Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Zombie Attack!!!!!

I think Mim has forgiven me for, as she says "Intentionally and maliciously" shutting her in the door last night, and catching her tail in the process. This may be one of the very few photos ever taken of TWO Bengals in repose.

I thought since we were talking about gardens today, daytime ones, I would post a couple of shots of mine. And since Dr Score said the other night to the Happy Guy that mostly we talked about Flowers and Kitties, but when we talked about Zombies, he was into it, I am going to work some Zombies in tonight. (Teach him, Sassy Pants!)

Something, all signs do point to Zombies, knocked down a bunch of my corn last night. Here, you can see the evidence of knocked down corn, and clearly, Cabel has spotted the Zombies in question.

And treed this a few moments later....

You can tell it is a Zombie Woodchuck because of the glowing eyes, and he fact that Woodchucks Do Not climb trees. (Hence their other name GROUNDhogs)

Mostly I just want to hear what Jess, Dr Score and Danguy have to say about Zombies...

Here's another Garden shot, just because I am proud of it.

I wanted to link to this, that Phiala sent me today, on the Amazing Exploding Knife. Snorted tea I did....

Tomorrow, Woodsman Hans and I get to build a solar powered electric fence around the Bee Hives. Well, I get to make sure he has everything he needs, and take some pictures. He gets to to go down there and build it. Tip for Hans, wear a beesuit!

(Guess he should have read the fine print in his job description, eh?)

As to why we need this, one word: Bears.

I had planned some serious Buffy viewing tonight, but forgot to bring them along, so may be off to bed soon. Doggie Boot Camp did me in....

Love and Zombies,


At 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't they sweet when they're asleep?;)

Bears?? I guess you live further out in the country than I thought!

Are you just gonna string flat wire up and electrify it? I know that works ok for horses, I don't think bears would respect it much. I certainly respect it, having been zapped plenty trying to duck through so I didn't have to run down to the gate.

At 9:36 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They LOOK sweet.....It's how they lull you into a false sense of security.

We researched fences, and have a Plan. We are going for the tapes, instead of wires, and fence posts, and poles. There are people who ride horses thru there (we don't mind) and the fence should be visable.

We are out in the country, and a couple years ago, a bear took DOWN the birdfeeders in the night. Yeah, kind of scary.....

At 10:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe when they're asleep they're just downloading plans/uploading information for the Bee/Bengal Alliance. Aren't they, Dan?

Tape is a Good Thing. My Mom had to extricate an owl from the fence once because flat wire is near invisible. It had tried to fly between the upper and lower wires and gotten it's wings hung up on the top (much mended and twisted) wire. She thought she'd have to wrap it up and take it to a vet but it somehow managed to fly off after she CAREFULLY detached it from the wire. (horse blankets are nice and thick and useful for this.)

You'd think bears would have better things to do than knock over birdfeeders. Bet it made an awful noise.

At 10:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Scary thing was, was that I was there, alone, and never heard anything...

How horrible for the owl! Yes, we are going to use tapes, I want nothing hurt.....

Venus and Mim are sleeping one on either side of me...No doubt downloading plans..

At 10:42 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

They are truly beautiful cats! I love the way the lighter one (sorry; new and don't know which one is which) looks so etherial next to the other. Ghost cat! How cool!

If you didn't hear a noise you can be sure it was a zombie bear.
My condolences to you.

Glad the kitteh's & dogger & locked up with you at night.

At 10:47 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Stacy, The brown marbled is Madame Mim and the Ghost Kitty is Freaky Venus Seaweed.

Zombie bear! We are being infiltrated!

At 4:07 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I have made Lorraine snort tea.


I am particularly proud of the last photo, the closeup of the gouges showing the copper deposition. Dan Guy, you would particularly like that one, I believe, and the whole electrovaporplating process is definitely something to keep in mind when you plan explosive devices.

I haven't watched Buffy either, but it is on the list of things to see, along with all the new Doctor Who. Maybe I need my own Netflix, as Nick seems to get all war movies and political documentaries. Or action things that I'm not interested in.

At 4:12 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, and Battlestar Galactica, so there's hope for Buffy/Doctor Who once we finish that.

I watched Doctor Who faithfully as a kid. We got two tv channels where I grew up (makes me either feel really old, to launch into "kids these days with their hundreds of channels on cable" - or perhaps both), but fortunately one had Doctor Who. Tom Baker, of course! I haven't seen any of the new ones, and haven't watched any old ones since college.

At 4:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cats are georgeous (and, as you say, no doubt plotting something..) i am also deply envious of your lovely big garden, as mine is tiny (also almost totally covered with conctrete, although I'm working on that, and have achieved grass, although only about 6 square feet of it so far.

Phiala, your kinfe post is great - fortunately having read Lorraine's first, I prudently put my tea down before reading it, to avoid snortage!

Lorraine - surely the best way to protect from Bears is to make sure that no-one in the family steps on any cracks? Have you explained this to the bees?

At 6:36 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Great pics of the knife Phiala! and wonderful recipes from the previous post, i am going to market tomorrow to buy beets. i may become a cook yet - you are all very inspiring, and i am in awe of your knowledge of different types of cuisine, spices, etc., i love to go to restaurants to try different things, but rarely cook for myself, particularly anything adventurous. Garden is glorious, tho I hope zombie animals stay the heck out of it! I remember the bear poswq3g SZ¸(sorry rocket is trying tgo communicate with the beNgals) posts from last` year? scary stuff, we get a few sightings OUT HERE BUT(rocket again)but we are a bit too south.

At 7:36 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

The garden is beautiful! I have a suspicion that you must have figured out how to add hours to the day. Some sort of looping or something. You get so much done! Or is it that I am just a slacker? Hm. :)

The knife pix are great!

It's raining here. Hurray!

At 7:57 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I can't get over how GREEN it is at your place! I so wanted woods like that to play in when I was a kid… hell, I want them now.

Zombie Bears, and suspicious woodchucks… is there no animal not part of the Bengal-Bee Alliance? The Cabal Cabal must stand firm against the entire rest of the animal kingdom, it seems.

Doctor Who -- aw yeah. He was my first role model, and I could go on and on about how wonderful he is. My childhood hero worship of the Doctor later grew into a serious weakness for brilliant, competent, and slightly daft men. Which reminds me, I need to finish knitting my Doctor scarf (the awesome burgundy one from Tom Baker's last season) -- only abut 9 more feet to go.

At 8:53 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Bengals and zombies and bears! OH MY!

The garden is looking marvelous.

With a little bit of reprogramming, the orbital mind control lasers have been repurposed as Bengal InfoDump Broadcasters (patent pending)!! Now as they sleep I am beaming the latest plans straight into their little craniums. Then they, in turn, can whisper to you as you sleep and plant subconscious suggestions. Like buying the buys a FrankensteinDevice -er- ribbon-based electric fence.

The woodchuck is so clearly a zombie. Either that or he's possessed by the ghost of a squirrel.

At 9:11 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Didn't Cabal have a run-in with a woodchuck earlier this year?

Yep, there it is on the April 3rd entry of Boss' journal (sorry but I have no idea how to link).

So, perhaps the zombie-chuck is the reanimated corpse of that very creature...has Bengal-bee alliance written all over it!

At 10:22 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

What IS it with these morning fires?????

Haven't even had TEA!!!!!!

Want to hang out with you....Alas. Soon?

Voodoo wasp bengal zombie garden bear attack....

At 11:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I've looked at those pictures of the knife I'm amazed that the divots in it are exactly the shape of the two copper wires that were in the cord. Science is cool.:)

See, I knew Dan would have the proper explanation, although this..
"The woodchuck is so clearly a zombie. Either that or he's possessed by the ghost of a squirrel."
..made me bathe my monitor. Thank Fod it was just water and not soda. lol

Fires before tea? This will not do.

At 11:41 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I can't believe they are so quiet.
I hope the fires will disappear quickly and far away from you.

At 12:18 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Marjorie, I shall take to reading AA Milne to the bears, I remember that poem, from far away....And how the bears couldn't get you if you didn't step on cracks...

I had a Dr Who problem for many years, when anyone would show me an episode, or I would catch one, it was always the SAME Darlek episode...Boss has been helping me with this.

I think I am going to simply throw myself onto Hans's electric fence, and turn myself into a Zombie Woodchuck bear.

This was no doubt suggested to me as I slept last night.

rats benglas bearszombies gardens night and day, she mutters, walking away pulling her hair out...The fires burn brightly.

At 1:11 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

A Zombie-Woodchuck-Bengal-Bee-Bear… the mind reels.

At 1:45 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

You know, I find it hard to believe in zombies after actually seeing a perfectly innocent squirrel being brutally overrun by a careless driver last evening. That little thing could never be a zombie.


At 1:46 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Emily, come to west LA. Most people here are zombies -- they just don't know it yet.

At 1:50 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...


Yes. Someday, Pantagruel! I can understand that. Rhode Island is very different from LA (or so I imagine), but it's a tiny state with such a dense population that many of its residents tend to be taut and withdrawn. It's just really cramped and stiff here. I remember visiting the South in January and being amazed at how much more relaxed and joyful people seemed to be.


At 1:52 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Those photos of the knife are really cool, Phiala. :) I meant to mention it before, but got caught up in all the food.

I hope the electric fence works; however, don't be surprised if it only works if a bear hits it with its nose, or maybe a pad on its paws. If a bear just walks through it, and all the tape touches is fur, he may not even feel it. Just something to keep in mind, though I agree that the tape is safer due to its visibility.

Wow. Green corn in August. I've never seen that before. Most of the corn in Texas is harvested by mid-July. The feed corn is left to dry on the stalk, and was harvested a couple of weeks ago. The other garden is pretty. :) Do I spy nasturtiums?

Love the photos Jess! I have to admit, I'm percolating a story/poem having to do with a ghost and roses and moonlight. We'll see.

Time to go meet DD1 at bus stop.

At 1:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My mind is reeling too, but I think things are calming down, for a bit anyway....At least long enough to have my morning tea and chat with you.

At 4:00pm. Hmmph.

Dan is very good at explaining, but what if he IS just after the honey???What if this world domination thing is just a cover?

Emily, I would not worry, the conditions need to be just right for it to turn into a Zombie, I am sure that one went straight to squirrel heaven...

Val, hee-hee, got that right!

I asked Hans if the bees were bothering him when I went down to take pictures, and he said one buzzed his ear and he told them"Hey, leave me alone, I am building protection for you!" and they did.

Gayle, Dan perfected stretchy time some posts ago. Keep up, hee-hee. I have been using his device for some time now, only way to operate in this many time zones...

At 4:30 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Having a 4-yr-old I now know how important it is to exploit the bees as taught to us in The Bee Movie -- I've now seen it at least 3 times. I also know that you must protect them from bears at all cost. We don't have bears around here, the settlers in the santa cruz mountains made sure to rid us of those pesky annoyances about 100 years ago. But we have their bastard cousins the raccoons. We have managed to find a cat door that actually keeps them out (after 3 failed door purchases). Hope the tape works for the *real* threats to America!

I am envious of the large space for the garden. I have a couple of raised beds in the backyard but not a lot of space to work with. It is an adorable thing to hear a four-year-old running from the backyard yelling, "mom! There are a ton of early girls!" referring to our tomato plants. so I'm glad I've used what space I have to grow what I can.

Said four-year-old is currently in his room banging on his drums and playing the kazoo... it makes the mother proud :)

just got back from the farmers market, I have to get the veggies and fish put away.

I hope the fire abatement has worked for the day!

At 4:39 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Chantrelle, sounds like you are raising him right!

Oh yes, what evil lurks in the hearts of raccoons! When they get in the garbage they get IN the garbage, and I think it was actually them who did in the corn, and not Zombie Woodchuck...

Sneaky bandits they are.

Off for Doggie Boot Camp, which sounds just about perfect.

At 6:09 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Hope doggie boot camp was fun! i am having problems with rocket's excessive barking, think i need to get her in an obedience class and maybe agility too - have you been enjoying the agility class with Cabal? does sound like fun. Chantrelle, your little one sounds very musical! It is such a fun age! It's fun until they are 21,21 and 18, and conference call you to resolve who gets the car labor day weekend. sigh. right now the answer is no one...

At 6:10 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

ok is it just my computer or is the type size on blogger changed to teeny tiny? Dan.......are you behind this?

At 7:13 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think it might be one of Dan Guys experiments gone horribly wrong, I'm teeny now too!

I love agility class with Cabal, He will never be a star, but he does better every week. I think he thinks of it as "Chase the chicken" but he gets to do things, be with other dogs and run around. And I get a workout, what's not to love?

Had two calls on the Bengals, one made me laugh, the other was great, but she already had 4 cats....Not so good for my girls.

When will we be big again????

At 7:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

There also seems to be a tab I had not noticed saying "Collapse comments" What does that do ?

At 7:29 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm seeing everything in normal size here. If it makes a difference, I'm using Mozilla Firefox 3.0 as a browser.

It probably was raccoons getting the corn, but considering what they've been doing to our sunflowers it could be squirrels. Squirrels have been biting off the heads of our sunflowers. We've watched the little fuzzy-tailed tree rats do it, so we know it's not something else. Grrrr.

At 7:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You're right. Firefox is normal, safari teeny. Ah safari...

At 8:08 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

hmm, safari here too. makes me feel blind, on a 12 inch screen very tiny!

At 9:00 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

For a moment I read "sunflowers have been biting the heads off our squirrels"... quite the visual!

Watching Weeds the other night I got the perfect quote for parenting. The mom asks, after she is completely lost control of her 2 teenage sons, "what did I do?" The eldest son answers, "you had boys"

At least I only have one!!

At 9:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Try Firefox, all is well over here.

"Sunflowers biting the heads off squirrels???" I so need to use that....

LOL, boys. Yup.

I will always kind of wonder what life would have been like with that Boy F! I nearly ended up with...I suspect I am better off not knowing.

At 1:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

collapse comments measn you just get a list of who has commented, with only the most recent showing - than you can open it out again with 'show all comments' (which comes where the 'collape comments' tag was.

Except if you're me you then feel guilty for having squashed all the nice people ...


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