Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Zombie Brain and Itches

Ah, now I am remembering all the joys of doing the Renn Fest. It seems to take until about Wednesday to get my energy and brain back up to speed, I was Zombie Lorraine all day yesterday, tho I did work all day and managed to make a truly wonderful stuffed marrow for dinner. So tomorrow I shall set the world on fire , and then start it all over again on Thursday evening, playing at Kierran's. ( from 6:00pm until 10:00pm, oddly enough )

I am still battleing a nasty case of Poison Ivy , tenacious stuff it is. My doctor, the intrepid Dr Dan , seems to think I got it from one of my cats and givin the locations of the ITCHY OOZING MASS OF DOOM , I would say it is from the cat that I pick up in my arms and cuddle against my chest like a baby every time he comes home from his travels. I also rub my face on him sometimes. It is mostly better except for one patch on my arm. So much for the Country Mouse....

( and yes, I have heard ALL the jokes already. Nothing like having a , uh, Chest full of poison ivy the weekend Renn Fest starts, when one has to wear a , uh, Chest displaying Bodice thing....)

Went for my Butt Reducing walk with Christy this morning already and am now off to make a discustingly healthy salad thing for lunch. I shall work all afternoon on things and then go for another Butt Reducing walk and have some of my wonderful Bison and from the garden veggie sauce stuffed Marrow , work a little more and try and stay awake until 10 tonight.

And , of course, talk for a while with Malena.

Love and Itches, Lorraine


At 8:24 PM , Blogger Fabulous Lorraine said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I love it that you are wearing our shirts. Tell our band B hers is on the way. I'm busy doing readings and making potion this week. YOU ROCK my Sherpa!

At 12:59 AM , Blogger K said...

Poison ivy! You poor sweetie. I've only heard of it in books but it sounds pretty awful... hope it gets better soon.

I can sympathise with the tiredness. I started a new job last week (with real full time hours, which comes as a nasty shock to the system). I was managing OK until I went to the gym yesterday, then came home and fell asleep on the sofa at 9pm. And usually Nocturna ought to be my name.

Bison? Can you eat bison? I suppose it's full of protein...

At 2:19 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Fuddrucker's sells Bison Burgers. They're good, too, even if they are only in the 1/2 pound size. Good thing it's lean meat. Bison jerky is good, too.

Gee, can you tell I like bison? ;)

At 7:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Poison ivy is iffy enough, but to get it from a Beloved Cat...wah! That said, I trust that everything will be fine when The Bodice finally surrounds the affected area.

Mmm, salads. Our local California Pizza Kitchen finally harkened unto the pleas of its clientele and added a few more salads to the menu. Yum!

Antihistamines and calamine lotion are your friends for the moment, methinks.

cindyg aka starshadow rivaulx


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