Friday, May 23, 2008

Music is a Good Thing....

Ok, this is an Officially Long Day.

I was going to come straight home from the gig, and sleep, which is clearly what's needed, but now I seem to be wide awake, on some sort of strange second (read: SIXth) wind, and the Bengals being un-interested in anything but food, and tearing around crazily, I will chat with you for a bit...

Great gig. Much too fun. It is strange playing with someone you don't gig with regularly, you know a lot of the same things, only completely differently. Makes for some fun. In this town, the Irish bands tend to be pretty incestuous. Mostly duos, as the gigs pay by the band, not person, so when your bandmate can't make it, you call someone else, and do the show.

Malena and I chatted most of my drive in about the possibility of doing a show, and how we could make it work, as we love, so much more than anything, to play together, and kicked around a lot of ideas about how this could happen. In this town you really can pull things together fast,and we really want to make it happen, Fingers crossed, we will make it work.

I love getting a chance to play with Johny, he has such a spooky way of turning things around that brings so many things out of me, which tonight was enhanced by the fact that The Spotlight was burned out, and the Pub turned the lights down and we got to play nearly by candlelight. (I hate the spotlight, tho I can see the reason for it, think deer in headlights)

It was kind of a different crowd and I couldn't figure them out. And started to get really nervous, thinking, I don't know these songs and I don't know what to do, when it occurred to me all one could do was to have some fun and play what made us happy.

Which turned out to be everything BUT any Trad Irish. Van Morrisson, Richard Thompson, U2, Ernie Ford, Johnny Cash , White Stripes, Waterboys, Jimmy Buffet, Pouges.....And I wrote a new tune too....Came to me while playing an old one and Johnny was right there. I sort of added it on as it made me happy.

There is not much better than good music.

I wish you had been there. All of you.

Love and music,


At 1:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could've been there..I'm desperately trying to imagine what your White Stripes cover would be.;)

I kind of like the idea of a more gently-lit show. I always feel sorry for performers 'cause spots are so blinding (and not to mention, HOT).

Hope Kitty Psycho Hour was short-lived and they finally let you sleep.

At 5:55 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

and here's hoping they didn't wake you up with their special little morning gift!

At 8:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome gig. :) It's cool to hear your perspective on playing. White Stripes? Just like Kali-licious, I'm dying to know what that sounded like. And you and Malena should totally do a show! (Only, selfishly, I want you to do it in LA, of course. I can so see you rocking Molly Malone's!)

At 8:41 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I don't know the name of the White Stripes song, and don't seem to have whatever cd it is one, have only ever heard Johnny do it, I need a copy. I call it "Hey little Ghostie"

Does anyone know it?

The Bengals could have done ANYTHING to me when I finally fell asleep last night. I was dead to the world.

Malena has told me of Molly Malones. I'd love to play there. We want to do another big Convention concert, so anyone involved, we'd be WAY up for some Music Guest of Honor action...Heeeellloooo....

At 9:19 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

somehow... that little Ghost song rings a bell :-) (I loved that one... it was great)

I WISH I could get you out here... but sadly our congoers out here seem very non-musically inclined. Last year we had a concert with Martin Springett (our artist GoH), Peter Beagle (our author GoH) and Tony and Vixy (our musical GoHs) and it just didn't get the great numbers I had hoped for. It still went well... but I had hoped for a bit better. Our musical congoers are all about filk... filk filk filk.

At 9:35 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Malena and I could change that.

At 9:45 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And Johnny is good fun as well. so glad you guys had fun.
And I'd love to sen a LaM show of course...

At 9:51 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Yes, I would love to see you play someday. Maybe I can travel out west in a few years. I'll let you know if I ever do.

I'm glad you had such a good gig!


At 10:52 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

If we had our way, we would tour the country (or world) stopping only in such places as all of you lived.

We want to book a Convention far enough out, so that you can make Plans.

THAT will be a PARTY!

It was a really fun gig. Johnny, when playing with Adam, in the Tim Malloys, is a full on Rock God, but with just me, he is much gentler, I guess would be the word, more about weaving melodies together.

At 9:02 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Cool! Would you believe that I have three of The Waterboys albums? "A Pagan Place," "Dream Harder," and their most recent, though the name escapes me except that "lightning" is in the it. So, which of their songs did you perform? :)

At 11:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The first Waterboys album is one of my first fav's of all...We did When will we be married, Dunfords Fancy, Fishermans Blues and When ye go away...

At 8:02 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

LaM Global Party 2009. "They travel the world in their ice cream van..." Hey, if KLF can do it, why not you? ^_^


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