Fast Cars and Women
I can't believe how fast the time has gone this week! It has been SO much fun working on the cd, and learning new songs. I have been playing more and more guitar and am starting to believe I remember how to play. Malena has been working on the violin , so soon she will be able to play while I strum, kind of a flipped around Flash Girls. We have been coming up with many new ideas for songs, and managed at one point to combine an old REO Speedwagon song with an older Irish tune, and yes, weirdly enough it works, I can't believe Everyone isn't doing it. ( can't wait to hear what our friend John Scalzi says about THAT )
( yes, mostly I said that so I could use my new found linking talents to link his Blog to ours )
Yesterday we attempted to get up early and go off into LA and take some meetings with people, I mean , we ARE in LA, I have been setting these trips up for my Boss for years, and that is what one DOES. Only, it took us 4 hours to leave the house, can't recall WHY exactly, and then we got kind of , ok, completely , lost and managed to MISS all of the meetings . Nearly died in Bel Air at one point, ( not that we were trying to get there, we were shooting for Beverly Hills ) apparently the speed limit in these gated communities is about 85 miles and hour and god help the girls in the little white Miata who are trying to turn around in the locked up driveways...( tho I must say if one certain girl had listened to the other girl and taken the nice little triangle turnaround at the entrance to said gated community we would not have had any problems in the first place, but then again, we would not have had this great story so one supposes it is all for the best, and we DID live thru it, but I can't fancy going BACK to Bel Air in anything but a limo...)
Where AM I in this story anyway??? Well, where ever I am, to make a long story , uh, shorter, we did end up finally in a place we had been lost in last time I was out here, and found not only a most excellent Italian place to eat, but parking right in front of it, and from there, located the ocean and a pass thru the mountains and came out safe and sound back home again. Meetingless.
Decided to stay in today and learn an old Gordon Lightfoot song, ( which sounds strangely like the Indigo Girls, who knew? ). Safer that way. For all concerned.
Love and speed from Bel Air,
ohh my ladies of the canyon.
i wish i had been the designated driver!
have a safe trip and take a minute to email me during recording breaks-ses.
a thousand kisses,
Kitty Cat
I can see some REO Speedwagon songs be readily Irish-ized -- and being much better for it. Now, do it with a Depeche Mode or Cure song, and I'll be even *more* impressed.
Have only the foggiest idea what a Miata is, or what Bel Air is like (apart from that ancient Will Smith sitcom-thing) but know all about getting lost. Glad you are now found.
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