Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Freaky Cats: A Photo Essay

And you thought yesterday's picture of Brjann was scary....Welcome to Seriously Freaky Cats....

These came from Hera today. She knits these little sweaters for him, when she is not making music.

Not sure what to say about this next one, it's just wrong on so many levels...

Thank you, Brjann and Hera! Venus and Mim, have no sweaters, seeing as how they have fur and it is nearly 90 here, but not to be outdone, they decided last night to scale my cupboards and hang out on top of them near the ceiling. Of course.

Cool, says Venus. And then discovers Monsters. (That's where I keep them, some of them anyway.)

And promptly and completely and totally falls inn love with the Five Headed Dragon...

AND the Sea Monster...

Singing "Anything Venus can do I can do better" thru clenched fangs, eyes beaming Death Rays, Mim ascends the cupboard....

See, says Mim? I am Evil, and I am up high.

I will leave you will a shot I call "Venus and Vampires (John Bolton, I know you're going to ask, scetches from A Short Film About John Bolton, and very cool they are!) If you have any photos of your own Freaky Pets, send them, and I will post them here for a while. Not sure anyone tho, even my Bengals, will out freak Brjann. The bar is pretty high. Remember tho, he is a Professional Freaky Pet, someone once said "All cats are extraordinary" so cats, dogs, Tasmanian Devils, whatever you have, send 'em.

Love and Freaky,


At 4:44 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Mine really can't compete with that level of freaky - they are both freaks, but normal-looking. I'll see what I cam come up with for freaky photos, though.

Yoga gal, that cat has no fur! Thus the need for sweaters in cold northern climate.

Lorraine, you are a good (??) influence. I hired a cleaning lady, and she started today. It looks just like my house... but so much cleaner!

At 4:57 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

That's odd... I swear there was another comment there when I posted mine, but it has vanished completely.

Blogger must be acting up again... has the Alliance gotten to the prime means of communication for the Cabal??

At 5:05 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Phiala, please drop me an e-mail....

Cute is good too, they don't have to be freaky, and there are no normal cats!

And you are right, he has no hair, and needs to keep warm, Hera IS from Iceland...

Yea on the cleaning Lady! It makes such a difference having help. We work so hard, and have no time, no matter what we do.

I know it's hard if you live in a big city, I know what help costs. I feel lucky to live in the country and have Spooky Daughter come over a couple times a month.

Cleaning is NOT a skill I possess.

At 5:12 PM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Fablo, those pictures did my heart good! :-) I love seeing your kitcats marking your high-up monsters with love sweet love. And no mere bagpipes could scare me away. I actually love pipes. And I have no pictures of my dogs and cat because I don't do pictures well and I know I don't know how to post them on the internet. Not even sure I own a camera of any kind...

At 5:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You can't be worse than me at taking pictures! My camera's screen is broke and there is no viewfinder thing, so I cant SEE what I am shooting. Have to take tons of shots to get a good one and it is not skill, it is luck, hee-hee....

You have a Wolfy, don't you? Am I remembering right? If you can take a shot, I will post it here, not to worry. Just e-mail it to me.

At 6:10 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Trying to imagine Mim's reactions if you tried to put a sweater on her. No. You need your blood IN the veins.

At 6:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Nadine, and welcome! Glad you de-lurked.

You are SO right, can't imagine Mim's response. I take the Bengals out for walks on little harness's and Venus gets it, and will even fetch her harness and bring it to me when she wants to go out, but Mim, tho she loves being out, doesn't get it....

Thanks for making me smile, good thing today. Need the laughs and love!

At 6:28 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I have a wolfy, not sure if anyone else does. I have a most excellently freaky photo of him, but both photo and scanner are at work.

I live in the more-or-less country, and certainly not the big city, so help is remarkably affordable. I can clean, it's time that I don't have. Or motivation. Or something like that!

At 6:46 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thought I remembered right! Well, if you can think of something, I will post pics of Wolfie.

Time, there's the rub. None of us have any of it.

All of us have jobs and things that we do other than jobs and even if our job is staying home with young children, one wants to be with the children and not having to clean.

My sincere admiration goes out to people like Merry Housekeeper, who do it all. It aim't easy, that's for certain.

At 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think some cats possess an instinct to LOOM over you and so they seek the high places in any room. Venus is so cute loving on the dragons.:) Mim looks like she's contemplating the best direction to launch evil from above.

I love that first picture of Brjann..he and the sweater match the bedspread. It's like a study in monochrome.

At 6:52 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Mmmmm... blackberry cobbler just came out of the oven. It's all bubbly, and much too hot to eat, but it smells amazing.

I love all the good things to eat this time of year: fresh tomatoes, sweet corn, blackberries!

At 7:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hera is so good with the photos, isn't she?

Mim WAS contemplating Evil, I know it, they do go for high places, and will launch themselves whenever possible..

My next door Friend has fallen in love with a Bengal from the GLBR list. (Mine would not work for her) Fingers crossed!

Now I am hungry, I love gardens this time of year! We have toms, peppers, squash berries, corn...The best. Canning to start this week/

At 7:02 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

'Night Jess...I am sure I am sure I will wake to you in the morning. I miss Spacelaws photos too, and her. Give me something nice to wake up to, yes???

I think Brjann did model for something tho I forget what...

At 7:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, yes, munchies. Thanks Phiala, blackberry cobbler....Sigh.

At 7:07 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

And I forgot the best part - Nick made it for me. I'm slowly convincing him that baking isn't so hard, and he should get full public credit for making it.

At 7:13 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

A knifemaker who bakes???Lucky women!! Have you ever heard the Flash Girls, Girl Needs a KNife, written by Boss? Paul and I tried it a couple weeks ago proving rehearsal might not be an over rated idea...

Will we be hearing from Nick on the exploding knife repair???

At 8:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmm blackberry cobbler sounds wonderful. And Nick made it? Kudos to him, I say!

I need to move into a house or something so I can have a garden. I remember my grandfather's huge amazing garden and want one of my own.

At 8:43 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

You are absolutely right Lorraine, that third photo is so wrong ... so so SO very wrong. But I love the knitting job in all of the shots. Very nice knitting. I really like the first photo; the pose, the background the way the sweater looks on the cat, just excellent.

The ones with Venus kissing the creatures and super cute Mim are great too... but Venus's evil look at the camera out of the corner of her eye in the last shot is amazingly creepy. It says 'I'll get you for this' and still shows off her beautiful profile and coat. They are gorgeous cats (but I still love mine best).

I loved that film. It was truly excellent. It still makes me laugh. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.

I have been contemplating making blackberry cobbler for a few days. There is an extensive blackberry patch between my house and my work. It runs along the railway tracks. Starting at about this time of year I traditionally grab a handful of blackberries each time I pass the bush but I held back last year because every encounter with the bush meant an allergic reaction... this year I say screw it, I am going to enjoy these blackberries.

Well Done Nick!

At 9:12 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I love the third shot but for some reason I hear Cory Hart singing "I wear my sunglasses at night". Love it. Sphynx cats are the bomb! My Ms. Stella O'Houligan is certainly freaky at times but mostly just wild.

At 9:42 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Wonderful freaky cats! I don't really have anything to add. When Ginger Snap does freaky things they are not usually photo-worthy.

Baked goods sound yummy. It is way to hot to bake right now though. In a month or so I think it will be pie time.

Lorraine I love your monsters. I think on top of the cupboards is the perfect place for them. Clearly Venus needed to make it clear that she was not afraid of any monsters!

At 10:20 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I think the five headed dragon likes Venus back. Triple M, I'm not so sure. There is definitely jealousy, if not evil, in her eyes once she's displaced Venus from her perch.

I don't think anything can beat the freak factor of Mr. Bjann. I'll have to see if I can find a picture of Govan to send you. I think I had a picture for every different retinal flash from my first cat, Crystal. She was white, with green eyes. I don't think we ever got a picture, but my husband made the discovery that her eyes and ears glowed red when she grabbed one of the old book lights on an adjustable coil in her mouth when it was turned on. THAT was kinda freaky.

I have to admit to having several lawn ornaments, mostly concrete. I have a sleeping dragon, a fairy with eyes closed looking up to the sky, a gazing ball holder with fairies and other woodland creatures, and a small blue bunny that my girls painted and gave to me for Mother's Day last year (2007). The first three are next to the pond in the backyard, and the bunny is hidden beneath the rosemary which is taking over the herb garden in the front. If we had the money, I would have either the large gargoyle or the large dragon (6'-8' tall) conrete statue from the concrete statuary place across I-35 for next to the driveway. Oops. I forgot two more small concrete statues; the "Welcome" fairy at the walkway to the front door, and the small Emmitt gargoyle next to the bench by the (mostly unused) firepit. But I don't have gnomes or flamingos.

We've also talked about putting in a trilithon, but it would be a bit expensive. I still intend to put in a walking labyrinth. I'm pretty sure where to put it; however, I'm not sure from which direction I want it to start/end.

Nathalie is going to have an awful lot to catch up on, non? ;)

A rooftop garden and its visitors... sounds good to me. What do you think of each of us contributing a page of a book. The pages could be made utilizing any craft: sculpting, metalwork, sewing, weaving, felt, drawing, painting, knitting, crocheting, etc. You (we?) would need to specify a size (8.5"x11", 12"x12", whatever) and some way to put them together, though a cover could be sculpted or carved out of several materials and the guts of a three ring binder put into the cover. Just some thoughts. :)

I gotta to to bed.

At 10:22 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:20 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Ariandalen - that's a fun idea! Your statuary sounds lovely! I wish I could do that. My parents have a cement chinese lantern and a birdbath. We used to have a cement frog...it is still there, but in pieces, crumbling bit by bit over many years. I suppose stillness and solitude will do that to you over time.

I bought a small frog with a sprinkler inside in commemoration for mother's day this year. Oh.. and we have a female gnome. She came as plain cement but my dad, the artist, painted and finished her for my mom so she has a unique paint job.

I love the dragon and gargoyle statuary that is out there and I would fill a garden with classical Greek style marble statues (if I ever had the money... or a proper garden to do that in).

Hmmm... it occurs to me that my parents also have an old used-to-be-pink flamingo too. Ours has now been painted a splatter starfield of colour on black/blue and it lives in the back forest next to the natural forest pond (which I understand is crawling with red-legged frogs right now). Oh dear we have both a gnome and a flamingo.

At least it is not as bad as a local house I see regularly. Let me set the scene for you: it is a beautiful mansion, with a large turnaround driveway and pillared entrance. An elegant fountain shoots water skyward in the center of the front yard. Shapely Greek maiden statues carry vases and all the shrubberies line up nicely in a row. It is then you see the plastic pink flamingos haphazardly wandering across their yard and you wonder 'could it be a prank?' but they are there the next time you pass... and the next time... and the next.

I mean really... all that... and they had to add the flamingos? Our flamingos were a joke.

btw, I heard the pink flamingo factory closed down. There are no more new pink flamingos.

At 3:37 AM , Blogger Hera said...

Hello :) it's been such a long time! (I've been a bit absent from the internet and all over the place) Glad you like the pictures :) I promise the sweaters (see.. I'm not saying jersey now) are something he likes (he goes and gets them if he's cold) and the christmas one was just for christmas - the rest are all manly-er ;) and the mini glasses.. just couldn't resist taking a photo.. he didn't mind too much.. xox PS: I also have a sprinkler-frog in New Zealand.. but no flamingoes - i think there were some around when I was little..

At 6:42 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I still don't believe that Brjann is a cat. He's a gargoyle or something.

Cats do like to loom from high places, ready to pounce. The vertical slit pupils are an evolutionary advantage particular to animals that jump down on their prey. You gotta wonder, just how much do you have to love jumping down on things fron on high before your eyeballs evolve?!? Cats have got the jump-love for sure.

I wonder if cats in space would pounce sideways...

At 6:56 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Dan Guy asked, "I wonder if cats in space would pounce sideways..."

And if so, will they evolve sideways-slitted eyes to match?

At 7:05 AM , Blogger Beez said...

Awww....kitty/monster love.

Not quite the Love That Dare Not Speak It's Name.

My animals are freaky in their own way- they always are. My son and I wonder if they start out that way, and that's why they come to live with us? (all rescue animals) or if they get that way from living with us.

You have to live with 'em to see their true freakiness though. They are all too cute and fuzzy at first glance.


Stealth freaks.....

At 7:36 AM , Blogger vampi said...

i keep reading "cats in space" in the muppets pigs in space voice and giggling

At 7:55 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

What fun to wake up to! Good Morning!

I am so getting tea before I comment on anything, you are all way more awake than me!

At 9:07 AM , Blogger Thorvaldr said...

Lorraine, the only real hold-up on the exploding knife right now is that we're trying to get really cool "before" pics. The little bites are blown out on a bevel, and the edges have this thin electroplated layer of copper from the arc of the short - there's a REALLY cool photo there, if we can just get the lighting and the camera settings right.


After that, reworking the blade should be just another afternoon in the shop.



ps - here's the cobbler recipe, if I can make it, anyone who actually bakes can do it in their sleep.

1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 1/2 cups fresh or frozen (thawed and drained) blackberries
1 cup sugar
Cream, whipped cream or ice cream, if desired

1. Heat over to 375ºF.
2. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and milk in ungreased 8-inch square pan or skillet. Stir in butter until blended.
3. Mix blackberries and sugar; spoon over batter. (If you'd prefer, mix blackberries and sugar; let stand about 20 minutes or until fruit syrup forms before spooning over batter.) Bake 45 to 55 minutes or until dough rises and is golden. Serve warm with cream.

At 9:09 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

OMF! I really love the Mantis! I would love to put that in my front yard. Facing the neighbors who hate me. :)

At 9:11 AM , Blogger Fabulous Lorraine said...

Hi Stacy, what a great name for a cat! Sphinx cats are really cool. Do we get pictures of Ms Stella being wild?

Not only is Venus not afraid of Monsters, Aleta, but she IS one. It IS way too hot to bake here..We need some rain!

Adriandalen, I am so laughing at your cat grabbing th ebook light and her eyes turning red. I am going to have to teach the Bengals to do that...Those are all cool lawn ornaments, it sounds so lovely, I want gargoyles. I have a hedgehog and a fairy. What is a trilithon?

Hi Hera! We miss you! But I'm hearing good things about your music and the tour....Hera knit me mittens with no fingers, for playing outside when it's nippy.

Ok, what's up with the sprinkler frogs? Am I the only one who doesn't have one?????

Dan, I am snorting tea! Given the things we love, I wonder what we are going to evolve into...And just how did you know that????

Beez, I think like calls to like, and that's how you end up with them....

H Vampi, and welcome! You are not alone in this thought...

Ok, going off to check Jess's links and make more tea....

At 9:11 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Thanks for the recipe. I think I will go out and get berries right now. It sounds great.

At 9:31 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Maybe cats in space would evolve star-shaped pupils, like a tiny astrix in each eye, from being able to pounce in any direction.

Back here on Earth, perhaps human pupils will turn rectangular due to staring at screens all the time.

I know all kind of random factoids, Quiche. ^_^

At 9:38 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Wired today posts a pointer to "Zombie Animals and the Parasites That Control Them", an illustrates the post with an angry cat.

Apparently, the Voodoo Wasps, having been kicked out of the Bee-Bengal Alliance, have now moved on to angering other cat tribes.

At 9:53 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Those are some really. Scary. Pictures. I don't think my brothers' bunnies would compete very well.


No. Definitely not.


At 10:10 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I don't have a sprinkler frog, Quiche, so you're not alone. ;)

I also don't have any photos of my animals doing anything freaky. I can see I will have to step it up. ;)

At 10:17 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Goodness! A girl nips off to do a trifling bit of assianting and look what happens!

Hi Nick! I didn't understand a word of that, but I will trust you, hee-hee. We have blackberries, I think I may have to make me some cobbler....

The link is not working for me and I can't see these pictures!!!!!!!! I love Mantis...

Space cats with star shaped pupils!! We need a picture of that!!!!

I like Anriandalens idea too, but some people do things that could not go IN a book. How about a tab on the new website, as soon as I get it, we could have a "Book" there of all the projects???

(Nathilie is so missing out, teach her to go on holiday without us!)

I never liked the Voodo Wasps anyway, I mean, like we could trust them?????? Fickle. We don't need them.

At 10:18 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I kind of want a sprinkler frog.

At 10:55 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

I love the black on gray stripes. Great shot!

That kitty was born to be a fashion model. You know, you could do a cat calendar. It would be awesome.

At 11:08 AM , Blogger Ms. Stella O'Hooligan said...

Ms Stella has her own blog. Not much up there yet but the very first (bottom) pic is one of my favorites. Her minions are present and my daughter took the one of LocoCoco; appropriate considering Ms Stella & I are the queens; (stella has more control than me considering i do her bidding) and Ellen (daughter) and Coco are the princesses. I think they are the twin evil force in our all girl house hold.


I nearly got a bengal but my very dear friend and vet said if I did that I'd better plan on getting rid of the other 3 (at the time). She warned they can be precocious (very tactfully put) I thought. Love your blog! Followed you from Birdchick to Mr. Neil. :)

At 11:13 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I haven't followed the links to the vid's. I'm scared and need someone to hold my hand.

Briann could be a cat Calendar Star. SO could Venus and Mim, but I need someone who can really take pictures....Like Miss Kitty, who is still out there somewhere....

(Actualy she says, consulting her handy dandy tourbook, she is in Georgia today. Maddy, her friend and I were going to g and see her in Chicago, but the long travel and high ticket $$, no comp tour, this one is, and volleyball practice all conspired against us, so we are holding off for leg 2)

Kitty come home!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 11:18 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Fods! I love it!!!!!! Now Venus and Mim are going to want their own blogs....

She was right about Bengals, tho they are all different, but they are a lot of cat. Energetic would cover it if spread very thin...

I'm glad to meet you and Ms Stellla, welcome!!!!

At 11:20 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

My son asked me to tie a piece of glittery blue fabric on him like a cape so he could play super hero. I asked him what his power was.

Micah: Flower Power, Mom.
Me: What can you do with Flower Power?
Micah: Get people unstuck from honey.

Just in case you ever need it. He can fly right over. ;)

At 11:33 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That is SO beyond way too cute!!!!!!

(as is your son!)

At 12:02 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Tri = 3
Lith = stone

Trilithon = 3 stoned monument... think stonehenge.... but really any arrangement of 3 stones

At 12:12 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

strutting my stuff in nerd panties!!

nerd panties nerd panties!!! (I love that phrase... and I love that this is a place in which it is okay to strut with your nerd panties showing)

Welcome to all the new commentators... and all the new delurkers. Yeah... by the way, loved that "/lurking" thing above .. so wonderful.

At 12:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stacy, miss Stella is adorable (and so are her minions.:)

Dan, cats with asterisk pupils would be something like superballs yes? Bouncing off everything. LOL

Ariandalen I like the book idea:)

Lorraine I think sprinkler frogs are pretty cool myself. I wish I had a picture of the place my friend Jennifer works..at the entrance they have a frog fountain with these BIG gold naturalistic frogs. Like frog sprinklers made large. (Oh, and a trilothon is like Stonehenge..two stone pillars holding up a third.)

Gaypet, flower power is a GREAT superpower. So cute!:)

At 1:23 PM , Blogger K said...

Late to the party.

I have guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are basically potatoes with fur and little feet, so really just not that freaky. Or are they? This one looks demonically possessed. (The hairy werewolf-like hand is my brother's.)

I need to upload the photo of the three of them trying to occupy the same cardboard tube (big enough to take one pig) all at once. It's not spooky, but it's pretty funny.

At 2:00 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Seriously... if you are going to do custom Fablo tshirts... you MUST do nerd panties too. So we can actually dance in our nerd panties!!

At 2:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am constantly surprised when I have to leave for an hour at what I come back to! You guys are SO funny!

Nerd panties, Flower gnome vs the Bees, Demon Pigs!

Thanks for clearing up the Trilithon. Now I want one of those too, with Gargoyles, and fairies, and a frog sprinkler!!!!!!!

At 2:05 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I will put the Nerd Panties™ designs on the list. Right behind the Fod Shirts, Merry Housekeeper's flyer, Quiche's new website, and whatever it was Malena wanted.

Patience, young Jedi. :)

At 2:23 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Invite me out there when there is some decent (not snowcover) weather and we will go stone-hunting along rivers and creeks... we will find some monoliths and build you a trilithon!!!...or three!

Cute demon piggies!! love the description of 'potatoes with feet'

I will have to check out the other links a bit later.

At 2:27 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

K- potatoes with feet... this makes my day. LOL

Note from Ms. Stella:

"Thank you to all who have complimented! She left a P.S t me note for me that it's about time I've put her pictures up so she could be properly worshipped. She further noted that my bed won't be the target of her insolence for a week; I should enjoy it.

*do you see what I have to put up with??? sheesh! I must remind her that I'm the one buying her favorite cat food.

At 2:29 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I don't want to build it MYSELF. I simply want it to appear one night. When the moon is full, of course....

Such a busy day, I am starting to feel like it ought to be starting to slow down and be done with. But there is still Dog School, and that is still two hours away.

Tea would help this situation.

At 2:46 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dogs have to do what they are told. We live to serve cats. Good thing we have thumbs and can open tins....

My bed has been targeted by Venus once or twice WHILE I was IN it!

Don't think there wasn't something to discuss THAT morning...

At 3:50 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Thanks Fablo, It ain't easy, but I do what I gotta do to make myself and my beloved youngens happy! Lovely cats, he looks incredibly dignified. Mim & Venus stole my heart long ago...

At 3:55 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

LOL, Pantagruel! Nerd panties?! I love it!! they're not like granny panties I hope.

At 3:58 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

wow, talk about late to the party, my head is spinning. great photos of the kitties, the sweaters are quite cute! what is the monster next to mim in the first of your photos, Lorraine? the one with yellow and blue stripes? i like him. alot. that's not the five headed dragon, isn't that next to it? i use a 12 inch laptop so pic details are hard for me to make out. so are we doing a garden theme project? i haven't felt too hot last couple days, and tank was sick too, ugh, so i just kinda skimmed the last hundred or so comments. (thank you for the recipe - sounds delish! welcome to new posters, more the merrier! Dan, you are an awesome web-goblin) I thought the book page idea was cool too. and zombie gnome has struck a chord...

At 4:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Sue, better late than never...

It isn't garden gnomes, I think it's more "Things that might come to a haunted garden at night."

Jess suggested it, what was it again Jess????

(Someone needs to keep track of these things!)

I am off to Dog School. With the dog. WHo jumped on the counter when my back was turned ad sent the cooked chicken crashing and at one piece before I got in there.


The Bengals would have done it silently and then denied everything while licking their fingers.

At 4:56 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

That's because cats are Ninja's. Anyone else laugh hysterically at the (really bad) movie 'Cat's & Dogs" the Siamese cats were Ninja's with night vision goggles (as if they'd need them). There was a tiny Russian Blue as a spy who was pretty funny too.

At 5:17 PM , Blogger Hera said...

how wonderful !
Yes could do a calendar.. need to knit a few more sweaters.. But - I was just sent a couple of pictures from home, of Loki - the hairless dog... He has lost all but one tooth (a common problem apparently) and now has a constant goofy look with his tongue out (emailing pics to you Lorraine..)He will turn one year old next week.. and he's wearing a traditional Icelandic sweater made with Lopi ;) xox

At 6:14 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Hi Jess
Yes; the corn thing. The veggie soup I make has fresh corn & calls for it right off the cobb. I understand why now because no matter how old the soup gets; the corn NEVER gets soft or mushy. It always stays crunchy & sweet. Now I want some...

At 7:02 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

this blog is seriously developing my appetite - corn soup, mmmmmm and Jess, I agree it's fun to slice up the cob - when my youngest had braces it was one dinner chore i never minded doing. I have a great ham/bacon/corn chowder recipe which i've always used canned corn for, and i think i will try fresh next time (i am not an inventive cook and i am known as black thumb, my husband laughed when he saw my pitiful excuses of tomato plants, sigh, so i appreciate any and all ideas). Yes rooftop gardens at night, creeping crawlies, I have one project which was due today and i am not working on it (pantagruel i feel your pain with deadlines) as i am *paying bills* aka reading this blog....but this garden project sounds more intriguing...

At 7:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cats ARE Ninjas, tho I didn't see the movie. It's funny I just read your comment and at the same time got a text from Dr Score saying HE was watching a really bad movie!

Hi Hera, thanks for the pics! I think I will do a bit of a dog post, equal time and all....Do a calendar ! It would be huge...

You''re right Jess, It was Things that come to a garden at night, or show up there, or are brought there, real or un-real, rooftop and yew or not.

My corn will be ready soon, right now I am all about Toms...Tho the Birdchick is coming this weekend and she is ALL about Friend Green Tomatoes, and she does them GOOD.

At 7:12 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

tee hee, friend green tomatoes, interesting, tho i am not sure i would like to munch on friends :) now fried green tomatoes, yum yum yum i have read Sharon's blog where she waxes poetic about their goodness, and she is right!

At 7:33 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I think it could be either. I may want to make something in my own real or imagined garden... but I also may find that someone else's garden, real or imagined, sparks my imagination in some way. I think that could remain open. I also think there are some famous gardens, real and fictional, that could be fun to play in!

At 7:52 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Friend green tomatoes. I am such a dork! Spell check doesn't catch it when it's a real word. Well, Friend Green Tomatoes they are from now on!

I think the garden is the one inside your mind. And remember, "Page" is not literal. The "Book" will be not a book, but online. I think Danguy can help with that part...

I actually wrote a piece call "Haunted Garden" I think. Perhaps I should post it, to sort of start things along,? tho I think I am going to write music for my bit...

I am so darn shy about my words writing, which is silly, as I blog al the time and everyone who has read bits f this darn book have liked it.

Still, I am shy....

At 8:06 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Be bold!

At 8:36 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Are you saying , "Take my own advice" ?? That's what I would tell all of YOU, harder to TAKE my own advice than give it.

I actually have a publisher who keeps after me to send it to him, but, to be frank, I'm a coward...

At 8:39 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Darling, for Fod's sake and cuz teacher sez so: BE BOLD for us and the publisher. We are your cheering section: Go Lorraine Go! :) can't wait to read it !

At 9:58 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Ms. Fabulous, think of it as a school project and SEND THE DARN THING IN! It is an automatic "F" if you don't. You will be taking no less a risk sending in a manuscript to a publisher, especially one that wants it, than performing a piece of music you composed in front of an audience. The difference is in the speed of response.

Really, what do you have to lose? Not your jobs. Not your friends. Not your family. Be "the little engine that could" in this, too.

Okay. Lecture over. ::sigh::

My daughters have watched Cats and Dogs so often that I should have the dialogue memorized. A great movie it's not, but I don't know that I'd go so far as to say it's bad. Campy.

My current cat, Tangwyn, had his baby fangs and his adult fangs in at the same time for a few days. I've read that that is not too unusual, but I thought he looked like a teenage mutant vampire kitty at the time. That was eleven years ago.

Web pages work, too. Though I will note that it is possible to put music in a page with recordable chips. The quality isn't great, but it is doable. ;)

At 10:04 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thank you, and you are so right...Sigh. Harder than one would expect, tho I don't l mpw why...

At 1:46 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Bite the bullet and be it, Lorraine. Bite the bullet.

Just remember. You are called Fabulous for a reason.

At 3:53 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Wow! This post is going all over the place. I am catching up slowly but of course you guys adding 83 comments is not helping...

Brjann. Looks cool in his sweater (I particularly love the first picture). Not sure about glasses...

Mim is the queen of evil! No place will ever be out of bound for her. No hiding place for catnip anymore.

Pouncing cats in space? Not sideways, unless there are vicious solar winds or they would have eaten too much crab). According to one of our astronauts (we call them "spationautes" because we French like to do things differently) they would pounce in slow motion and probably never land on their prey. It would be like a perpetual version of the infamous Achilles/turtle race...

Blackberries! To think I ate the last before we went on holiday (I wonder if any might have grown still despite being late in the season. I could always replace them by the peppers that are now available in the garden and make a savoury cobbler out if it, but it just wouldn't be the same...

Flower power is SO cute. It triggers a lot of happy imagery.

Did already write a story about things that happen in gardens at night (story triggered by your boss, Lorraine, actually. Not sure if I haven't sent this one to you...)

Have I covered everything that came to mind when I read the whole thing?
Most likely not, but I should prepare some lunch.

At 11:08 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, teach you to go on Holiday? Did I say yet we missed you????

At 1:57 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

k- i'm sure you ck out the cheesburger site now and again; this one in particular struck me as mim & venus. it's the pic that say's 'Come Find Me'

At 4:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Going now to check this out, heard of it bt never been...LOL

At 9:07 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Actually, as far as LOLcats are concerned THIS one is pure Mim.


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