell me about working as a model: They'd put her in all the weirdest position and tell her to act natural...
Glad you could have some good time.
English saddles are nice but nowhere near as stable as the Western ones.

mmm... Truly, madly, deeply... I hate the moustache on him in that film but it's a beautiful story.

At 1:19 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

We had a lovely few hours this afternoon catching up with my niece, her animals and her mum. We took the dogs for a walk in the park. Nothing like walking with 2 dalmatians to get attention, especially when one jumps in a smelly pond. Luckily that was Loki, Danielle's dalmatian, not Shiraz. There was the most amazing tree at the park with a glorious twisty branch. I just wanted to play horsey on it, but didn't give in to the urge. The tree it belongs too was lumpy and just made me want to stand there in tactile heaven.
lookey here

At 3:17 AM , Blogger louisa said...

The owls were hiding! I saw much evidence of their existence, oh sure, evidence, probably planted by those wiley Hooded Crows to Confuze the humans. Lots of other crespucular avian activity - brent geese, various waders, a couple of herons, a beautiful snow-white egret, lots of small, dark, hoppy birds that were unidentifiable in the dark underbrush. But no owls. Still, wonderful to walk through the woods in the gloaming as the stars came out, so much more twinkly away from the city. I don't think I've ever seen the North Star so bright. For any of you needing procrastination material, I've posted a few pics of my wanderings over the last couple of days, off on one last adventure today before reality resumes tomorrow.

At 5:22 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

bengalgirl, I added you to the Flash map. And Sally, I double-checked, and there's no way to export anything. Sounds like you've got it under control, though. :)

At 6:26 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh my, those are great pictures!

Sally, now that is a tree. And the dogs look like fun.

Louisa, that looks like heaven. :) Thanks, both, for sharing those!


At 6:52 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I am beyond excited because I MAY have a sitter for New Years. Fingers crossed!

At 7:20 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Blogger confirmed that I have nothing exciting to say by eating my post. However, I am nothing if not persistant.

Sally and Louisa - Thank you for the wonderful pictures to wake up with. The tactile pleasures of that tree would have been to great for me to resist, Sally...

Fod, sound pretentious much? Does anyone else get sucked into the language patterns of the books they're reading or the movies they've seen? I've even been know to mimick the speech patterns of those around me.. Am I alone in this?

At 8:19 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I think this is fairly normal, Ticia. People tend to do it more or less but in general they do it. I see it at work with people going back to their families fro holiday, coming back with accents they had forgotten and abandonned long time ago.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Gayle.

At 8:29 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

I agree with the people picking up old habits and accents, but books too Nathalie?

When I've become immersed in a book, I seem to live it... Which is why I stay away from the serial killer books that are so popular right now (unless it's scifi or fantasy- for some reason, I'm fine with that). And WATCH OUT if I've been re-reading Jane Austen or Stephen King's Dark Tower series!

At 8:31 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I find my self using British colloquialisms because I read so many Brit authors, watch BBC, etc. I just stopped worrying to much about it. Although I know I sound pretentious some times. Girl from CA saying "brilliant", "bollocks", and "tosser". :) Kinda nutty.

At 8:33 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Thanks, Nathalie!

At 8:34 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That is a little more seldom, depending on the bond readers develop with the books. It happens to me all the time. I tried to write a story today and found it had a yiddish word in it, which is fairly ludicrous since my only complaint about the book I am reading (Chabon's Yiddish Policemen's Union) being that it did not have a lexicon of Yiddish terms in it and is making the reading a little strained to my inaccustomed mind (my German learning only stratching that far).

At 8:43 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Gayle - throwing around the British slang words makes us California girls who love the BBC sound "worldly", not pretentious. ;-D

And, Nat - that was the only problem I had with the book as well! He is such a great writer! So creative!

At 8:47 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Oh, and good to know I'm in good company with the immersion, Nathalie... Sometimes I get so focused on one answer or comment, I forget to comment on something else.

At 8:52 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You lot have the best fun at night while I am sleeping! Where to start?

Love the pictures!

Great news Gayle! Best table in the house reserved for Fiends!

I say a lot of words British, but I have been living with and/or working with a British Gentleman for a long time. Some words won't WORK American anymore...

"Basil, Oregano, tomato, vitemens , aluminum, bath, herb" (which they say HERB 'cause it's got a bloody H on it!)

Is there tea this morning? What goes on here? I'm going for a ride soon, clearly can't be done without tea...

At 8:53 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ok, I lied. I have tea and just snorted it. Thanks Jess.

At 9:04 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I have been having a lazy morning, drinking coffee (why no of COURSE I didn't have cookies with my coffee!), idly working on a short story about the unicorn I saw a couple weeks ago (did!), in a corn field.

And buying silk. *grin* Why I started a weaving business: so I could buy and play with all the yarn I wanted!

Soon it will be time to do stuff, tho.

At 9:05 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I can't say "Ore-REG-an-oh" it's just weird.

I hear Vista is evil...Get a Mac, come to the light......

At 9:05 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Ah! Jess and FabLo - you're killing me. OF COURSE you fiends speak British - You LIVE with it! You have an excuse! What can I say? "Well, I've been listening to BBC4?" People look at you funny, they do.

And FabLo, the tea comments... you slay me, you do. You're bloody brilliant, you are.

At 9:07 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No cookies here, but I do need breakfast before this workout, so I am off, there being no proper food at the Spooky House today.

At 9:08 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, gosh, thanks, Ticia! I have a modicum of wit, I do believe, some days anyway.

Generally deserts me on stage tho.

At 9:11 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

It's serendipitous (word of the day for Nat and Sookie) that Vista is mentioned today. I just fixed a HUGE problem that vista was causing me. I had been blaming my inability to edit my facebook profile on computer speed and memory. Nope. Facebook and Mozilla were facing off like Godzilla and Mothra (Oh my Fod, I slay myself!) I have to use a second browser (IE) for smooth facebook usage!

At 9:16 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

FabLo, for someone who professes to find Jane Austen unreadable, you practically quoted a line from "Emma"!

At 9:26 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Jess you make me laugh! Good learnin' you got there!

Eddie Izzard has a funny bit about American vs British words. NOT work or kid safe!. Great minds, Q! There is a bit about french too. Again, foul language here for those not interested in Eddie's foul mouth. :)

At 9:31 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I don't have problems with Mozilla and Facebook. Not yet anyway. There are some games that M plays online that Firefox doesn't like.

At 9:35 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK, so I went to my Facebook tab and tried to refresh it and it won't do it. It HEARD me!

At 9:46 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Oops! I was obviously diverting evil Vistas attention from other fiends, and now I've led it straight here! DOH!

And Jess- Emma + BBC = brilliant!

At 9:57 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

ummm... Ticia... I think you broke Facebook! I can't load it either.

The sun is shining! Shiny! Blue sky! Wee!

At 10:02 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Gayle - thanks for making me laugh with Eddie this morning! He and Russell Brand are hysterical... And I just caught another sneaky little FabLo reference.. Eddie did the herb with an "H" (because it has a #*&@ing "H" in it) joke in his routine... You rock!

At 10:03 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Haha! Ticia did you break Facebook? :P I am giving up for now. I'm sure it will be back up later. M and I are going to go to his favorite train store. I suppose I should shower or something.

Happy Sunday!

At 10:04 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Please fiends - you've got to stop. I ALREADY think I'm all powerful, you're just adding fuel to the fire!

At 10:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning, er, afternoon, favourite fiends! Y'all are making me laugh about the "talking like the book I'm reading" thing -- I *so* do that, all the time. And since I'm often dipping into the Jane Austen pool just for fun, I am often using fab words like "amiable" and such. Love me some Miss Jane, oh yes. (But perhaps the best ever for me is when I'm channeling Mr. Wednesday from Q's nice Boss's AG and cussing like a mean old Norse god -- although I try to keep those from actually being said out loud. I just think them all the time.)

It is finally sunny though colder today (colder by Tennessee standards) and I am feeling better, much more in my conquering mode, aka problem solving and working mode. Being busy suits me better than being at loose ends.

Hope everyone has a lovely day and evening and Monday. And rest of the week. I do not have a sitter for New Year's Eve, but that's okay -- I have no plans for NYE. I may just take over the comments section here and post a thousdan times and count down and drink asti all by myself. So there. :-)

At 10:09 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Okay, my facebook is working... I guess the lesson is:
If Ticia's facebook is recalcitrant, everyone else has an easy time of it.

If Ticia's facebook is running smoothly, no one else's can make theirs work.


Too bad that wouldn't work for world peace and tolerance, I'd take one for the team.

At 10:13 AM , Blogger vampi said...

oh i'm another one to pick up words and slang.

i've always had a lot of British and Canadian friends, so i tend to have some odd language slips. i try to keep from saying most out loud and keep to typing them or thinking them. i also watch an inordinate amount of bbca, if you check my dvr, most of the shows i record are bbca. <3 topgear.

I think my favorite word ever is whinge. and everyone tries to correct me. i also type colour with a u which irritates my spell checker. because ages ago i used to mud. (geek)

izzard is brilliant.

i also throw in an eh in there sometimes because one of my best friends in high school was Canadian and it stuck.

At 10:21 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Alright, I've been stalling, now I have to go. My Facebook is broken now, too. So, my small window for important world fixes is slammed shut...

Forward with important tasks - dog walking and showering, not necessarily in that order!

I love you fiends... :-D

At 10:29 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Oh, and Vampi:

Top Gear, Graham Norton,Coupling, Jonathon Creek, Dr. Who, That Mitchell & Webb Look, Kingdom, The Vicar of Dibley...


At 10:54 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

For some reason, we are now watching From Dusk Til Dawn, which is a truly odd bank robbery-Vampire stripper movie with George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino. Set in a Mexican biker bar, no less.

It has some truly excellent moments. In a violent, bloody, Tarantino way.

At 11:43 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Jess - I want access to all your picture albums online and in person - you take wonderful shots, and the captions. Just looked at the ones from earlier today that included the sheep who could have been a 5-year-old separated from his mum. I hooted. Now I get to go look at your next set - love them, I do.

And yes, those of us who read or watch British/Irish/Scottish/Welsh stuff get the best words. Like when you are eating, leaving the best bits for last. My co-workers tend to look at me oddly.

Whinge is such a marvelous word.

At 11:57 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Echoing AletaMay - SUNSHINE!!!! No precipitation!!! Above freezing temps!! MELTING!!!!

Speaking of AletaMay - were you ever going to send me the picture you took of me in St. Paul? It's one of 2 digital photos that exist of me, and the 1st is only of my leg.....

At 12:01 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Rats - talking to myself least I'm not losing an argument...

At 12:06 PM , Blogger vampi said...

but coupling (british) wasn't as annoying as friends and much more funny.

from dusk til dawn is pretty awesome. i haven't seen any of the sequels, and i think there are like 4 now, which just make me cringe.

At 12:12 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

But none of the sequels have George Clooney!

I think I've seen bits of all the sequels, and they are all rather horrible.

At 12:25 PM , Blogger vampi said...

yeah sorry i wasn't clear. i was cringing because i was assuming the inferiority of the sequels. cloney, tarantino and hayek really make the film. the soundtrack is also pretty awesome. any sequel would have to suck to not have the 3 people who made the first movie excellent.

i AM a movie snob. i was before i moved here, and now i live here i am unbearable. high praise for a movie from me is "well, i didn't hate it."

not that you can infer much from my favorite movies trainspotting, princess bride, highlander, sound of music, high fidelity, empire records, army of darkness, ghost world, clerks.

At 1:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

From Dusk Till Dawn is one of the best movies ever! A very, very dark comedy, very Tarrentino and wonderful!

Vampi, you forgot Underworld, and Underworld Evolution. I know, you left them out because OBVIOUSLY they are first on the list and the two best movies EVER.

Just saying.

At 1:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, riding. Wonderful fun. Cantered my new horsie. Rather choppy canter, but I wasn't worried, had great fun.

She is teaching me all sorts of lovely things. Todays new wisdom was the more relaxed I am, the better is goes, and the more relaxed she is too. It's weird how they feel everything you do...

At 1:45 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Lots of catchin up to do:-

Nat-Law - love the story, and huge conratulations on getting it accepted.

Q - the riding sounds fun, and lovely to see the pretty horsies.

Jess- your photos of Hunstanton made me feel very nostalgic - it's one of the beaches we used to vist a lot when my Grandparents were alive, as it was a day out from them. And mispronumciation difeinately belongs in the Fiend's lexicon, don't you think?

I too want heated floors. Tybalt has already worked out where all the hotwater pies in this house run and muved from one patch of warm floor to another all day. Also declines to scratch his claws on any of the actual trees in the garden, then comes back indoors and scratches at the carpet, earning him negative Brownie points from my mother....

I too pick up accents / styles from books and surroundings. I always develop a bit of a Somerset accent when I go back to see school friends, and I swar my Dad has vbecome more 'Devon' since they moved back here...

At 1:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heated floors! I want. I want more sun, too, while we're wishing for things.

Cantering on a beautiful horse, relaxed and happy. Yay Fablo!!

Obviously, I'm back from the teaching. I don't yet have the words to describe the experience -- will have to mull and process and ruminate for a bit before I can tell y'all what it was like. At this point, I am scheduled to work with this student four hours a week for six weeks. I am mentally building myself another level of being; all the ones I have right now don't quite fit this situation.

At 1:59 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Q--Cantering! Go, you!

Phiala--Yup, From Dusk til Dawn is what made me a Robert Rodriguez fan.

Love the pictures, thank you all for the windows into beauty.

As for language....each of us has a toolbox of words, and it is not static. At least, it shouldn't be as long as we are growing and expanding. So we Fiends tend to have a lovely eclectic mix of source material!
Because we're brilliant, even when we whinge. Heh. :)

At 2:15 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

BA--there's a win/win.

You both get to grow. I SO admire your courage. Also both your ability to identify what you need to develop in yourself, and the willingness/grit to do it.

You're going up on my "inspirational personalities" wall, my dear.

At 2:54 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Louise, I love the bleakness of the countryside, magnificent.
Ticia, I do that too. I love it when my oldest friend comes home from France, where she's been living the last 18 years. She has such a proper accent when she arrives and a few days later you'd never know she'd been out of Aus.
Gayle - tosser and bullocks are such great words, why not use them?

At 2:57 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hehehehehehehe -to me the way you guys say oregano just sounds funny!
I love English and all the different ways of pronouncing things

At 3:13 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Eddie Izard - Fods he's funny.
Thanks for the link Jess, I just got lost in Youtube heaven

At 3:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Good luck Grace! No advice from me, I'm afraid cats, dogs, horses, bees, I am there but troubled kids?

Tho I kind of WAS one. Speaking for myself, I think I have always gotten farther with people listening, than telling them, and as a teenager, I wished someone had listened to me, instead of constantly telling me what I was doing wrong, and what I HAD to do.

My home life was so messed up as a teenager, and I was dealing, or trying my best to, with so many things, that school sort of became way down on the list of priorities, it was just more people telling me what to do, what I had to do, and how bad I was for not doing it.

Yeah, I was angry. At everything, but lacked the know how on how to deal with it.

I can't remember everything you said about this kid, but listening to him seems to be a good place to start. You might be his chance.

No pressure or anything....

He seems angry, and scared, probably with good reason. Maybe go back and find what is in him that is good?

There, by far enough un-solicited advice from someone way less trained than you have been.

Good luck! We are here for you!

At 3:34 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Don't have to be trained if you've lived it Lorraine.

At 3:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gulp, thank you, Lys. I am humbled and teary-eyed. Thank you.

Still contemplating how to tell y'all, my fave fiends, about the sitatuion. First, I forget, even though I am at the lowish end of middle class and come from family that was definitely working poor (emphasis on poor), the levels of poverty that exist. And not just poverty, because it is possible to be very very poor and yet still have a level of personal interest in life, a level of neatness and cleanliness and order to one's self and surroundings. It is my purely personal belief that when one struggles for nothing even resembling beauty, then one has truly given up on life. And there was a token effort in this home which struck me: two pictures that were Oriental in nature, imitations of Chinese mountains side by side with scrolls of calligraphied characters. In some ways, so out of place in a home that was beyond messy, beyond dirty, beyond anything I've personally seen and I've seen quite a lot over the years. I have to get over my wonderings of "How can anyone willingly live like this?" because all that does is put a barrier, and a false barrier at that, between myself and this family. But I will have to take some advil or something before I go tomorrow and spray a tiny bit of purfume on my wrist to ward off the worst of the smells and the resulting head-pounder.

After reading the IEP of this student, I was prepared for him to be on a very low level academically, and part of my task was to try to find his current levels of performance and then find a way to teach to that level. Yet, he wasn't nearly as low as indicated, not nearly as low as the type of spec ed classes and services he's been in for many years would seem to demonstrate. Of course, I'm not so arrogant as to believe that I can make, in less than 90 minutes, an accurate assessment of his level, where other, more experienced professionals have messed up. When testing and making assessments, we are not identifying intelligence (which cannot truly be measured as we don't really know what it is) -- we are identifying behaviors. For me, this student was behaving higher than expected academically, but that may stop. We shall see.

What was in evidence toward the end was his desire, and some of his methods, to manipulate me and control our interactions. I can deal with that, I feel fairly sure. And I can understand, after seeing his home, his wish to control what he can, since so much of his life and surroundings are chaotic.

I felt heartsore, I felt despairing and overwhelmingly sad. I'm not afraid, and wasn't even bothered when two men sitting in the driveway demanded to know what I was there (I think if I'd been serving a warrent or was from the DCS, I would have been invited off the premises at the point of a gun). I wanted to be open and loving and happy, but I cannot. I have to be circumspect and aware and smart (for reasons I cannot get into, I am using my maiden name while at this home and am not identifying anything about where I teach or where I live or anything about my life or family or history, and I am carrying nothing into the home but papers, pencils, a basic calculator, things to read, and worksheets) and careful. I cannot fix this problem, this student, this family. I can show that there is another way to live and perhaps show some tools to help this student accomplish some scholastic goals. And I'm certainly not the first to try to show such things to this student. Many others have tried before me. And six weeks isn't very long in the course of any life. But as my dad once told me, and I've never forgotten: "Yes, you reap what you sow. But you always reap more than what you sow and you always reap later than you sow." I will never know if I've made even a tiny difference in this student's life, and that's okay. I will try to sow some good ideas and good tools and leave the rest to God.

Okay, wow, this was so so long. Thank you all for listening, or reading I guess. Your patience and encouragement mean the world to me...

At 3:39 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Wonderful photos all around. Siri -- so sorry about the photos. Sent now!

It was sunny here, but NOT above freezing. I went out and about today (had lunch with "Flash Girl Fan" who is back in town for the holidays!) and had a panic attack trying to get from my house to my car on a smooth thick sheet of ice on the sidewalk and driveway and street. Had to muster my courage for every step. It was melty on Friday and froze over yesterday and today.

I got some ice salt while I was out so getting back into my house was less traumatic.

At 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Fablo, and you are good to remind me to listen. I need to be careful to do that. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience in school. Mine weren't all that great, for a number of weird reasons, but my 10th grade Shakespeare class saved me, honest it did, and reading helped me survive the other awfulnesses. Too many teachers show their frustrations and punish the kids for things that aren't the kids faults. I really NEED you, and all the fiends, to keep me on the straight way about this.

At 3:42 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Secret Agent Evaluator. That would be the most heart-wrenching Bond ever. Be strong!

At 3:49 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Grace. You are strong and insightful. I am sending good thoughts your way.

Kids have all this potential, generally speaking. It is hard to find it sometimes. Thank you for doing the sort of work that aims for releasing some of that potential into the future.

At 3:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kid sounds like he is living in a war zone. How can he learn and grow and thrive in that sort of place. Best he can do is survive, and sounds like he is doing what he can to survive.

And you are right, Grace, you can't save this family, or even maybe this kid. But you can try and plant a seed.

Shakespeare had a lot to do with saving me, and reading. All I wanted to do was read and escape into it.

And you are right about kids getting punished for things that aren't their faults. How can a kid living like this have learned anything about love and respect?

You are doing really good work. You won't know. The one or two teachers who got to me will never know. He's probably much smarter than everyone believes.

You sound smart about the way you are going about this. Know that we are here when you come home, and don't , certainly, worry about going on too long.

That's what we are here for, y'know!

At 4:04 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

BA--he is your Magic, your Bengal....
And you will give him windows and wings. But don't assume all the weight, my dear. He does have to choose to take them. It sounds like he is so focused on control (his only power), it is hard for him to be receptive rather than constantly proactive.

That said, I think perhaps you have already seen him more clearly than those before.

Keep being cautious, of course...we are going to worry about you....but you are being very smart about things.

It is impressive and (more importantly) so valuable that you saw in his home the difference between physical poverty and poverty of spirit.

At 4:14 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Grace, that is so heart wrenching. I wish you strength, and resolve to get through these 6 weeks.

Poor kid, poor family, to be stuck in those circumstances

At 4:29 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

this is good

At 4:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Some weird things happen...

I was thinking about what I told Grace, and how to reach something so scared, and thinking of Magic...

And feeling very determined I would reach Magic.

Grace take it as an omen. I did it. Just spent the 20 minutes playing feather stick with the most beautiful Leopard you ever did see. I am nearly crying! Post soon...

He came out!!!!!!

At 4:43 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

OMF! Magic. This is so beautiful to imagine. Patience pays off.

At 4:49 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Congratulations Quiche - that news has made my day. Go Magic.

At 4:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how wonderful!!! I am so happy for him! And you, of course. I will TOTALLY take this as a sign, a good good signal that I can do this too.

Can't wait for more details and more pictures and just more more more goodness! *huge smiles*

At 4:53 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

That is SO an omen. Yay to BA and Lorraine for taking in the strays that everyone else has given up on. You are inspiring!

I'll say good night to all of you now. I've been neglecting my physical life for days now and It's time to shoulder my responsibilities. Work is going to kick my butt this week, so I probably won't be writing here, but I'll be thinking of you.

Thank you for making these four days off magical.

At 4:54 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Grace, others have said it better but I want to add a word of encouragement. You are right that you may never know what comes of you being there but something will. You never know if this kid (or an adult you encounter) will take courage from you and run with it. It is SO easy to give up when we feel that there is no hope. And many in poverty, or not, do give up. You just may show someone there that there is a reason to try and hope. It may even be a neighbour you never meet but sees you coming and going.

It sounds like you are being smart and cautious. Keep that up. And, if you can, find the patriarch/matriarch of the neighborhood and bring them cookies. Has worked for me in the past. :)

Good luck to you! Lots of good thoughts and wishes headed your way from the Fiendom. :)

At 4:58 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

Magic Squared!!

tears springing.....

At 5:06 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I came and read and have burst into tears at the sorrow and glory of life - all encapsulated in this one place. Fiends give each other courage to tackle the lost child or abandoned animal in our lives, whether actual or metaphors of the same. We all have our battles to face, and it's good to know we all have such a huge, world wide support system.

We never know what heart and soul we touch every day - it's a humbling position. Makes me want to be a better person, and knowing y'all, I know I can be.

(And yes, I'm pretty great to begin with, but there is always room for improvement!)

At 5:11 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

That is great news, Q! And amazingly fast! Your powers are great my dear! :)

At 5:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Writing a post now....

I'm kind of crying too...

At 5:17 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

What great news!!!! Magic has so much to look forward to this coming year. You did great work there Lorriane. I can't help but think this breakthru and you finding Magic's name are somehow related :)

At 5:23 PM , Blogger Lysandwr said...

FoF....I was thinking the same; Magic was waiting for his name to be discovered (and then a little more to be SURE he liked it :))!!

What a reward, my dear.

At 5:45 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

Delurking, drawn by the magic of Magic and needing to say "Hooray!" Also thanks for this marvelous fiendom I have been enjoying. I find myself thinking about you during my about time I spoke up.

And a note from experience for Grace, on the odor front. When I used to do evals of very unwashed folk, I learned to put a dab of Vicks Vaporub just below each nostril. So strong, nothing else gets through. And usually not too obvious to those you are interacting with. Good luck. All I can add to the wisdom you already have is support of the seed analogy. You'll never know what may grow from your genuine listening presence.

(EEK, scary...haven't posted a blog comment ever.)

At 5:48 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

welcome Dabbler, and on such an auspicious day for our Magic.

At 5:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dabbler! Welcome and well done! Not so scary, we love hearing from new people, and clearly, you belong here with us!

Your words were perfect.

If you hurry, you can be first on the new Magic post, which is now up.....

At 11:40 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am so in awe of you girls, Grace and Lorraine, for reaching out to those lost creatures and helping them (sometimes against their will).
Magic all around.


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