Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lorraine a' Malena

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!

I wish I had a cute picture of Malena and I to post for you, but I'm all out. Maybe she has something that would be fun for today. ( one can only hope she doesn't try and top yesterday's, silly girl! )

I am having a lovely day here, listening to Miss Kitty's V-day mix cd and opening things from Lisa ( who left yesterday and still we weep ) and Kitty. Once I get my work done I am going to settle down and sew their V-day gifties. Lisa gave me the most beautiful art ever, and Kitty an entire box to make my Crafty things with. I adore them both.

I am all about girlfriend gifties for V-day, and forget the flowers and chocolate, these ladies are getting PILLOWCASES and bathe salts, which I recently learned to make.

Malena called yesterday after she opened her V-day gifties, and apparently I can sew after all. She loved her bag with all the jewels, and didn't seem to care my seams were not, uh, matching up all over the pillowcase.

I am also making Big Sexy a Batman pillowcase. I may have a new career going on here. Once I get these done, I am going to start this tote-purse thing. Prepare to become amazed as the days go by.....

Malena has the current Plague that is going around , poor dear, we may not hear from our Nocturna today, but I send her, and each and all of you my love and hope that your day is as sweet as mine .

Love and Hearts, ( Beating and alive! Today at least )


At 1:18 PM , Blogger Fabulous Lorraine said...

Yes, I have a cold. I'm coughing like I'm a 78 year old smoker with one lung.

My Dr. said I needed vitamin D. He told ME to lay out in the sun. Ohhh the horror! What ever happened to,
"Malena you need to find a cave and go dwell in it"
So, there I am laying out in my bra and Mr. Gorgeous' boxers in the courtyard with my silk robe wrapped around my eyes. Did I mention how bright is was? eEEEWwwww! Of course, Miles found the whole thing hilarious. Thank GOD he didn't have a camera.

Can I ask you all one thing? WHO thought of this aweful ritual anyway? It's hot, you sweat, your skin gets TAN, Oh NOOOOO!

I say we start a vitamin N support group. That's N for Nocturna. Moon bathing. Yes, we can all lay on our stomachs and let the moon light kiss OUR full moons.

I was out there for ten whole minutes and couldn't stand the torture. All I can say is, I'd better not get a damn TAN! Death becomes her............

At 3:00 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

And a Happy VD to you, too, Lorraine!


Pillowcases and bath salts, hmmmm.....good idea! Did you ever think about pillowcases and herbal dream mix? I know, not as easy to make as bath salts.

Sorry you're suffering from a cold, Malena. You know, it only takes about 20 minutes a day of sunshine to get your vitamin D quota. That shouldn't be enough to get you a tan, but that depends on your genetics. The bad news, sunblock also blocks vitamin D absorption. Surely checking your plants 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the late afternoon can't be that bad. At least, not this time of year. I don't know if it would do any good, but you might check around to see if full spectrum lights stimulate production of vitamin D. Granted, just getting out in the sun is a lot cheaper.

At 4:30 PM , Blogger mistress mousey said...

Baby oil... and Iodine - to make the skin even darker. Just ask my grandma.

I'm okay with being out in the sunshine, but if I'm not active in it then I get a nasty headache - so no sunbathing for me. Probably just as well I live in Fog City.

Feel better Malena!

And yay for lovey pressies and wishes from Lorraine! Happy Valentine's Day right back at you loverly ladies (and everyone else reading this thing today).

At 4:34 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Happy V-Day to all! I got the best Valentine in the form of a newspaper column outing the grinchy pet cemetery guy and his reprehensible behavior toward pet people. The reporter said she got a ton of supportive (for me) emails and phone calls. And I got a call from someone else who has a dog trapped in there. Best comment I got was from Birdchick's friend Julie (aka keeper of the Chet Baker), but it's best not reprintable here (it was *really* good!)

Kitty - I received your wonderful and generous mail and yes, I will scout around and find a pic somewhere, and I love the Dream-y magnet. THANK YOU!! (((Hugs))))

Lo - congratulations on finishing your projects! It does get easier. Really. I promise.

Malena - I hope you feel better soon. Hug your doggies, that's usually a good boost for any cure.

At 7:33 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Happy Valentine's Day all! Lorraine, glad you are feeling better-your friends are lucky to receive such nice gifts, and Malena, hope your cold vacates quickly! Thank you for the get well wishes Ravyn and Aglaia - Ravyn, your hubby gives new meaning to the phrase "spider veins" - haha! I have an etiquette question: if you want to answer a post, but its a few posts back, do you answer it in the past post, or reference it in the current one? I am never sure what to do, and never sure if the past posts are read again by the person you are answering. So at the risk of committing a faux pas, I will answer Aglaia - I have made about 15 or so glass castings since FG - some were gifts, some for auction and the last four will be incorporated into larger mixed-media sculpture. Glass is fun and challenging - most of my work is in clay/steel/wood and cast aluminum. I found a lovely grey glass that works well with the colors I tend to use. It's funny, I received the green glass as part of a kit and despised the color, then Fiddlers' Green came along and it was serendipity - Morpheus jumped in. I was darned lucky it didn't break or explode.

Remember to eat some chocolate everyone! My daughters gave me a card with a picture of a rat on it - bless their little hearts..

At 7:35 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

uhh, could I have written more? sorry, all...blame the post fever daze

At 7:52 PM , Blogger vandaluna said...

I'm all for sharing VD with my girl friends!! I have a better relationship with the Ravyn than I do anyone else. She is precious to me. We boost eachother and, when we need it, remind eachother that we are goddesses! You'd be surprised how much this helps get us through some of the sh#t we sometimes deal with! Well, maybe you wouldn't. Happy VD Ravyn, you goddess you!

And happy VD to everyone here. :-)

Sun tans: I just don't get it...what is so wonderful about a tan anyway? I love all skin colors. I like being pale white...I love darker skins. I say just be happy with what you have. What could be prettier than that nice pale skin in that piccy of Lolo yesterday?

At 8:10 PM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Thanks for the answer, ivenotime, I love to read about art and the craft that goes into it. I admire creativity so much, totally realizing that I don't have that talent. Oh well, someone has to be the audience! :-)

I hope you feel better soon, Malena. And I agree, pale = good skin.

At 9:01 PM , Blogger ravyn said...

HVD everyone, and be well.

Moon bathing, that sounds pretty cool. Um, when the temps warm up, heh.

When i was a child, i tanned very dark. That Latin blood, LOL. But once i quit going to the pool every day in the summer, my skin became much more sensitive. i burn more easily now. Though i still keep the tan for months.

Spider veins! hahahahaha! i didn't get to posting the photos, but i'll find time tomorrow somehow.

At 9:57 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Happy V-Day to all!!

At 6:10 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Happy bday Lorraine! Hope it is simply marvelous. Thanks for my answer and I promise to be nice!! Vanda and Ravyn, I envy you both, I lost two friends this past year and you are right, wonderful girlfriends are the best support network you can have. Apple, you truly had a great vday - your gifts(specially the t) rock - we have seen Princess Bride maybe in the hundreds of times, so we are not quite up to you (yet) And Aglaia, do not ever believe you are not creative, we are all creative souls its part of the blessing of being human - its our culture which squelches us. My personal mission as a teacher is to help change my students belief system, and believe in themselves and their powers.

At 8:09 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I've never in my life been tan; I don't think I'm capable of it. I go from pale to lightly burned in about 10 minutes, so just the usual walking from the door to the car is enough to keep me ghastly pink.

At 11:24 AM , Blogger vandaluna said...

One of my fav movie quotes, "My name is Inago Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die...(repeat)"

I know what you mean by not wanting to brag. It isn't bragging if you are simply telling something that is true. Any person who cares about you will be happy for you.

At 1:15 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Lorraine: Herbal Dream Mix (not that I know of any other type) is a blend of dried herbs with psychotropic (dream inducing) properties, almost all of which are highly scented. The exact blend varies from company(person) to company(person), but almost all contain mugwort and hops plus other herbs. A lot of people are allergic to hops, so you can find some blends without it. You use a small amount - around a 1/4 cup - in a small bag/pillow next to or under your sleeping pillow. In my experience, it takes about 3 nights using it for noticeable results. You will have very vivid dreams, which means you're more likely to remember them. I have some Dream mix which I've had for many, many years that I bought from Devonshire Apothacary out of Austin, TX. If you like, I could send you some - if it still has any scent left.

What use is a tan? Well, when I have a tan (not dark, mind you) my complexion is clearer. I haven't sunbathed since high school, so I'm usually moving around when out in the sun. My skin tone is also more even. That doesn't mean I don't take precautions when I'm going to be outside all day. YMMV.

At 4:35 PM , Blogger kali_licious said...

Oh no!..I feel your pain, Malena. I'm also down with the "ick." Hope you're feeling better today.:)

Sunlight-schmunlight I say. The sun is NOT my friend, 'cause I get sun poisoning and burn beet red. (Good old Irish genes.) Moon bathing sounds lovely, but not til it's warmer I think!


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