Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Day With Pictures

The Cookies got made! Sadly, not by Assistant Girl, one of those days that never stopped, so I enlisted some Young Ladies to help out. They didn't seem to mind too much.

I think they did pretty well, more than well, better than I, I am thinking.

And how about a Frosting Party????

All very fun! And when I was downloading the photos, I found they had done this, (Having been following the Saga of Kitty and the Frosting)

I am glad this is a picture post, Boot Camp Dog School did me IN tonight. Here's some pictures of tonight's leash walking with Bengals....

Despite running for the door as soon as the little harnesses are on, Venus is not SURE this is good.

Mim up a tree....

Mim up another tree. (Mim likes being up trees.)

Michaela and I came to the conclusion that next time we will have a third person, who actually knows how to , uh, take pictures, doing the shooting, like our Kitty. But I have to say, I think this is one of the most beautiful shots of Venus ever...

Love, Frosting and Outdoors with Kitties,


At 8:35 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

The Assistant gets assistants! Though it does look like there was some nepotism involved. ;) They seem to be having lots of fun. I would have sent Ms. Kitty her own frosting, too. :)

Those darn Bengals! Venus always has a sour expression on her face, and Triple M won't even show hers! That's okay. When we take pictures of my girls, we can never get them to both smile at the same time. Even a professional photographer had a hard time doing that.

At 8:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It's like they just won't POSE. Or do what they are told.

It's hard to see in that last photo, but Venus looks really really happy, slinking around in the grass....

At 8:46 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Actually the purple harness agrees wonderfull with Venus' coat. Very stylish. and it looks like Mimsy disapproves of the leash, she seems to say "leat me get at that tree!".

Your assistants look like they are having loads of fun indeed. The bat cookies look really cute (and this reminds me that I havent even tried to use the bat cookie cutter I got when I was over there - must do something about that): Congratulations to the girls!

At 9:11 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The girls did have fun, I love it that it is summer holidays and they are around all the time.

The purple does look nice on the Bengals, we will get some really good shots as soon as we can.

Hey, any Mac users out there who might know how to get my toorbar to re-appear? If I mouse on down it pops up, but I want it to be there allthe time, like it used to be before Mim sat on the keyboard...Dr Wicjed? WHere are you? Danguy???

And oh, Dr Wicked, we are recording again at Charlies on the 23th of July. Got the tapes of the first two nights but am too nervous to listen...

At 9:30 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

What do girls that age do in the summer? I only have a vague memory of what I did then and I did not live in the middle of nature like you guys do.

At 9:36 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

if they're anything like my daughters they "hang out", and if you ask anything further, they look at you and say, y'know, just hang out...... one of the wonderful purposefully vague terms, designed to keep parents at bay :) looks like a fun day, the cookies look great! and the kitty pics are amazing! Hope Cabal behaved himself!

At 9:39 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, I can only speak for here, but it seems to involve a lot of text'ing, trampoline, biking, I-Tunes and watching softball games. And the radio. I am learning a LOT about what is cool these days.

And I am greeted a lot with "Whas up Dawg??"

I love kids. Any age. And these ones rock.

At 9:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cabal did great. We learned "Weaving" with poles. It was really hot tho. He went home and collapsed.

I went home, did chores and walked the Bengals.

And collapsed.

At 10:10 PM , Blogger Yoga Gal said...

May I ask one question?

Why do you frost the bat cookies purple?

Great photos love the kitty clibimg the tree.

At 10:11 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And there's me thinking hanging out was just for bats...

Great work out, Lorraine.

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

because purple is a royal color, and it reminds us of PRINCE.
ok, i have no idea.
but man, i love love love the idea of my own batch of frosting, didn't think i would RATE that.
xoxox to my darling friends of L'aM and miss Maddycake + her second assistant --is that Lexi--i can't tell in photo---a big kiss to you all.
that package best get sent off by Fed Ex, event is SATURDAY!!!

At 11:11 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Too cool, ladies. The bats look awesome. I think purple is the right colour because A) it is hard to make a bad black with standard food colouring and B) purple is also a spooky bruise-pallet hue and a good alternative to black.

Lorraine - To change your dock (I assume that is what you mean by your toolbar) you go to the system preferences (normally in your dock) and select 'Dock'. There should be an option to 'Minimize using' or something like that... and you should be able to make it stay on the screen by using the right selection.

At 11:14 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

and here I am, having just had multiple slices of homemade strawberry-oatmeal pie fresh from the oven and I am drooling over bat cookies. :-) grass is always greener... although that pie was pretty good... I bet it won't last long.

At 11:20 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Besides which
- Purple is cool
- Lorraine likes it that way (if I may say so).

At 12:38 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Lorraine, do you mean your Mac's Dock is hiding? Try option-command-D, to toggle it on and off. Or you can right-click on it, and bring up the contextual menu that should have 'Turn Hiding off' (or some reasonable facsimile thereof). Or, a third way -- go to the system preferences; then 'dock,' and then turn hiding off from there. The first way is the fastest, though.

The Bengals look lovely, as do the Bat Cookies... which you are taunting me with, I see. Hrmpf. The Bat Cookie chefs look like they're having a blast. ;) I will just content myself with having single-malt on its own. Without Bat Cookies.

Will the Saga of Kitty and the Frosting be sung by a skald?

At 4:10 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Those cookies looks great. *yuM*

How do Venus and Mim take to having the harnesses put on them?

Of course Mim likes climbing trees. You can tell that she wants to get up high in order to leap down upon unsuspecting victims. DEATH FROM ABOVE!!

At 7:36 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Do cats ever really POSE for the camera? Gosh, I'm learning so much from this blog ....

The bat cookies are so cute. Maddy is very photogenic.


At 7:41 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Some of mine do (3 out of 4, not bad)
Depending on if they can be bothered to or not, of course...

At 7:45 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dock. Yes that's it. It has disappeared. HOW could the Bengals do this????? Control D brings down a boookmarks bar.

Mim loves playing DEATH FROM ABOVE!!! It's her best trick! And they are onto the fact that when the harnesses go on, they go out, its surprisingly simple, oddly enough.

Of course purple, what other colour would you make bats??? It's kind of a no brainer.

Ok, tea, then more commenting.

At 8:47 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I'll email you a quick dock-hiding/revealing tutorial with screenshots. :)

At 9:01 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh those cookies look good. Can't wait to dunk one in a glass of Jameson. Okay... maybe dunking would not be such a good idea.

Love the photos! The Bengals look fabulous in purple!

At 9:07 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Lorraine - try using [OPTION]-[CONTROL]-[D], not just [CONTROL]-[D]

or go to the System Preferences (you can find it on the dock. You can change the system commands in there under the option 'Dock'

At 9:09 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Still no tea. What is wrong with this DAY????

Everything looks better in purple! Me, Bengals, cookies!!

Aleta, go ahead and dunk away! Only you might want to try Guinness...Clearly better for Bat Cookies...

At 9:16 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Oooh, Guinness + Bat Cookies. Oh yes. Guinness is a load-bearing staple in my household, right up there with coffee. I am out of it at the moment, and it's a Crisis.

Tutorial is emailed. ;) I want to hear nothing about the lighting in the photo of the keyboard. My cat kept looming and blocking the light. Clearly, we know whose side of the Feral Feud she's on.

At 9:52 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

She included PICTURES of her fingers pressing the right keys. Clearly she knows me.

At 10:02 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

All hail Pantagruel! That's is the coolest thing ever!!

At 10:03 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Eeeek Guiness.
That tastes like something that might be good for you. Actualy had a medicne as a kid that tasted just like that. Blaaaah. It would be a shame to dunk those cookies into that.
Tea on the other hand...
TEA, Lorraine. GO. MAKE. DRINK.
When you have the time (or are just desperate for something fun to blog about) will you post the recipe? Please?

At 10:05 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Clearly, she's figured out what type of computer geek you were...
Go, Val!

At 10:06 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Val is pretty awesome.

At 10:37 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Thank you all. ;) Once upon a time, when I was just a designer, not the art director I am now, I had the great grand misfortune of also being the IT person for my office full of artists and designers and writers. For over 10 years, I wrangled a network of Macs. This is slightly different than the woes of an IT person who supports PCs, however.

A great example was the day my artists managed to get not one, but two keyboards to burst into flames and clouds of black, foul smoke, all in the same lunch hour. Apple was extremely impressed by this, and wanted the keyboards back for forensic analysis. PC users generally don't manage to get quite that creative in their breaking of things.

So really, showing someone which keys to press? Piece of cake. ;) If we were in the same room, I'd say, 'Ah, you need THESE ones, look,' and you'd say, 'Oh! Okay.' Photos are just the next best thing. ;)

At 10:44 AM , Blogger scored4life said...

Okay, something I can chime in on here. If you have not tried it yet, dip OREO cookies into Guinness just like it was milk. Okay, drooling now and still at work (not that it's an odd look for me or anything).

Cant wait to try the cookies!

Nice job on the Mac assistance pantagruel.

At 11:01 AM , Blogger Adri said...

Omg, your cats are lovely! Hooray for marbled bengals! (Mine are spotted, but marbles take my breath away)

I have matching black harnesses for my boys, which they agree to stay on so long as Interesting Things are happening.

At 11:20 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Ah Val... I hear your pain... my office is not quite so extensive but I get the pleasure of being the whole office including the IT department... our PC is rarely ever used (and now that the monitor seems to be dead it is never used) however we still have three macs and two different printers... let me tell you it is "fun" negotiating between baby-mac, momma-mac, daddy-mac, goldie-pc, and the two printers... especially because none of the other people who work in this office (read my boss and his wife) seem to know how to use their own computers or where anything is in the files. I got a call last weekend because my boss didn't know where we stored our everyday promo photos. That call was, however, significantly better than the call I got a while back where he didn't know how to close down a window... or the 30 minutes a few weekends back where I was trying to help him print a photo. sigh... my boss says his excuse is that he owns a horse & carriage company... therefore he is still in the horse & buggy days. I think he needs to put me on salary... not hourly pay.

At home I have 2 PCs... and I still haven't decided which camp I am in ... PC or Mac. Traditionally I am PC person... but these macs are tempting... except for the lack of decent games and programs for them.

I really love the Photos. That last one of Venus is my favourite. I like her smile.

At 11:41 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Blew up a keyboard?? SNicker. I could manage that...

Drooling Dr Score, you can have as many cookies as you like Saturday with your Jameson! If you can get them away from Aleta and her friends.

Marbles are striking. I wanted a Silver, and thought that's what she was listed as, so she would match Venus, but when I saw the picture of her, I lost me heart.

Mim goes EVERYWHERE, I can't walk them both myself, Venus takes a longer look at things. Mim, when she sees a tree, sort of revs up, and LAUCHES. If Michaela isn't paying attention, I yell LAUNCHING!!!!

At 11:45 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think I MIGHT win the "Boss calling at weird times with strange requests" contest....

Macs rule. Hands down. PC's Suck, she says, no doubt sparking another war....

At 12:01 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

You would winn that.
But you have also a boss that is officially weird.
It helps.
(still haven't figured out the snorgable bit, though)

At 12:05 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Lorraine, if you can blow up meat, you can blow up a keyboard.


At 12:13 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Actually Lorraine... you DO DEFINITELY win the 'boss calling at all times with wierd requests' game... for sure... no bets taken. I could tell that from my brief visit... but I am sure he is not the type of boss to call and ask you how to close a window on the computer.... at least he has that one down.

I didn't expect to be swayed from my pro-pc mindset ... but the drag and drop tech on macs is nice... and they seem to fix themselves most of the time.. however since we use Microsoft's Entourage for all our e-mailing and Excel for our spreadsheets... and since those programs keep having errors (and Microsoft's support SUCKS BIG TIME) I am still frustrated with the Macs. I set up a whole billing/receipt/daily reminder/reservation system with Excel and Word, inputted the season's reservations and then the bloody Excel program on the mac refuses to sort and now has an error that I cannot work around. I ended in tears a couple weeks ago over it. So the problem is that Macs are great until you need programs... and the programs that I need to use were designed for PCs.. by evil Microsoft...and Microsoft won't help without more money... and my boss won't consider using other programs (and god I don't want to try to teach him since he can't seem to remember where our files are... he asked me last weekend if I had moved the promo photos and I said no, they have been there for over a year).

I bet you could blow up a mac keyboard... but I don't recommend that you TRY to do so. We believe you. Really.

At 12:13 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

apparently I am babbling a lot today... sorry.

At 12:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, how could I have forgotten about blowing up the meat???? After that, keyboards would be a walk in the park!

Nathilie you Arrogant Frenchwomen! How dare you say my Boss is weird!! En Gauarde!

At 12:25 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It was on his blog, it being now an official thing and not just something Maddy said, you know...
You can "en garde" the magazine that listed him.

At 1:19 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Before meeting the Boss I expected him to seem a little weird, but was pleasantly surprised when the ocassion arose. I mean, I wouldn't have minded particularly if he HAD seemed weird, but I liked that, during our brief exchange, I could hardly tell how whacked he must be in the head to write some of the things he does.

That last part was a joke. Honestly. No offense intended.

Well. Maybe a half-joke.


At 1:36 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, yes, Maddy does call him weird. She also calls me weird. I told her " You say that like it's a bad thing"

Don't worry Emily, you are too sweet for me to go after, it is only Arrogant Frenchwomen and Uppity snob Batgirl Photographers that I am out to get, hee-hee....

Storms firing up here, watch out Minneapolis/St Paul!

Great, and I get to drive thru them to get to my gig.

At 2:20 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Bontouche, Emily! Nice one. :) How can we forget the exploding meat? Man, maybe I don't want to come out and visit, now, not even if lured with Bat Cookies. Gods only know what might happen -- I might explode from proximity to Lorraine.

Paul, Guinness with Oreos? And you're smart? My kind of man.

At 4:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am off for my gig now, expect a very sleepy comment late tonight, and a very special blog tomorrow!

But feel free to chat along without me this evening, like catching up when I get home!

At 6:38 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

have fun Lorraine, sounds like a fun xchange was had by all today! a bit braindead today.....have a good evening all!

At 8:45 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hope your gig is going well, and the weather behaves. :)

On the Mac v. PC jihad, I'll simply point you to this memo Bill Gates wrote back in the day to his own staff. But then, I've been using Macs since the 512K model, and am a huge Open Source adherent; I'm not exactly objective.

At 9:16 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

As to why purple bats, why not? ;)

Actually, I made miniature bat cookies, along with other miniature Halloween cookies, with Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa in the dough last Halloween for my eldest's kindergarten class. They came out almost black, no frosting. Didn't bring any home either. :)

I'm going to have to agree that Boss is weird, but that's okay because he's in good company. :)

At 9:21 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I certainly hope that you are having a good gig tonight. A good one tomorrow night, too.

Somehow, Oreos dunked in Guinness just don't appeal to me. It may have something to do with the fact that I don't like Guinness.

At 9:26 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

And just so we'll have reached 50 comments (at least) by the time you read this...
I prefer Mike's Hard Lime, or Mike's Hard Pomegranate Lemonade. The latter must have done really well as a limited run because I think I was only able to buy two six packs a month ago. I haven't seen it since then.

At 11:10 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Oooh fifty comments already!

What was I going to say? Oh yes, PC vs Mac. Grew up on Mac, work with PC.
Have a PC at home because I just could not bring myself to spend the double amount for less performance even if the Mac was prettier but my love is an Ubuntu developper so bill Gates thingies are really not an issue there...

And I must say that I did not find the boss particularly weird but I am probably the wrong person to have a judgement in that. Mmmm. Better make that "probably" a "certainly".

Have a great time Lorraine, I hope the storms are living you safe.

At 12:37 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

I think he is one of the kindest and most generous people I have ever met.

Weird... what is weird? I'm weird, you're weird, we are all weird.

btw... great colour in those pictures.

At 1:03 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Gig good, says brain dead zombie.

Bed now. You guys rock. over 50! Good work. You will LOVE tomorrows post.

Bed now.

Oh, I already said that.

At 2:11 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Glad you're home safely. ;)

How weird can Boss be? He has fantastic taste in assistants, because Lorraine is indeed incredible and fabulous. We both drive Minis, so he has good taste in cars, too. And he liked my art and my writing, so, really, whatever sort of weird he might be, I'm totally fine with. Unless I discover he's really a member of the Voodoo Wasp/Bengal Alliance and likes Zombie Oatmeal. Then, he'd be a total crackpot.

At 2:50 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And while you were sleeping, I have given you an award.

At 7:46 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

oooh Val, you have a mini? I am so totally envious, I just love those, maybe maybe someday, sigh. On the Mac vs pc debate - i have an old pc desktop for my husbands' business accounting stuff, and some years ago I got a small powerbook laptop, which i love. I have swung over to mac - so much more intuitive, easy to use. However, the lack of programs is an issue - i agree with rubuis, but doesn't affect me as i pretty much just use adobe stuff. and talk to you good people here! What a sweet award Nathalie - one of these days i am going to have to get a french english dictionary so i can translate your posts - you lose me with the first word :) It's supposed to hit 100 here in portland today, hope everyone else is having decent weather.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Tea, Says Zombie. Why am I up this early?

But I'm happy! Thank You Nathilie!!!!!!!


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